CAL-001                       09/13/89           Transmitting Dr. D. Ebbets’ Review of the UofA Calibration Plan                
CAL-002                       03/24/94           Preliminary investigation of the ground calibration source (GCS) requirements and design                                                        CAL-003                                                                                                                         
CAL-004                       06/20/94           Spectral calibration of the NICMOS instrument                                  
CAL-005                       07/01/94           Absolute radiometric calibration of the NICMOS instrument                      
CAL-006                       09/13/94           Absolute Calibration Source for the NICMOS Instrument                          


CRYO-002                      02/12/87           NICMOS CRYO-COOLER DESIGN                                                      
CRYO-003                      05/17/87           Lester’s Joule-Thompson cooler applied to NICMOS                               
CRYO-004                      02/13/89           Analysis of Temperature Delta in TEC-cooled Shields                            
CRYO-005                      02/20/89           Dewar Lifetime Sensitivity Analysis                                            
CRYO-006                      03/08/89           Camera Port Lifetime Trade                                                     
CRYO-007                      03/16/89           Dewar Length-to-Diameter Ratio Analysis                                        
CRYO-008                      03/28/89           Parametric Analysis of CO2 Tank Pressure                                       
CRYO-008             A        03/31/89           Parametric Analysis of CO2 Tank Pressure                                       
CRYO-009                      03/28/89           Analysis of Vent Line Pressure Drop                                            
CRYO-010                      04/17/89           Heat Leak of Filter Wheel Shafts                                               
CRYO-011                      04/17/89           Nitrogen/Argon Trade Study                                                     
CRYO-012                      04/17/89           Dewar Baseline & Weight Trade Studies                                          
CRYO-013                      05/08/89           DEWAR ANNULAR CO2 TANK CONFIGURATION                                           
CRYO-014                      05/11/89           Impact of MLI Performance on Cryo Lifetime                                     
CRYO-015                      05/12/89           DEWAR EXIT CABLING DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS                                       
CRYO-016                      06/01/89           TEMPERATURE RISE IN N2 TANK DURING AN OBSERVATION                              
CRYO-017                      06/02/89           REVISED TEC PERFORMANCE DATA                                                   
CRYO-018                      06/06/89           DEWAR CONFIGURATION TRADES                                                     
CRYO-019                      06/07/89           HEAT LEAKS OF OPTICAL PORT CONFIGURATIONS                                      
CRYO-020                      07/11/89           UPDATED HEAT LEAK ANALYSIS OF OPTICAL PORTS                                    
CRYO-021                      07/26/89           Revised Analysis of Temperature Rise in N2 Tank During an Observation          
CRYO-022                      08/02/89           Loss of vacuum testing and analysis for cryogen tank                           
CRYO-023                      08/16/89           LIFETIME IMPACT OF BLACK OPTICAL PORT SURFACES                                 
CRYO-024                      08/28/89           FILL AND DETANK TRANSIENTS FOR DEWAR                                           
CRYO-025                      10/09/89           REVISED CRYOGEN WARMUP TRANSIENT                                               
CRYO-026                      10/18/89           LIFETIME IMPACT OF REDUCED NITROGEN TEMPERATURE                                
CRYO-027                      06/01/89           Response to PDR Review Team Comments/Concerns on Cryogenic Fluid Management System                                                                         CRYO-028                      10/25/89           REACTIVE FORCE ASSOCIATED WITH CRYOGEN VENTING                                 
CRYO-028             A        04/07/94           Reactive Force Associated With Cryogenic Venting                               
CRYO-029                      10/23/89           Proposed CO2 Dewar Fill Test Plan                                              
CRYO-030                      11/06/89           N2 TANK VENT LINE LOCATION                                                     
CRYO-031                      11/16/89           N2 and CO2 Tank Operating Temperatures                                         
CRYO-032                      11/21/89           Cryogenic Valve Procurement Spec.                                              
CRYO-033                      12/05/89           SPECULAR V.S. DIFFUSE OPTICAL PORT SURFACES                                    
CRYO-034                      01/15/90           Rationale for Base lining Alumina/Epoxy Support Straps for the NICMOS Dewar    
CRYO-035                      03/16/90           DETECTOR TEMPERATURE RISE ANALYSIS                                             
CRYO-036                      03/27/90           SAPPHIRE WINDOWS FOR THE NICMOS OPTICAL PORTS                                  
CRYO-037                      04/06/90           NITROGEN VENT LINE HEAT LEAK                                                   
CRYO-038                      04/12/90           CRYOGENIC SUBSYSTEM HOUSEKEEPING INSTRUMENTATION                               
CRYO-039                      05/03/90           Why I Think we Should Delete the Internal Burst Discs from the NICMOS Dewar    
CRYO-040                      05/25/90           TEC FOLLOW-ON TEST REPORT                                                      
CRYO-041                      06/18/90           N2 FILL TEST PLAN                                                              
CRYO-041             A        10/26/92           REVISED N2 FILL TEST PLAN                                                      
CRYO-042                      06/18/90           RECOMMENDED BASELINE FOR DEWAR SUPPORT STRAPS                                  
CRYO-043                      08/28/90           LIFETIME SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS                                                  
CRYO-044                      10/31/90           C02 LOADING TEST FINAL REPORT                                                  
CRYO-045                      11/5/90            ANALYSIS OF MLI HEAT TRANSFER NEAR A SUPPORT STRAP                             
CRYO-046                      12/4/90            A NEW APPROACH FOR TEC/COLD FINGER TESTING                                     
CRYO-047                      1/29/91            DEWAR LIFETIME UPDATE                                                          
CRYO-048                      2/6/91             Lifetime Impact of Degraded MLI Around Dewar Support Straps                    
CRYO-049                      3/25/91            TEC COLD FINGER DESIGN, ANALYSIS AND LIFETIME IMPACT                           
CRYO-050                      5/7/91             DEWAR LIFETIME VERSUS DESIGN EVENT-5/7/91                                      
CRYO-051                      5/15/91            SINGLE STAGE CRYOGENIC GSE                                                     
CRYO-052                      5/30/91            WARMUP TRANSIENT FOR SINGLE-STAGE DEWAR                                        
CRYO-053                      6/7/91             LIFETIME SENSITIVITY FOR SINGLE-STAGE DEWAR                                    
CRYO-054                      6/21/91            UPDATED DEWAR LIFETIME ESTIMATE                                                
CRYO-055                      8/23/91            Nitrogen Vent Valve SCD Draft                                                  
CRYO-056                      9/11/91            VENT LINE ANALYSIS FOR SINGLE-CRYOGEN DEWAR                                    
CRYO-057                      10/24/91           COLD PLATE THERMAL ANALYSIS                                                    
CRYO-058                      12/04/91           UPDATED DEWAR FILL TIME ANALYSIS                                               
CRYO-059                      1/7/92             ADDITIONAL DETAIL ON GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT (GSE)                            
CRYO-060                      2/20/92            DEWAR INSTRUMENTATION DRAFT SCDs                                               
CRYO-061                      2/6/92             CRYOGENIC SUBSYSTEM INTEGRATION AND TEST SCENARIO                              
CRYO-062                      2/24/92            ICD REQUIREMENTS FOR THE EXTERNAL VENT SYSTEM                                  
CRYO-063                      8/5/92             DEWAR PLUMBING RATIONALE                                                       
CRYO-064                      1/7/93             ALUMINUM ALLOY SELECTION FOR VCS, TECI AND TECO SHIELDS                        
CRYO-065                      2/15/93            NO-VENT LN2 FILL TEST FINAL REPORT                                             
CRYO-066                      4/7/93             TANK-INTERNAL FILTER EVALUATION                                                
CRYO-067                      4/16/93            COLD SHOCK FOR N2 TANK AND PLUMBING                                            
CRYO-068                      6/14/93            DEWAR ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS AND WIRING DESCRIPTION                             
CRYO-O68             A        8/10/93            DEWAR ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS AND WIRING DESCRIPTION-REV A                       
CRYO-069                      7/23/93            Dewar Life Uncertainty Due to Sensor Measurement Uncertainty                   
CRYO-070                      11/16/93           DETECTOR MOUNTING CUP TEMPERATURE RISE DURING READOUT                          
CRYO-071                      12/2/93            Vent Line Analysis Revisited                                                   
CRYO-072                      12/7/93            ALTERNATIVE CRYOGEN VENTING SYSTEM                                             
CRYO-073                      1/17/94            N2 TANK TESTING                                                                
CRYO-074                      1/18/94            Effect on Manifold Pressure losses Due to Change in Manual Vent Valve          
CRYO-075                      1/17/94            Justification for Change of the Required Burst Disk Rupture Pressure           
CRYO-076                      1/31/94            NITROGEN TANK VOLUME MEASUREMENT PROCEDURE                                     
CRYO-077                      2/1/94             On-Orbit Manifold Flow Test Plan                                               
CRYO-078                      2/1/94             Loss-of-Vacuum Manifold Flow Test Plan                                         
CRYO-079                      2/1/94             Manifold Weight Reduction Considerations                                       
CRYO-080                      2/21/94            RESULTS OF N2 TANK VOLUME MEASUREMENT                                          
CRYO-081                      3/1/94             VENTING THE DEWAR ANNULUS TO SPACE                                             
CRYO-082                      3/7/94             Radiation Heat Leak Analysis of the TEC Cold Finger Assembly                   
CRYO-083                      4/11/94            Test Procedures, Qualification and Acceptance, Vent Valve (NICMOS) (519808)    
CRYO-O83             A        4/14/94            Test Procedures, Qualification and Acceptance, Vent Valve (NICMOS) (519808)    
CRYO-084                      3/29/94            NICMOS EXTERNAL MANIFOLD COMPONENT LEVEL TESTING                               
CRYO-085                      3/29/94            PRELIMINARY MANIFOLD ON-ORBIT FLOW TEST RESULTS                                
CRYO-086                      4/11/94            NESTED FILTER WHEEL DRIVE SHIFTS                                               
CRYO-087                      4/29/94            TEST PROCEDURES, ACCEPTANCE, VAC-ION PUMP (NICMOS) (519807)                    
CRYO-088                      5/2/94             Test Procedures, Acceptance, Vacuum Acquisition Fitting (NICMOS) (519805)      
CRYO-091                      5/17/94            Manifold On-Orbit Flow Test Results                                            
CRYO-092                      5/26/94            Justification for Re-Procurement of Vac-Ion Pumps                              
CRYO-093                      1/1/94             Thermal and Structural Optimization of the Radiators for the Thermoelectric    
(STRUC-063)                                      Coolers                                                                        
CRYO-094                      6/14/94            CAPILLARY LINE ON-ORBIT FLOW DESIGN ASSUMPTIONS                               
CRYO-095                      6/16/94            EM ADSORBENT CONTAINER TEST RESULTS                                            
CRYO-096                      7/6/94             Thermoelectric Cooler Power Options                                            
CRYO-097                      7/21/94            Dewar Outer Shell Heater (Heater 2) Layout/Mounting Provisions and Electrical Interconnect Requirements                                           
CRYO-098                      7/25/94            TECI WINDOW TRADE STUDY                                                        
CRYO-099                      8/1/94             Vent Valve Failure Report                                                      
CRYO-100                      8/1/94             PRESSURE TESTING PHILOSOPHY                                                    
CRYO-101                      8/12/94            Thermoelectric Coolers Radiator Material Reexamined                            
CRYO-102                      8/26/94            DEWAR VACUUM ACQUISITION REQUIREMENTS                                          
CRYO-103                      8/29/94            Emergency Vent Manifold Loss-of-Vacuum Test Results                            
CRYO-104                      9/16/94            Vac-Ion Pump Procedurement and Testing                                         
CRYO-105                      9/30/94            ATTACH BLOCK BOND TESTING                                                      
CRYO-106                      10/20/94           Preparation of Connectors for Pressure Transducers                             
CRYO-107                      11/8/94            Results of Flow Test with Flight Configuration of Capillary Vent Line          
CRYO-108                      11/9/94            Analysis of Flow Restriction in Vent Line                                      
CRYO-109                      11/11/94           Review of the Helium Cooling Line Flight Preparation Procedure                 
CRYO-111             A        12/23/94           BURST DISC REFURBISHMENT AND BURST TEST PROCEDURES                             
CRYO-111             B        1/20/95            BURST DISC REFURBISHMENT AND BURST TEST PROCEDURES                             
CRYO-112                      1/5/95             SUMMARY OF BURST DISC PROCUREMENT                                              
CRYO-113                      1/26/95            Burst Disc Assembly Recovery Plan, Results and Recommendations                 
CRYO-115                      02/16/95           ANALYSIS OF ICE FORMATION ON BURST DISC DIAPHRAGMS                             
CRYO-116                      02/16/95           X-Ray Results of Pressure Sensor Welds                                         
CRYO-117                      03/06/95           S-LINK Rework Disposition                                                      


DET-001                       7/11/88            BEST WAY TO RESET JFET’S                                                       
DET-002                       2/13/89            DETECTOR OPERATIONS-TUTORIAL NOTES                                             
DET-003                       3-7-89             NICMOS FPA READOUT CONTROL                                                     
DET-004                       6/15/89            DEWAR EXIT CABLE TALLY                                                         
DET-005                       6/16/89            LOW NOISE FLAT DEC CONCEPT                                                     
DET-006                       11/20/89           U OF A DETECTOR DATA ANALYSIS                                                  
DET-007                       12/21/89           DEWAR EXIT CABLE TALLY UPDATE                                                  
DET-008                       1/9/90             DEWAR EXIT CABLE DESIGN #2                                                     
DET-009                       1/23/90            RESPONSE TO DETECTOR ICD AI 8                                                  
DET-010                       4/16/90            DEWAR EXIT CABLE STATUS                                                        
DET-011                       10/11/93           FLIGHT FOCAL PLANE ASSEMBLY DESCRIPTION                                        
DET-012                       10/11/93           NICMOS DETECTOR TESTING-METHODS AND RESULTS                                    
DET-013                       10/11/93           CHARACTERIZATION OF NICMOS DETECTORS FOR SPACE ASTRONOMY                       
DET-014                       10/20/93           FOCAL PLANE ARRAY USERS GUIDE                                                  
DET-014              A        5/13/94            FOCAL PLANE ARRAY USERS GUIDE                                                  
DET-017                       1/23/95            FPA Cable Bend Test Results                                                    


ELECT-001                     02/27/87           Noise Sensitivity of NICMOS Detector and Electronics                           
ELECT-002                     03/10/87           Detector Reset and Detector Reset Compensation Generators                      
ELECT-003                     03/27/87           FOCAL PLANE POWER SUPPLIES                                                     
ELECT-006                     04/02/87           NICMOS PACKAGING                                                               
ELECT-007                     04/02/87           NICMOS ANALOG PROCESSING CHANNEL PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS                          
ELECT-008                     04/03/87           NICMOS 300 KELVIN READOUT ELECTRONICS SYSTEM SPEC.                             
ELECT-009                     07/15/87           TESTS OF THE NICMOS ANALOG SIGNA PROCESSING CHANNEL                            
ELECT-010                     02/28/89           APPROACH TO LVPS DEVELOPMENT TO MINIMIZE RISK                                  
ELECT-011                     03/07/89           MICROPROCESSOR REQUIREMENTS                                                    
ELECT-012                     03/03/89           ALLOWABLE POWER DENSITY FOR ELECTRONIC PIECE PARTS                             
ELECT-013                     03/30/89           MICROPROCESSOR SELECTION                                                       
ELECT-014                     03/20/89           CLOCK SYNCHRONIZATION                                                          
ELECT-015                     04/18/89           MEMORY REQUIREMENTS                                                            
ELECT-016                     05/01/89           COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE                                                          
ELECT-017                     04/28/89           TESTS PLANNED FOR THE BREADBOARD WARM ELECTRONICS                              
ELECT-018                     05/02/89           MICROPROCESSOR PACKAGING AND RELIABILITY INFORMATION                           
ELECT-019                     05/02/89           SEMAPHORES IN IDT PARTS                                                        
ELECT-020                     05/04/89           TASK FLOW AND EQUIPMENT REQUIRED FOR WEB TEST                                  
ELECT-021                     05/05/89           NICMOS ELECTRONICS WEIGHT ANALYSIS AND PACKAGING CONCEPTS                      
ELECT-022                     05/11/89           Preliminary Parts List and Power Estimate for the Detector Interface Electronics                                                                    ELECT-023                     05/18/89           Electronics Weight Analysis and Packaging Concepts, Addendum 1                 
ELECT-024                     05/22/89           DETECTOR ELECTRONICS ARCHITECTURE                                              
ELECT-025                     05/25/89           BASELINE FOR NICMOS COMMAND AND TELEMETRY PROCESSING                           
ELECT-026                     06/02/89           MODIFIED CORRELATED TRIPLE SAMPLING                                            
ELECT-027                     06/02/89           FILTER WHEEL POSITION SENSOR                                                   
ELECT-028                     06/02/89           NOTES ON CIRCUIT MINIATURIZATION FROM CIETS SHOW                               
ELECT-029                     06/15/89           DEB CROSS-STRAP METHOD                                                         
ELECT-030                     06/22/89           CB-DEB INTERFACE                                                               
ELECT-031                     06/14/89           COMMAND AND TELEMETRY DATABASE-ISSUE 1                                         
ELECT-032                     06/23/89           CROSS-STRAP PHILOSOPHY, IMPLEMENTATIONS AND RELIABILITY                        
ELECT-033                     07/06/89           PHASE II ELECTRONICS SCHEDULE DESCRIPTION                                      
ELECT-034                     08/02/89           DETECTOR MICRO-CONTROLLER TEST REPORT                                          
ELECT-035                     08/11/89           RESPONSE TO COLE’S REVIEW                                                      
ELECT-036                     08/15/89           87 51 SYNCHRONIZATION REPORT                                                   
ELECT-037                     09/21/89           HYBRID WEIGHT ANALYSIS                                                         
ELECT-038                     09/22/89           CIRCUIT BOX DEFINITION                                                         
ELECT-039                     10/12/89           HOW FIFOS WORK                                                                 
ELECT-040                     10/13/89           MINUS 50C TURN-ON OF ELECTRONICS                                               
ELECT-041                     10/18/89           RESPONSE TO DOWNEY’S REVIEW COMMENTS                                           
ELECT-042                     11/29/89           MENTOR GRAPHICS ALTERNATIVES                                                   
ELECT-043                     10/30/89           MEMORY ERROR RATES                                                             
ELECT-044                     11/09/89           DETECTOR INTERFACE SHIELDING                                                   
ELECT-045                     10/31/89           DEB POWER CROSS-STRAPPING SOLUTION (RESPONSE TO AI-10)                         
ELECT-046                     11/06/89           DEWAR EXIT CABLE LENGTH                                                        
ELECT-047                     11/14/89           DETECTOR READOUT GROUNDING                                                     
ELECT-048                     12/12/89           LVPS MAKE-OR-BUY JUSTIFICATION                                                 
ELECT-049                     12/12/89           LVPS SYSTEM CLOCK SYNCHRONIZATION                                              
ELECT-050                     01/12/90           VINDICATION OF OP-27'S                                                         
ELECT-051                     01/30/90           Tradeoffs Associated with Single V.S. Dual Computer Operation                  
ELECT-052                     01/29/90           TRADEOFF REGARDING 80386 PACKAGE STYLE SELECTION                               
ELECT-053                     01/29/90           HEATER SUBSYSTEM CONCEPTUAL DESIGN                                             
ELECT-054                     02/20/90           LVPS BLOCK DIAGRAM, REV. A                                                     
ELECT-055                     02/05/90           DETECTOR ELECTRONIC BOX AND BUFFER BOX                                         
ELECT-056                     02/21/90           DISCRETE AND SERIAL DIGITAL COMMAND LIST                                       
ELECT-057                     03/05/90           DEB/BB CROSS-STRAP                                                             
ELECT-058                     03/15/90           DETECTOR READOUT CROSS COUPLING                                                
ELECT-059                     03/29/89           NEW DESIGN APPROACH FORE DEB                                                   
ELECT-060                     03/20/90           TEC CROSS-STRAPPING                                                            
ELECT-061                     03/21/90           IMPACT OF ADDING ERROR-CORRECTING MEMORY                                       
ELECT-062                     04/03/90           RESPONSE TO SPF OF RELAY COMMAND CONFIGURATION                                 
ELECT-063            A        04/03/90           FUSING PHILOSOPHY FOR NICMOS-REV A                                             
ELECT-064                     03/26/90           SEB COMPONENT AREA AND WEIGHT ANALYSIS                                         
ELECT-065                     03/30/90           DEWAR EXIT CABLE CROSS COUPLING MODEL                                          
ELECT-066                     04/06/90           CB IDLE POWER                                                                  
ELECT-067                     04/13/90           SCIENCE DATA TRANSFER TO SDF PORTS                                             
ELECT-068                     04/23/90           FACILITIES FOR NICMOS PDP 11/70 GSE                                            
ELECT-069                     04/24/90           ELECTRONICS SUBSYSTEM NOMENCLATURE                                             
ELECT-070                     04/30/90           TEC CONTROL METHOD                                                             
ELECT-071                     05/07/90           A PC-BASED INTEGRATED SYSTEM FOR PARTS DATABASE MANAGEMENT                     
ELECT-072                     05/22/90           THE USE OF HIGH VOLTAGE PACE BORN APPLICATIONS                                 
ELECT-073                     06/01/90           USE OF J-LEAD MEMORY IC’S IN THE NICMOS CS                                     
ELECT-074                     06/04/90           SUPPORT ELECTRONICS BOX REPACKAGING                                            
ELECT-075                     06/15/90           DETECTOR INTERFACE FIFO AND DMA TIMING                                         
ELECT-076                     06/25/90           Impact of 24 Channel Detector Electronics Design and Other UA-Proposed Design Changes                                                                 ELECT-077                     07/27/90           DES POWER DISTRIBUTION                                                         
ELECT-078                     08/09/90           NICMOS TEST SOFTWARE REPORT                                                    
ELECT-079                     08/16/90           DES BREADBOARD                                                                 
ELECT-080                     08/30/90           NICMOS Hardware Engineering Database and RIU Channel Allocations               
ELECT-081                     09/05/90           CLOCK SPEED SYNCHRONIZATION                                                    
ELECT-082                     09/10/90           Temperature Control of the Beamsteering Assembly (BSA) Position Sensor Electronics                                                                    ELECT-083                     09/17/90           Electronic Options for the Beam Steering Assembly Position Sensor              
ELECT-084                     09/17/90           ESTIMATE OF THERMALLY CONTROLLED AREA OF THE SEB                               
ELECT-085                     09/18/90           Beam-Steering Assembly Position Sensor Susceptibility to On-Orbit Magnetic Fields                                                                         ELECT-086                     09/19/90           CRYSTAL A/D ALTERNATIVES                                                       
ELECT-087                     10/11/90           MICROPROCESSOR CONTROL OF STEPPER MOTOR MECHANISMS                             
ELECT-088                     10/15/90           DEFENSE OF DIFFERENTIAL READOUT                                                
ELECT-089                     10/15/90           UPDATED LISTING OF NICMOS PWA AND CABLE ASSEMBLIES                             
ELECT-090                     10/16/90           Hardware Designs for the Transfer of Engineering Data from SES to CS           
ELECT-091                     10/17/90           PLAN FOR TESTING FLIGHT RIU COMPATIBILITY TO NICMOS                            
ELECT-092                     10/25/90           WORST CASE MOTOR DRIVE SCENARIOS                                               
ELECT-093                     10/26/90           HEATER POWER MODIFICATIONS TO “ALLOCATED POWER BUDGET”                         
ELECT-094                     11/19/90           A PC-Based Integrated System for Parts Database Management                     
ELECT-095                     12/3/90            CONTROL OF STEPPER MOTORS BY THE SES MICRO CONTROLLER                          
ELECT-096                     12/03.90           SES/SEB HARDWARE PARTITIONING                                                  
ELECT-097                     12/03/90           SES MICRO CONTROLLER DESIGN TRADE                                              
ELECT-098                     12/07/90           DIFFERENTIAL READOUT MODEL                                                     
ELECT-099                     12/07/90           PGA/HOLTITE SOCKETS                                                            
ELECT-100                     12/07/90           DES TIMING STATE MACHINE                                                       
ELECT-101                     10/01/91           DEWAR EXIT CABLE MEASUREMENTS                                                  
ELECT-102                     10/10/91           UPDATED DES DEVELOPMENT SPECIFICATION                                          
ELECT-103                     10/11/91           GHRS/FOS SDF INTERFACE PORT DESIGN                                             
ELECT-104                     10/28/91           DES TIMING STATE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN                                             
ELECT-105                     11/05/91           REVIEW OF PRESENT CROSS-STRAPPING                                              
ELECT-106                     12/05/91           DES CIRCUIT PARTITIONING                                                       
ELECT-107                     12/10/90           Status of the NICMOS Electronics Development at Project Shutdown               
ELECT-108                     12/10/90           ELECTRONICS DRAWING BREAKDOWN                                                  
ELECT-109                     2/26/92            NICMOS ELECTRONIC BOARD SIZES                                                  
ELECT-110                     03/03/92           ASPC/BIAS BOARD DESIGN                                                         
ELECT-111                     07/16/93           Probabilities of Failure for Radiation Soft RAM with Error Detection and Correction                                                                     ELECT-112                     10/06/93           NICMOS INSTRUMENT ELECTRICAL POWER BUDGET-10/06/93                             
ELECT-112            A        10/06/93           NICMOS INSTRUMENT ELECTRICAL POWER BUDGET-01/14/94                             
ELECT-113                     10/12/93           NOISE SUSCEPTIBILITY OF UNSHIELDED ACCELEROMETER CABLES                        
ELECT-114                     11/16/93           NICMOS POSITION SENSORS                                                        
ELECT-115                     12/02/93           NICMOS CABLE SYSTEM                                                            
ELECT-116                     11/23/93           DEWAR TEMPERATURE SENSOR ELECTRONICS ERROR BUDGET                              
ELECT-117                     11/23/93           SES DESIGN DESCRIPTION                                                         
ELECT-118                     11/30/93           DCE H/W Commands and Telemetry Channels - Preliminary Listing                  
ELECT-119                     11/30/93           General EMC Structural Design Issues                                           
ELECT-120                     12/02/93           NICMOS SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM                                                    
ELECT-120            A        01/11/94           NICMOS SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM                                                    
ELECT-120            B        06/22/94           NICMOS SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM                                                    
ELECT-121                     12/13/93           NICMOS POWER DISTRIBUTION                                                      
ELECT-123                     01/06/94           NICMOS TEMPERATURE TRANSDUCER TRADE STUDY                                      
ELECT-124                     01/19/94           SYSTEM CROSS-STRAP                                                             
ELECT-124            B        04/18/94           SYSTEM CROSS-STRAP                                                             
ELECT-125                     02/09/94           Electromagnetic Compatibility and Grounding Control Plan                       
ELECT-126                     03.02/94           ELECTRICAL TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS                                         
ELECT-127                     03/02/94           TANK ELECTRICAL TEST PROCEDURE (519879)                                        
ELECT-127            A        07/12/94           TANK ELECTRICAL TEST PROCEDURE (519879)                                        
ELECT-128                     04/06/94           SCIENCE DATA DMA CONCEPTUAL DESIGN                                             
ELECT-129                                        SES Crosstrapping Implementation                                               
ELECT-129            A        06/20/94           SES CROSSTRAPPING IMPLEMENTATION                                               
ELECT-130                     04/06/94           TEST PLAN FOR DEWAR I/F TEST BOARD                                             
ELECT-131                     04/15/94           THERMAL CONTROLLER DESIGN DESCRIPTION                                          
ELECT-131            A        06/28/94           THERMAL CONTROLLER DESIGN DESCRIPTION                                          
ELECT-132                     04/22/94           BUFFER BOX POWDER REQUIREMENTS                                                 
ELECT-133                     04/22/94           BUFFER BOX POWDER DISSIPATION ESTIMATE                                         
ELECT-134                     04/22/94           DEWAR TELEMETER CROSSTRAPPING EXPERIMENT                                       
ELECT-135                     05/05/94           INTERPOINT MODULE TEST SUMMARY                                                 
ELECT-138                     05/06/94           FPA CROSS-STRAP                                                                
ELECT-139                     05/02/94           SIGNAL NAMING CONVENTIONS                                                      
ELECT-140                     07/18/94           INSTRUMENT POWER ESTIMATE                                                      
ELECT-140            A        08/11/94           INSTRUMENT POWER ESTIMATE                                                      
ELECT-140            B        08/21/94           INSTRUMENT POWER ESTIMATE                                                      
ELECT-140            C        09/07/94           INSTRUMENT POWER ESTIMATE                                                      
ELECT-140            D        10/05/94           INSTRUMENT POWER ESTIMATE                                                      
ELECT-141                     05/16/94           LOW VOLTAGE POWER SUPPLY (LVPS) BLOCK DIAGRAM                                  
ELECT-141            A        06/29/94           LOW VOLTAGE POWER SUPPLY (LVPS)  BLOCK DIAGRAM                                 
ELECT-141            B        07/05/94           LOW VOLTAGE POWER SUPPLY (LVPS) BLOCK DIAGRAM                                  
ELECT-141            C        07/18/94           LOW VOLTAGE POWER SUPPLY (LVPS) BLOCK DIAGRAM                                  
ELECT-141            D        08/07/94           LOW VOLTAGE POWER SUPPLY (LVPS) BLOCK DIAGRAM                                  
ELECT-141            E        08/20/94           LOW VOLTAGE POWER SUPPLY (LVPS) BLOCK DIAGRAM                                  
ELECT-141            F        09/05/94           LOW VOLTAGE POWER SUPPLY (LVPS) BLOCK DIAGRAM                                  
ELECT-141            G        09/21/94           LOW VOLTAGE POWER SUPPLY (LVPS) BLOCK DIAGRAM                                  
ELECT-141            H        10/05/94           LOW VOLTAGE POWER SUPPLY (LVPS) BLOCK DIAGRAM                                  
ELECT-142                     05/18/94           MOTOR CONTROL #1 BOARD COMMAND AND TELEMETRY FUNCTIONS                         
ELECT-142            A        07/06/94           MOTOR CONTROL #1 BOARD COMMAND AND TELEMETRY FUNCTIONS                         
ELECT-142            B        08/30/94           MOTOR CONTROL #1 BOARD COMMAND AND TELEMETRY FUNCTIONS                         
ELECT-142            C        11/29/94           MOTOR CONTROL #1 BOARD COMMAND AND TELEMETRY FUNCTIONS                         
ELECT-143                     05/13/94           WIRE HARNESS SHIELDING AND GROUNDING PLAN                                      
ELECT-144                     05/02/94           DETECTOR ELECTRONICS TELEMETRY LIST                                            
ELECT-144            A        06/27/94           DETECTOR ELECTRONICS TELEMETRY LIST                                            
ELECT-144            B        06/15/94           DETECTOR ELECTRONICS TELEMETRY LIST                                            
ELECT-145                     05/20/94           DETECTOR FLEX CABLE SIGNAL TRACE ROUTING                                       
ELECT-147                     06/17/94           FPA Electrical Interface and Analog Signal Processing Characteristics as of this Date                                                                      ELECT-147            A        07/06/94           FPA Electrical Interface and Analog Signal Processing Characteristics as of this Date                                                                      ELECT-148                     06/20/94           RELAY BRACKETS SCHEMATIC                                                       
ELECT-148            A        08/24/94           RELAY TERMINAL BOARD SCHEMATIC                                                 
ELECT-150                     06/21/94           SUMMARY OF REPORTED 80386 SINGLE EVENT EFFECTS                                 
ELECT-151                     07/06/94           MOTOR CONTROL #2 BOARD COMMAND AND TELEMETRY FUNCTIONS                         
ELECT-151            A        08/30/94           MOTOR CONTROL #2 BOARD COMMAND AND TELEMETRY FUNCTIONS                         
ELECT-152                     07/11/94           ANALOG SIGNAL PROCESSING CIRCUIT TEMPERATURE DRIFT ANALYSIS                    
ELECT-155                     07/22/94           SES WIRE LIST                                                                  
ELECT-156                     07/26/94           DES WIRE LIST                                                                  
ELECT-157                     07/27/94           Electronic Reference Designations                                              
ELECT-158                     08/04/94           Analysis of Signal Interference Produced by Filter Wheel Stepper Motor         
ELECT-159                     08/09/94           Rational for Interconnect of RIU Commands to SDF Interface Circuity            
ELECT-160                     08/24/94           ANALOG SIGNAL PROCESSING CIRCUIT SPICE SIMULATION                              
ELECT-161                     08/31/94           TEST RESULTS FROM THE DEWAR TEST BOARD TESTS                                   
ELECT-162                     08/30/94           DATA ACQUISITION BOARD COMMAND AND TELEMETRY FUNCTIONS                         
ELECT-162            A        10/05/94           DATA ACQUISITION BOARD COMMAND AND TELEMETRY FUNCTIONS                         
ELECT-163                     08/31/94           INDUCTOSYN COARSE-FINE CORRELATION ALGORITHM                                   
ELECT-163            A        09/20/94           INDUCTOSYN COARSE-FINE CORRELATION ALGORITHM                                   
ELECT-164                     09/06/94           Probability of Failure for Control Section EDAC RAM Using Radiation Hardened IBM2568CHR SRAM                                                                ELECT-165                     09/06/94           SEU RATES FOR THE CONTROL SECTION BUFFER MEMORY                                
ELECT-166                     09/21/94           NICMOS DETECTOR ELECTRONICS TIMING PATTERN GENERATOR                           
ELECT-166            A        02/15/95           Detector Electronics Timing Pattern Generator                                  
ELECT-167                     09/22/94           NICMOS Detector Electronics Sub-System Hardware Description                    
ELECT -167           A        10/12/94           NICMOS Detector Electronics Sub-System Hardware Description                    
ELECT -168                    09/30/94           LVPS TELEMETRY                                                                 
ELECT-169                     09/27/94           RIU AND SDF FIFO OUTPUTS DURING RESETS AND INITIALIZATIONS                     
ELECT-169            A        12/09/94           RIU AND SDF FIFIO OUTPUTS DURING RESETS AND INITIALIZATIONS                    
ELECT-170                     09/29/94           NICMOS DES LVPS OUTPUT NOISE TEST                                              
ELECT-171                     10/25/94           RESULTS OF SINGLE EVENT EFFECTS TESTING: MFL DC/DC CONVERTER                   
ELECT-172                     10/27/94           DETECTOR ELECTRONICS SYSTEM HARDWARE DESCRIPTION                               
ELECT-175                     11/10/94           FILTER WHEEL STEPPER MOTOR WIRING AND DEWAR GROUNDING                          
ELECT-176                     11/16/9            FIFO TO CMOS LOGIC INTERFACES ON THE COMMUNICATIONS BOARD                      
ELECT-177                     11/29/94           RIU PASSIVE ANALOG (THERMISTOR) CAL CURVES -1ST CUT                            
ELECT-179                     02/06/95           Detector Electronics analog amplifier anomaly with the Harris HA-5127          


GSE-001                       05/23/94           Ground Support and Test Equipment Design Guidelines                            


I&T-001                       04/24/90           GENERAL ENVIRONMENTAL VERIFICATION SPECIFICATION (GEVS) COMPARISON TO OUR CURRENT PERFORMANCE VERIFICATION PLAN                                          
I&T-002                       11/05/90           Test matrix based on ICD 02E                                                   
I&T-003                       11/05/90           Test matrix based on Cryo subsystem development specification                  
I&T-004                       02/16/94           SER on test guidance for NICMOS subsystems engineers                           


LOG-001                       06/29/89           Input for Recommended Spare Parts List                                         


M&P-001                       02/26/87           Effects of discharged methane and ammonia                                      
M&P-002                       01/12/90           Detector M&P Action Item Responses                                             
M&P-003                       01/29/90           ERG, Inc. Aluminum Foam Decontamination and Etch                               
M&P-004                       04/16/90           PUMPING ANALYSIS FOR THE NICMOS DEWAR SYSTEM                                   
M&P-005                       05/11/90           THERMAL STABILITY OF MATERIALS AT -50 C                                        
M&P-006                       06/12/90           Multi Layer Insulation (MLI) for Use on NICMOS                                 
M&P-007                       08/20/90           Evaluation of Cart Wheel Materials for use in Thermal Vacuum Chambers and Clean Rooms                                                                    M&P-008                       12/18/90           Water Out-gassing from MLI in the NICMOS Cryogenic Dewar: Effect Upon Optics   
(V3020.90.114)                                       Transmission                                                                   
M&P-009                       10/31/90           Hermetic Microminiature D Connectors (MDMH)                                    
M&P-010                       11/05/90           Thermally Conductive Materials for TEC Coupling                                
M&P-011                       11/18/90           Emissivity Measurements and Optical Elements in NICMOS                         
M&P-012                       12/17/90           Performance of Two Graphite-Epoxy Materials at Sub-Zero Temperatures           
M&P-013                       12/14/90           Beryllium Bonding                                                              
M&P-014                       12/24/92           Visual Examination Results of ERG, Inc. Foam Sample                            
M&P-015                       01/27/93           Qualification of 321 Stainless Steel Tubing                                    
M&P-016                       02/01/93           Review of 5083 Aluminum Forging Test Reports From Western Forge and Flange     
M&P-017                       02/11/93           Stresses at Adhesively Bonded Joints in the Aft Head of the N2 Tank            
M&P-018                       02/24/93           NDE Inspections of Pressure Vessel and Related Components                      
M&P-019                       02/24/93           Stress Relief of 5083 Aluminum Welds                                           
M&P-020                       03/01/93           Cleanliness of Aluminum Foam Samples from ERG                                  
M&P-021                       03/16/93           Bi-Metallic Joints for Weld Qualification                                      
M&P-022                       04/05/93           Cleanliness of Ultra porous Filters                                            
M&P-023                       04/12/93           Effect of Contamination from the Cold Well Upon Adjacent Optics                
M&P-024                       05/25/93           Qualification and Certification of 321 CRES Tubing                             
M&P-025                       06/03/93           Adhesive Testing for Bonding Nylon Clips to the Nitrogen Dewar                 
M&P-026                       05/27/93           Lubrication of the Strap Spherical Bearing Set, ...                            
M&P-027                       06/08/93           Bonding to Black Anodized Aluminum: Shear Strength at 77 K                     
M&P-028                       06/21/93           Passivation of Inconel 718 Nickel Alloy                                        
M&P-029                       06/23/93           Evaluation of Bi-Metal Etching Procedure for Penetrant Inspection              
M&P-030 (STIS                 11/03/93           INVAR CORROSION PROTECTION                                                     
M&P-031                       01/19/94           Evaluation of Bi-Metal, Inertia-Welded Part                                    
M&P-032                       01/27/94           CLEANLINESS AND COMPRESSION TESTING OF ALUMINUM FOAM                           
M&P-033 (STIS                 02/10/94           THERMAL PROPERTIES OF BR-127 PRIMED INVAR                                      
M&P-034                       02/27/94           Out gassing Data for Flectron Nickel Plated Polyester                          
M&P-035                       03/01/94           Inspection of Delaminated Composite Support Strap                              
M&P-036                       03/10/94           Evaluation of Dry Lubricant Applied to Filter Wheel Gearhead                   
M&P-037                       03/16/94           Strap Integrity (P/N 521471)                                                   
M&P-038                       04/05/94           Bond Strength of PR 1564 and EC 2216 adhesives at LN2 Temperature              
M&P-039                       04/15/94           Procedure for Dewar Materials Testing in the SOHO Chamber, 519818              
M&P-040                       04/29/94           Outgassing Rate of MLI from Simulation Tests of the NICMOS Dewar               
M&P-041 (STIS                 05/11/94           Cleanliness of Graphite-epoxy Tubes from Hercules                              
M&P-042                       04/27/94           PR 1564 Urethane with Excess Silicone                                          
M&P-043 (STIS                 05/18/94           Outgassing Data for Two Black Kapton Materials                                 
M&P-044                       05/23/94           Wire Strength of Crimped Wires from Sensor and FPA Dewar Cables                
M&P-048                       08/03/94           Outgassing Rate of Thread Wax and Disposition of Installed MLI                 
M&P-049                       06/09/93           Metallurgical Evaluation and Microhardness of Bi-Metal Joints                  
M&P-050                       08/17/93           Bi-Metal Joint Evaluation                                                      
M&P-051                       08/11/94           Bi-Metal Joint Evaluation                                                      
M&P-052                       08/15/94           Cable Wire Stripping Investigation                                             
M&P-053                       08/15/94           Lubricant Analysis for Filter Wheel Mechanism Bearings                         
M&P-054                       08/16/94           Lubrication Anlaysis for FOM Bearings                                          
M&P-055                       09/09/94           Preload for FOM SR4HX8DB Bearings                                              
M&P-056                       09/14/94           Preload for FOM SR188SSWX19K2DB Bearings                                       
M&P-057                       09/20/94           Thread Cleanliness                                                             
M&P-058                       09/21/94           Bolt Contamination Analysis                                                    
M&P-059                       10/17/94           Bonding to Nickel Plate, Drawing 517460                                        
M&P-060 (STIS                 11/09/94           Thermal Pads for Heat Sinks: Adhesion and Cleanliness Investigation            
M&P-061                       10/24/94           Relays: Concerns about Contamination and Tin Whiskers                          
M&P-062                       11/04/94           Outgassing Rate of GRE Facesheet Honeycomb Panels, Vented and Sealed Core      
M&P-063                       12/13/94           Destructive Test of P/N 517176, Bi-Metal Fitting                               
M&P-064 (STIS                 01/04/95           Enclosure Test Results                                                         
M&P-071                       03/01/95           Black Kapton in Liquid Nitrogen                                                
M&P-072 STIS                  03/07/95           Staking and bonding to Paitned Aluminum                                        
M&P-073                       03/07/95           Alumina and Glass-filled Urethane: Shear Strength                              
M&P-074                       03/08/95           Evaluation of Tecomet EB Welds of C455                                         


MECH-001                      03/02/89           Preliminary Drawing Count                                                      
MECH-002                      04/05/89           KINEMATIC MOUNTS - NICMOS                                                      
MECH-003                      05/15/89           Drawing Numbers                                                                
MECH-004                      05/15/89           Kinematic Mount Nomenclature                                                   
MECH-005                      05/15/89           Mechanical Design Layouts                                                      
MECH-006                      09/26/89           NICMOS Beam Steering Mirror Requirements                                       
MECH-007                      10/31/89           NICMOS - -50 C Mechanisms                                                      
MECH-008                      12/19/89           Detector Alignment Provisions & Mechanical Action Item Answers                 
MECH-009                      01/29/90           Some Trades and Considerations on Filter Wheel Placement                       
MECH-010                      03/27/90           Filter Wheel Drive Mechanisms--Warm vs. Cold Motors                            
MECH-011                      05/24/90           Preliminary MOS Grating Wheel Requirements                                     
MECH-012                      06/14/90           Beamsteering Assembly (BSA) Trade Studies                                      
MECH-013                      08/14/90           NICMOS BEAM STEERING MECHANISM SENSOR PRELIMINARY TESTING                      
MECH-014                      09/13/90           Why Beryllium for Beam-Steering Assembly                                       
MECH-015                      10/16/90           CHANGES TO THE IMAGE SLICER MOS OPTICAL PATHS                                  
MECH-016                      11/07/90           MOS Bench Mounting                                                             
MECH-017                      12/05/90           BSA (Beamsteering Assembly) Mechanical Design Status                           
MECH-018                      12/07/90           Envelope and Interfaces                                                        
MECH-019                      12/18/90           BSA STATUS/SUMMARY                                                             
MECH-020                      01/18/91           NICMOS Enclosure - Phase I                                                     
MECH-021                      05/13/91           CAMERA SELECTOR MECHANISM DESCRIPTION AND DISCUSSION                           
MECH-021             A        06/07/91           CAMERA SELECTOR MECHANISM DESCRIPTION AND DISCUSSION                           
MECH-022                      06/06/91           FOREOPTICS SIMPLIFICATION POSSIBILITY                                          
MECH-023                      06/26/92           OPTICAL INFORMATION CONCERNING COLDBENCH ASSY                                  
MECH-024                      07/07/92           DETECTOR CABLE ROUTING                                                         
MECH-025                      07/29/92           Detector Cable Routing Design Change                                           
MECH-026                      09/24/92           Use of Al 5086-0 vs Al 5083-0 in the Dewar and Optical Cold Bench              
MECH-027                      02/05/93           Use of Al 5086-0 vs Al 6061-T651 For the Filter Wheel Housing                  
MECH-028                      02/05/93           Support Strap Thickness Growth Potential                                       
MECH-029                      12/18/92           Dewar Tubing Configuration                                                     
MECH-030                      01/27/93           Discussions on Foam Design with ERG                                            
MECH-031                      02/10/93           Thin Walled MMC-Specified Pressure Vessel Tolerancing Strategy                 
MECH-032                      02/19/93           Surface Finish for Nitrogen Tank                                               
MECH-033                      03/22/93           ERG Input to Foam Assembly Drawings                                            
MECH-034                      11/10/93           BENCH VENDOR SELECTION SUMMARY                                                 
MECH-035                      11/10/93           FINAL SELECTION OF BENCH VENDOR                                                
MECH-036                      11/12/93           Radiator Trade Study                                                           
MECH-037                      11/12/93           ENLARGEMENT OF THE VACION RUMP                                                 
MECH-037             A        12/22/93           REVISED VACION PUMP FLIGHT WEIGHT ESTIMATE                                     
MECH-038                      11/19/93           MATERIAL CHANGE FOR RADIATOR STAND-OFF TUBE                                    
MECH-039                      11/19/93           MICRO MINIATURE CONNECTORS                                                     
MECH-040                      12/15/93           Schedule Impact to Change Baselined Motorized Vent Valves(2) to 1 Manual Valve and a Sealing Cap                                                        MECH-041                      12/21/93           Dectector Mounting Thermal Expansion Concerns                                  
MECH-041             A        01/03/94           Detector Mounting Thermal Expansion Concerns                                   
MECH-042                      02/01/94           Drag Torque in a Filter Wheel Mechanism Stepper Motor                          
MECH-043                      03/16/94           Impacts of Vacuum Jacketing the Helium Outlet Line                             
MECH-044                      03/16/94           Fore-Optics Optical Path CAD Model                                             
MECH-045                      03/31/94           Test Plan for Flectron P/N 3055-233                                            
MECH-048                      06/24/94           Black Paint Trade Study With Various Surface Preparation                       
MECH-049                      5/17/94            EVA Enclosure Interface Definiton                                              
MECH-050                      06/14/94           TEC RADIATOR ALIGNMENT                                                         
MECH-051                      06/08/94           PAM Mirror Cell                                                                
MECH-052                      06/09/94           FOM Output gears                                                               
MECH-053                      06/23/94           Aluminum Thickness of Panels on the Main Electronics Box (MEB)                 
MECH-054                      07/15/94           FOM Torque Ratio                                                               
MECH-055                      07/28/94           PAM Mirror Trade Study                                                         
MECH-055             A        08/01/94           PAM Mirror Trade Study                                                         
MECH-057                      08/19/94           Cryogenic Bent Tube Material Tests                                             
MECH-059                      08/19/94           Required Length of GFE Bolts for A, B, and C Latches                           
MECH-060                       08/31/94           Test Results from the Flectron Particle Test                                   
MECH-061                      08/31/94           Filter Wheel Mechanism Operating Parameters                                    
MECH-062                      09/13/94           FOM Mirror Angle vs. Motor Step                                                
MECH-063                      09/13/94           FOM Operating Parameters                                                       
MECH-064                      09/13/94           PAM Operating Parameters                                                       
MECH-065                      10/18/94           S-Link Foil Material Selection                                                 
MECH-068                      12/20/94           FABRICATION OF WAVE WASHERS (301 STAINLESS STEEL)                              
MECH-069                      12/20/94           FABRICATION OF WAVE WASHERS (INCONEL X750)                                     
MECH-072                      02/10/95           Fold Mirror Adjustment Tools                                                   
MECH-072                      02/10/95           Fold Mirror Adjustment Tools                                                   
MECH-073                      03/10/95           Cold Bench Induced Stresses from Riveting                                      


MGMT-001                      03/13/89           NICMOS PDR DOCUMENTATION                                                       
MGMT-002                      05/01/89           R. WOOLLEY’S NOTES ON WRITING                                                  


OPS-001                       04/21/94           Engineering Data List                                                          
OPS-001              A        07/29/94           Engineering Data List - Revision A                                             
OPS-002              IR       07/22/94           SI COMMAND BLOCKS AND FLOW CHARTS                                              
OPS-002              A        10/10/94           SI COMMAND BLOCKS AND FLOW CHARTS                                              
OPS-002              B                                                                                                          
OPS-002              C        12/02/94           SI COMMAND BLOCKS AND FLOW CHARTS                                              
OPS-002              D        01/16/95           SI COMMAND BLOCKS AND FLOW CHARTS                                              
OPS-003                       05/27/94           NICMOS Command List                                                            
OPS-003              A        07/29/94           NICMOS Command List - Revision A                                               
OPS-004 STIS                  03/14/95           SITS Database Configuration Management Plan                                    


OPT-2                         02/27/87           COMPARISON OF POSSIBLE CONFIGURATION FOR NICMOS IMAGER                         
OPT-003                       08/25/87           Relay optics for camera with magnification M = 0.8                             
OPT-004                       08/26/87           Relay optics for camera with magnification M = 2.4                             
OPT-005                       08/31/87           Refractive relay with magnification M = 0.8                                    
OPT-006                       09/11/87           Reflective relay optics for cameras with magnification M = 0.78 and M = 1.28   
OPT-007                       09/14/87           Relay optics for camera with magnification M = 1.56                            
OPT-008                       09/25/87           Optimization of relay optics for camera with magnification M = 0.78            
OPT-009                       09/28/87           Field mirror in Camera III ( M = 1.28) to match image and cold-stop location in Camera IV ( M = 0.78)
OPT-010                       10/12/87           Accommodation of camera optics                                                 
OPT-011                       10/16/87           CAMERAS I AND IV WITH UNIT STAGE-1 MAGNIFICATION                               
OPT-012                       10/28/87           Stage-1 optical system for imaging in serendipitous modes                      
OPT-013                       12/11/87           Stage-1 optical system for imaging in serendipitous modes, concept II          
OPT-014                       01/07/88           Optical system for simultaneous imaging in all four cameras                    
OPT-015                       01/27/88           Imaging in serendipitous mode, note on SER OPT-13                              
OPT-016                       02/19/88           Optical system for full serendipitous imaging                                  
OPT-017                       02/29/88           Preliminary scoping of multiple-object spectrograph (MOS)                      
OPT-018                       03/07/88           Accommodation of camera and spectrograph fields                                
OPT-019                       03/10/88           Diffraction image of pupil at fiber                                            
OPT-020                       03/15/88           OPTICAL SYSTEM FOR FULL SERENDIPITOUS IMAGING, MOD A                           
OPT-021              A        03/18/88           CAMERA PARAMETER UPDATE                                                        
OPT-022                       03/25/88           Long Wavelength Spectrograph (LWS)                                             
OPT-23                        04/15/88           Magnification update in Cameras I and III                                      
OPT-024                       04/26/88           Two-Channel Long Wavelength Imaging Spectrograph (LWIS)                        
OPT-025                       05/02/88           Options for MOS Input Optics                                                   
OPT-026                       05/19/88           Camera Ray-Trace Data                                                          
OPT-027                       05/26/88           CAMERA OPTICS AND CRYOSTAT INTERFACES                                          
OPT-028                       06/10/88           MULTIPLE - OBJECT SPECTROGRAPH (MOS)                                           
OPT-029                       06/27/88           Relay Optics for MOS Probes                                                    
OPT-030                       06/29/88           Relay optics for MOS probes, update I                                          
OPT-031                       07/01/88           RELAY OPTICS FOR MOS PROBES, UPDATE II                                         
OPT-032                       08/09/88           Update of LWS Design                                                           
OPT-033                       08/11/88           Modified Stage-2 Conic Constants in Camera IV                                  
OPT-034                       09/16/88           DIFFRACTION IMAGES IN CAMERA IV                                                
OPT-035                       02/03/89           Filter Requirements                                                            
OPT-036                       03/06/89           NOMENCLATURE FOR THE OPTICAL COMPONENTS                                        
OPT-037                       03/07/89           OPTICAL SYSTEM REVISIONS                                                       
OPT-038                       03/09/89           CAMERA PARAMETERS PER UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA REVISION 2/27/89                   
OPT-039                       04/03/89           OPTICAL SYSTEM IN FRONT OF CRYOSTAT                                            
OPT-040                       04/18/89           The Thermal Emission background on NICMOS Detectors, Part I - Emission From Warm Optics                                                                    OPT-041                       04/26/89           CAMERA OPTICS WITH COLD STOPS AT CO2 SHIELD                                    
OPT-042                       05/01/89           Preliminary Design of Long-Wavelength Echelle Spectrograph                     
OPT-043                       05/18/89           CAD RAY-TRACE DATA                                                             
OPT-044                       05/19/89           MOS with Cold Stop at CO2 Shield                                               
OPT-045                       05/30/89           DUAL LONG-WAVELENGTH ECHELLE SPECTROGRAPHS                                     
OPT-046                       06/05/89           A Cylindrical Beamsteering Mirror for Astigmatism Correction                   
OPT-047                       06/15/89           FIELD OF VIEW AND STAGE-1 MIRROR SIZES                                         
OPT-048                       06/21/89           DESCRIPTION OF ACCOS V CAMERA MODELS                                           
OPT-049                       06/30/89           UPDATE OF CAMERA OPTICS                                                        
OPT-050                       07/19/89           SPECIFICATIONS FOR BEAM-STEERING MECHANISM                                     
OPT-051                       07/31/89           PROPAGATION OF IMAGE-PLANE TILT IN CAMERA OPTICS                               
OPT-052                       07/31/89           EFFECTS OF OTA-NICMOS ALIGNMENT ERRORS                                         
OPT-053                       07/28/89           VERIFICATION OF: SENSITIVITY FACTORS IN OTA-NICMOS ALIGNMENT                   
OPT-054                       08/17/89           EXIT PUPIL GEOMETRICAL ANALYSIS, CAMERAS 1,2, AND 3                            
OPT-055                       08/29/89           Diffraction images of OTA pupil, secondary baffle, and spiders at camera exit pupil                                                                     OPT-056                       09/26/89           IMPROVEMENTS IN LONG-WAVELENGTH SPECTRGRAPH                                    
OPT-057                       10/02/89           Masking of exit pupil at cold stop                                             
OPT-058                       10/02/89           Wavefront-error Budget                                                         
OPT-059                       10/02/89           Update of LWS1 with plane cross-disperser grating                              
OPT-060                       12/01/89           POST PDR LWS CONFIGURATION                                                     
OPT-061                       02/09/90           EXPLORATORY IMAGE-SLICER CONCEPT                                               
OPT-062                       03/26/90           Internal Sources for Optical Checks                                            
OPT-063              A        06/18/90           Beamsteering Optical Requirements and NICMOS Optical Coordinate System         
OPT-064                       03/29/90           MOS with Image Slicer                                                          
OPT-065                       04/10/90           MOS WITH IMAGE SLICER, II                                                      
OPT-066                       04/13/90           MOS with Image Slicer III                                                      
OPT-067                       05/18/90           F/53 MOS WITH BOWEN IMAGE SLICER                                               
OPT-068                       05/22/90           IMAGE SLICER GEOMETRY                                                          
OPT-069                       06/12/90           F/53 MOS WITH BOWEN IMAGE SLICER, UPDATE                                       
OPT-070                       06/11/90           ACRONYMS FOR OPTICAL ELEMENTS                                                  
OPT-071                       07/02/90           CORRECTION OF OTA SPHERICAL ABERRATION                                         
OPT-071              A        07/24/90           CORRECTION OF OTA SPHERICAL ABERRATION, REVISION 1                             
OPT-072                       07/09/90           BASELINE DESIGN OF MOS                                                         
OPT-073                       07/12/90           FIRST CUT REQUIREMENT FOR THE NICMOS HST OPTICAL SIMULATOR                     
OPT-074                       07/24/90           Gas Cell for NICMOS Optical Simulator                                          
OPT-075                       08/23/90           UNCERTAINTY IN OTA CONIC CONSTANTS                                             
OPT-076                       09/13/90           THIRD-ORDER ABERRATIONS IN TWO-MIRROR RELAY SYSTEMS                            
OPT-077                       09/18/91           GRISM IMAGE QUALITY AND BLAZE WIDTH                                            
OPT-078                       10/16/91           MEASURES OF OPTICAL IMAGE QUALITY                                              
OPT-079                       10/16/91           NONE LISTED - This SER covers several topics around Stage I function, error budgeting, and tolerances.                                                     
OPT-080                       11/11/91           Update to OPT-077                                                              
OPT-081                       01/06/92           Calibration -- Light injection scheme                                          
OPT-082                       01/06/92           Field divider images with fixed corrector mirror                               
OPT-083                       01/06/92           Nominal Optical Prescriptions for Cameras 2 & 3                                
OPT-084                       01/07/92           Optical Component Tolerances and Alignment I                                   
OPT-085                       01/06/92           New Baseline Prescription for Camera 1.                                        
OPT-086                       01/10/92           SUBSTITUTE SHAPE AS AID TO ALIGNMENT                                           
OPT-087                       01/10/92           ERROR BUDGET UPDATE                                                            
OPT-088                       01/23/92           NOMINAL OPTICAL BEAM SIZES                                                     
OPT-089                       01/27/92           Y-Y BAR DIAGRAMS                                                               
OPT-090                       01/29/92           Impact of Small OTA Changes on Performance                                     
OPT-091                       02/03/92           BRASSBOARD DEMONSTRATION PLAN                                                  
OPT-092                       02/24/92           Analysis of January 1992 Optical Configuration                                 
OPT-093                       03/11/92           Tolerances and Alignment II                                                    
OPT-094                       03/19/92           Fixed Camera Fields in Meridional Plane                                        
OPT-095                       03/20/92           Fixed Camera Fields in Meridional Plane II                                     
OPT-096                       05/18/92           Update of C2 Model                                                             
OPT-097                       06/03/92           Evaluation of Murk Bottema’s New Optics Design                                 
OPT-098                       08/14/92           Dewar Window considerations                                                    
OPT-099                       09/17/92           Aperture Description for Optional FPA Cover                                    
OPT-100                       10/05/92           IR Emission from NICMOS Optics                                                 
OPT-101                       10/30/92           Camera 1 Breadboard Description                                                
OPT-102                       12/02/92           Image Distortions in Current Optical Design                                    
OPT-103                       12/09/92           Split Correction Option to Baseline Optics Design - Part 1                     
OPT-104                       12/21/92           Correction to Dewar Window Considerations                                      
OPT-105                       01/28/93           Optical System Development Specification (First Draft)                         
OPT-106                       01/05/93           Optical Transmission Calculations                                              
OPT-107                       02/03/93           Possibilities for Antireflection Coating the Dewar Windows                     
OPT-108                       03/01/93           Diffraction PSF’s and Focal Plane Tilt                                         
OPT-109                       04/07/93           Verification of Dewar Aperture Diameters                                       
OPT-110                       07/07/94           Candidate Contamination Requirements                                           
OPT-111                       04/23/93           Temperature Variation Effects on Spectral Filters                              
OPT-112                       04/23/93           Dewar Optical Element Tolerances                                               
OPT-113                       07/27/93           HST Interface Uncertainties                                                    
OPT-114 (STIS                 10/20/93           Converting Code V Raytraces to CAD                                             
OPT-115                       11/12/93           Data on Scatter (BSDF) Due to Cryo-contaminants                                
OPT-116                       11/15/93           Line of Sight Tolerancing                                                      
OPT-117                       11/29/93           Optical Subsystem Software Requirements                                        
OPT-118                       02/15/94           Spectral Filter RFI Data                                                       
OPT-119                       03/02/94           Data on Scatter (BSDF) Due to Cryo-contaminants, Part 2                        
OPT-120                       03/02/94           Baffle Configuration in the Camera 1 Cold Bench                                
OPT-120              A        04/27/94           Baffle Configurations in the Cold Benches for Cameras 1,2 & 3                  
OPT-121                       03/03/94           Coordinate Systems for the NICMOS Instrument                                   
OPT-122                       03/03/94           Optical Model Description: Update                                              
OPT-123                       03/01/94           Field of View Scanning Impact to Image Quality                                 
OPT-124                       03/08/94           Image Quality of Cold Mask Pupil - For Mask Size Determination                 
OPT-127                       04/28/94           Customer Direction on Grism Requirements                                       
OPT-128                       05/11/94           NICMOS Breadboard Optical Model                                                
OPT-129                       05/04/94           NICMOS Wavefront Error Budget - Initial Release                                
OPT-129              A        06/09/94           NICMOS Wavefront Error Budget - Revision A                                     
OPT-130                       04/27/94           First working session on baffling fore-optics                                  
OPT-131                       04/27/94           Ability to obtain super-polished Zerodur                                       
OPT-132                       04/27/94           Flow-up of performance requirements for “Baffles”                              
OPT-133                       05/05/94           Handling Guidelines for NICMOS Flight Filters, Dewar Windows, GRISMS, Cold Mask, Flight Spares and Witness Samples                                        
OPT-136                       05/16/94           Radiation effects on IR transmitting fibers                                    
OPT-137                       05/17/94           Coatings for the NICMOS mirrors                                                
OPT-138                       05/13/94           Stray light test methodology                                                   
OPT-140                       05/13/94           LOS Sensitivity Coefficients in NASTRAN Coordinates                            
OPT-141                       05/17/94           Clear Aperture Requirements - Fore Optics                                      
OPT-142                       05/19/94           Field Divider Assembly: Opto-Mechanical Requirements                           
OPT-143                       05/23/94           Outline of Test Philosophy for Spectral Filters and Grisms                     
OPT-144                       05/25/94           ZYGO with M.L.C. Auto-Focus Optical Model                                      
OPT-145                       05/25/94           ZYGO with M.L.C. into NICMOS Optical Model                                     
OPT-146                       05/26/94           ZYGO with M.L.C. into NICMOS with Retro-Sphere Optical Model                   
OPT-147                       05/26/94           Tolerance stack-up of Fore-Optics Bracket (FOB) and dewar                      
OPT-148                       05/27/94           Stray Light Performance of NICMOS Camera 2 Dewar Tube                          
OPT-148              A        07/15/94           Stray Light Performance of NICMOS Camera 2 Dewar Tube                          
OPT-149                       05/27/94           Handling procedure for NICMOS optics                                           
OPT-150                       06/01/94           Field Offset Mirror (FOM) Surface Description                                  
OPT-151                       06/07/94           Design of the Internal Calibration Source                                      
OPT-152                       06/09/94           CxPx Mirror Positions and Orientations                                         
OPT-153                       06/15/94           Testing of six candidate coatings for the camera cold benches                  
OPT-153              A        07/06/94           Testing of six candidate coatings for the camera cold benches, Revised         
OPT-154                       06/22/94           Transmitted Wavefront Error (TWE) Analysis on Spectral Filters                 
OPT-155                       07/13/94           Test Plan for Preliminary Evaluation of NICMOS spectral Filters                
OPT-156                       07/07/94           Stray Light from Lakeshore Temperature Diodes                                  
OPT-158                       07/18/94           Stray Light Performance of NICMOS Camera 1 and 3 Dewar Tubes                   
OPT-159                       07/29/94           ICS Lamp Vibration Test Results                                                
OPT-160                       08/07/94           Spectral Filter Locations in Filter Wheel                                      
OPT-161                       08/08/94           Analysis of Filter Induced Ghosts                                              
OPT-162                       08/16/94           Theoretical Coating Designs for Spectral Filters and Grisms                    
OPT-165                       10/04/94           Analysis of Stray Light Path Around Filter Wheel                               
OPT-166                       10/05/94           Update to Stray Light Analysis of NICMOS Dewar Penetration Tubes               
OPT-168                       10/11/94           Thermal Focus Shift in FFI                                                     
OPT-169                       11/02/94           Focal Plane Mapping to “V” Coord’s                                             
OPT-170                       12/01/94           FFI Lamp Voltage Tolerance                                                     
OPT-171                       12/06/94           ODA measurements of protection of Denton FSS-99 silver coatings                
OPT-172                       12/06/94           Comparative reflectance of Denton FSS-99 and FSG-98 samples                    
OPT-173                       01/03/95           Test Plan for Evaluation of NICMOS Flight Cold Optics                          
OPT-174                       01/20/94 (95)      Preliminary Spectral Filter Test Results                                       
OPT-174              A        01/24/95           Preliminary Spectral Filter Test Results (Rev. A)                              


REL-001                       03/14/89           Alternative Detector Hook-Ups                                                  
REL-002                       05/04/89           MICROPROCESSOR, CONSTRUCTION ANALYSIS REPORT                                   
REL-003                       05/04/89           RADIATION ADSORPTION - MAGNESIUM COMPARED TO ALUMINUM                          
REL-004                       05/04/89           CLASS “S”, ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR IC’s                                    
REL-005                       08/28/89           DEB-CB CROSS-STRAP RELIABILITY STUDY                                           
REL-006                       11/01/89           Radiation Data, IDT SRAM’s                                                     
REL-007                       11/10/89           Radiation Concern Emphasized by solar flare                                    
REL-008                       11/15/89           Redundant RIU-CB Serial Command Interface Lines                                
REL-009                       11/15/89           RIU Status (+ 5.3V Standby) Detection Circuit                                  
REL-010                       11/10/89           Review of DEB power Cross-Strapping Redesign                                   
REL-011                       1/16/90            WORST-CASE ANALYSIS (WCA) PLAN                                                 
REL-012                       1/23/90            Standby vs. Active Redundant Computer Boxes                                    
REL-013                       1/25/90            NICMOS Radiation Environment Analysis                                          
REL-014                       2/14/90            Analysis of NICMOS Radiation Environment                                       
REL-015                       3/8/90             3D Packaging by Texas Instruments                                              
REL-016                       3/20/90            Parts Procurement Flowchart                                                    
REL-017                       4/10/90            NEW DEB DESIGN REQUIRES RADIAITON TEST                                         
REL-018                       4/23/90            RESCREENING ISSUE, 80386 FAMILY                                                
REL-019                       5/23/90            Single-Point Failure (SPF) Summary                                             
REL-020                       5/5/90             Detector Electronics Section (DES) Alternative Design Analysis                 
REL-021                       6/20/90            SURFACE MOUNT QUANDARY                                                         
REL-022                       7/17/90            PARTS LIST GALORE                                                              
REL-023                       6/24/90            Qualification and Screening Requirements for Ball Constructed Transformers and Inductors                                                                  REL-024                       8/14/90            RADIATION CONSIDERATIONS, PCM RWR90-025, ITEM 4                                
REL-025                       8/14/90            RADIATION SUSCEPTIBILITY OF THE CRYSTAL ADC                                    
REL-026                       8/15/90            PROM POLICY, PCM RWR90-025, ITEM 5                                             
REL-028                       9/20/90            Microprocessor Family Specification Map                                        
REL-028              A        10/10/90           Microprocessor Family Specification Map                                        
REL-029                       10/7/93            Reliability Position re Loss of a Dewar Exit Cable or Connector                
REL-029              A        11/23/93           Reliability Position re Loss of a Dewar Exit Cable or Connector                
REL-030                       5/20/94            NANONICS Connector Screening, Pre-Mate Inspection, and Reword Requirements     
REL-033                       1/24/95            QUALIFICATION PROCEDURE FOR 517796 AND 522940 INDUCATORS                       


STRUC-001                     03/15/89           Structural Design, Analysis & Testing Philosophy                               
STRUC-001            A                                                                                                          
STRUC-001            B                                                                                                          
STRUC-001            C        5/12/89            Structural Design, Analysis and Testing Philosophy for the Near Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer Instrument (NICMOS) a Shuttle Payload     
STRUC-002                     5/1/89             THERMAL DEFORMATIONS OF COLD OPTICS                                            
STRUC-003                     5/22/89            0.063 INCHES THICK CIRCUIT BAORDS MAXIMUM UNSUPPORTED SPAN                     
STRUC-004                     5/1/89             EFFECT OF DUOCEL FOAM ON STRUCTURAL PERFORMANCE                                
STRUC-005                     6/2/89             FRACTURE MECHANICS LOADS SPECTRA FOR NICMOS                                    
STRUC-005            A        7/12/89            FRACTURE MECHANICS LOADS SPECTRA FOR NICMOS                                    
STRUC-006                     7/27/89            Composite Study for NICMOS Bench                                               
STRUC-007                     11/28/89           STRAP PRELOAD/TENSIONING CONSIDERATIONS                                        
STRUC-008                     12/5/89            NICMOS BENCH/DEWAR MODEL DESCRIPTIONS                                          
STRUC-009                     12/4/89            Bench Configuration to Increase Frequency                                      
STRUC-010                     12/6/89            Strap Preload/Tensioning considerations - No. 2                                
STRUC-011                     12/6/89            NICMOS NASTRAN ENCLOSURE MODEL                                                 
STRUC-012                     12/15/89           More Bench Trade-off to Increase Frequency                                     
STRUC-013                     3/5/90             NASTRAN Shell Buckling                                                         
STRUC-014                     12/15/89           Fatigue life of Alumina Straps                                                 
STRUC-015                     1/2/90             Frequency Requirements for NICMOS                                              
STRUC-016                     1/5/90             Simulaiton of the NICMOS Stepper Motor Control System                          
STRUC-017                     1/2/90             Even More Trade-offs to Increase NICMOS Bench/kDewar/Enclosure Frequencies     
STRUC-018                     2/1/90             Review of Resonant Frequency Requirement Rationale (Action Item 71)            
STRUC-019                     2/19/90            New NICMOS Enclosure Model                                                     
STRUC-020                     2/19/90            Updated NICMOS Bench/Dewar/Enclosure Structural Model                          
STRUC-020            A        6/5/90             Decector Electronics Section (DES) Alternative Design Analysis                 
STRUC-021            A        4/10/90            Preliminary Review of Printed Circuit Boards                                   
STRUC-022                     5/9/90             Structural Analytical Comparisons of the Optical Bench Proposals               
STRUC-023                     5/10/90            STRUCTUREAL SPECIFICATION HIERARCHY                                            
STRUC-024                     6/8/90             NICMOS Dewar Strap Sizing-Comparison of Alumina and S-Glass                    
STRUC-025                     6/14/90            Analysis of CO2 Tank for Stress and Buckling                                   
STRUC-026                     7/23/90            Preliminary Structural Analysis of the NICMOS Fore Optics Bench                
STRUC-027                     9/27/90            NICMOS BENCH FRACTURE CRITICAL CONSIDERATIONS                                  
STRUC-028                     10/2/90            FINITE ELELMENT ANLAYSIS OF N2 TANK FOR STRESS AND BUCKLING                    
STRUC-029                     10/31/90           PRELIMINARY STRUCTUREAL EVALUATION OF THE ENCLOSURE PANEL                      
STRUC-030                     11/14/90           Cursory Analysis of N2 Brassboard Test Assay for Buckling                      
STRUC-031                     12/3/90            OBTAINING A 32 Hz NICMOS AFTER THE SWITCH TO S-GLASS STRAPS                    
STRUC-032                     12/6/90            Preliminary Structural Analysis of the NICMOS Beam Steering Assembly           
STRUC-033                     11/23/92           NICMOS SINGLE STAGE DEWAR STRAP PRELOAD EVALUATION                             
STRUC-034                     4/7/93             Dewar Support Harware, Strength and Stiffness                                  
STRUC-035                     5/11/93            DEWAR STRUCTURAL ANLAYSIS INSTRUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS                         
STRUC-036                     11/24/93           Anlysis of the Adhesive Bond for the NICMOS Filter Mount                       
STRUC-037                     11/24/93           NICMOS (AND STIS) STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS VERIFICATION                             
STRUC-038                     11/30/93           Preliminary Analysis of a Fore Optics Bench Concept                            
STRUC-039                     12/8/93            NICMOS Main Bench Prelinimary Stiffness Analysis                               
STRUC-040                     1/24/94            I G SAG FROM DEWAR MODEL                                                       
STRUC-041                     1/25/94            Strap Block Bond Position Error Analysis                                       
STRUC-042                     1/25/94            Vac Ion Attachment Analysis                                                    
STRUC-043                     1/11/94            Hoist Ring Strength Analysis                                                   
STRUC-044                     1/25/94            Cold Bench Camera Transfer Functions                                           
STRUC-045                     4/4/94             Dewar Model Analysis Results                                                   
STRUC-046                     5/5/94             Dewar Finite Element Model Document                                            
STRUC-047                     3/1/94             Structural Behavior of Fill-Tube Assembly During Cool-Down                     
STRUC-048                     2/9/94             NICMOS Vacuum Shell Cover Stress Analysis                                      
STRUC-049                     3/7/94             NICMOS N2 Tank leak Before Burst Analysis                                      
STRUC-050                     3/17/94            Verification and Workmanship Tests for Load Bearing Honeycomb Panels Used for the NICMOS and STIS HST Enclosure                                          
STRUC-051                     3/30/94            Displacement Respone to Vacuum Shell Temperature Gradient                      
STRUC-052                     03/24/94           Stiffness Analysis of MEB Printed Wiring Assemblies                            
STRUC-053                     03/29/94           Strength Analysis of PAM Linear Bearings                                       
STRUC-054                     04/14/94           Torsional Stiffness Check of Strap Supported Dewar Mass                        
STRUC-055                     04/13/94           Strength Analysis of PAM U-Joint Flexure and Quill Flexures                    
STRUC-056                     04/21/94           Strength Analysis of PAM Mounting Bracket                                      
STRUC-057                     05/10/94           Updated Dewar Thermal Distortion Analysis                                      
STRUC-058                     05/13/94           Bond Stress at Shield Attach Blocks                                            
STRUC-059                     05/17/94           Optical Bench Thermal Distortion Analysis                                      
STRUC-060                     05/??/94           Stress Analysis of Gears for Stall Condition (FOM Rotary Actuator Gears)       
STRUC-061                     03/31/94           NICMOS DEWAR CONTAINMENT ANALYSIS                                              
STRUC-063                     06/01/94           Thermal and Structural Optimization of the Radiators for the Thermoelectric    
(CRYO-093)                                       Coolers                                                                        
STRUC-064                     06/??/94           FOM ASSEMBLY STRESS ANALYSIS                                                   
STRUC-064            A        06/??/94           FOM ASSEMBLY STRESS ANALYSIS                                                   
STRUC-065                     06/30/94           Vacuum Shell Leak-Check Tooling Analysis                                       
STRUC-066                     08/14/94           DEWAR VIBRATION TEST FIXTURE                                                   
STRUC-067                     08/11/94           Proposed Containment curve Implementation Guide                                
STRUC-069                     09/30/94           DEWAR STRAP BLOCK FLEXURE                                                      
STRUC-072                     10/27/94           TECI RADIATOR MATERIAL TRADE-OFF STUDIES                                       
STRUC-073                     10/11/94           NICMOS Fracture Critical Parts List                                            
STRUC-077                     11/07/94           NICMOS Strap Crazing Evaluation                                                
STRUC-078                     11/20/94           NICMOS Dewar Coldwell Structural Analysis                                      
STRUC-079                     01/05/95           Moisture Absorption Deformation Analysis                                       


SW-001                        02/13/89           Sostware Tools for the Flight Software Development Environment and the Flight Environment                                                             SW-002                        03/02/89           Software Requirements for NICMOS Mechanisms                                    
SW-003                        03/03/89           Science Data Formats                                                           
SW-004                        03/10/89           Science Data Dumping                                                           
SW-005                        03/14/89           Detector Control and Data Acquisition                                          
SW-006                        03/28/89           NICMOS Flight Software Self-Test                                               
SW-007                        03/28/89           Bi-Directional Communication Between NSSC1-Based NICMOS Flight Software and Phase 1 NICMOS Flight Software                                                 
SW-007               A        04/25/89           Bi-Directional Communication Between NSSC-I Based NICMOS Flight Software and by P-Based NICMOS Flight Software                                               SW-008                        03/28/89           On-Orbit Patching of Software                                                  SW-009                        04/04/89           NICMOS Software Partitioning Between the NSSC-I and Microprocessor             
SW-010                        04/04/89           NICMOS Software Reference Design Derived from Operational Requirements         
SW-011                        04/25/89           NICMOS Science Data Rates                                                      
SW-012                        04/26/89           Possible Origins of the ‘Bad Publicity’ Surrounding the GHRS Flight Software, and Lessons to be Learned for NICMOS                                 
SW-013                        05/04/89           Software Development in the ‘90's’ at BASG                                     
SW-014                        05/04/89           Comments on Computer Architectures                                             
SW-015                        05/04/89           Parallel Science Issues                                                        
SW-016                        05/09/89           Nomenclature for the Integration and Test System                               
SW-017                        05/18/89           On-Board Data Processing                                                       
SW-018                        06/13/89           NICMOS Software, Hardware, and System Benches                                  
SW-019                        07/17/89           NICMOS Computer Box Commands                                                   
SW-020                        07/21/89           Trade Studies for the NICMOS flight Software Realtime Multi-”Tasking Kernel and Implementation Language                                                    
SW-021                        08/04/89           Suggested Configurations for Flight Software and Digital Electronics Design for RMK Support                                                                 SW-022                        08/21/89           Science Data Compression                                                       
SW-023                        08/21/89           Does NICMOS Need Data Compression?                                             
SW-024                        01/17/90           Matrix of non-flight software required for NICMOS                              
SW-025                        01/30/90           Flight Software Tradeoffs Associated with Single Versus Dual Computer Operation                                                                      SW-026                        02/16/90           Cardtools Evaluation                                                           
SW-027                        04/05/90           Software-Through-Pictures Tutorial and Evaluation                              
SW-028                        04/06/90           DEB Software Impact Statement                                                  
SW-029                        04/06/90           CB Software Impact Statement                                                   
SW-030                        04/16/90           MACRO PROCESSING AND EXECUTION TIMING                                          
SW-031                        04/16/90           A Philosophy for Testing the Flight Software                                   
SW-032                        05/01/90           CB Flight Software Reprogrammability                                           
SW-033                        05/02/90           PROPOSED TERMINOLOGY FOR DETECTOR EVENTS                                       
SW-034                        06/20/90           PROPOSED CS to DES COMMAND FORMATS                                             
SW-035                        07/27/90           Preliminary NICMOS NSSC-I Flight Software Requirements Document                
SW-036                        10/02/90           Structured Analysis Tutorial                                                   
SW-037                        10/29/90           Filling and Emptying Detector FIFOs and Microprocessor CPU Utilization Factors                                                                        SW-038                        11/27/90           Interrupt Service Routine Execution Time Overhead                              
SW-039                        11/28/90           CPU Utilization Factor for Accepting Commands from the RIU                     
SW-040                        12/06/90           CHECK CHARACTERS FOR MEMORY VERIFICATION                                       
SW-041                        12/13/90           CPU Utilization Factor for Refilling the Science Data Formatter Interface FIFO                                                                           SW-042                        01/25/91           Command and Telemetry Data Base                                                
SW-043                        03/05/91           CPU Utilizaton Factor for Dumping Engineering Data to the RIU                  
SW-044                        04/24/91           CPU Utilization Factor for Updating the iRMK Clock                             
SW-045                        04/30/91           Flight Software Support for Engineering Data Diagnostics                       
SW-046                        09/10/91           Proposed NICMOS Target Acquisition Assumptions, Scenario, and User Input       
SW-047                        04/09/93           The Format of STIS Macros                                                      
SW-047               A        06/17/93           The Format of STIS Macros                                                      
SW-047               B                                                                                                          
SW-047               C        05/30/94           All Macro Formats                                                              
SW-048                        05/03/93           HST Spacecraft Time - How STIS Acquires it, Maintains it, and Uses it          
SW-049                        07/06/93           Control Section B Readboard Testing and Flight Prototype Software Development  
SW-050                        10/20/93           Flight Software Requirements Document                                          
SW-051                        01/26/94           Software Development and Test Bench Computer Resource Requirements for the NICMOS Program                                                                 SW-052                        01/26/94           NICMOS Nonflight Software Requirements                                         
SW-053                        05/09/94           Science Instrument Test System (SITS) Usage                                    
SW-054                        02/09/94           Flight Software Requirements Traceability Matrix                               
SW-054               A        08/05/94           Flight Software Requirements Traceability Matrix, Revision A                   
SW-055                        02/16/94           STIS Science Data Format                                                       
SW-056                        04/27/94           NICMOS Software Activities and Responsibilities                                
SW-058                        04/27/94           NICMOS Software and Operations Documentation                                   
SW-059                        04/27/94           NICMOS Software Unit Development Folders                                       
SW-060                        04/27/94           NICMOS Software Reviews                                                        
SW-060               A        09/30/94           NICMOS Software Reviews                                                        
SW-062                        05/20/94           Flight Software Hardware/Software Interfaces                                   
SW-063                        05/23/94           NICMOS Macros                                                                  
SW-063               PREL     06/17/94           NICMOS Macros (Preliminary)                                                    
SW-064                        01/14/94           NICMOS Test Software Requirements                                              
SW-065                        01/08/94           Control Section CSCI Software Requirements Document for the NICMOS Program     
SW-067                        05/12/94           NICMOS Specific Acronym List                                                   
SW-068                        05/20/94           Boot Mode Macro Format                                                         
SW-069                        05/20/94           Operate Mode Macro Format                                                      
SW-070               PREL     05/23/94           NICMOS Roadmap to Networked Resources                                          
SW-TBD                        05/20/94           Operate Mode Macro Format                                                      
SW-071                        06/01/94           NICMOS Data and Control Flow Diagrams                                          
SW-073                        06/10/94           NICMOS Target Acquisition                                                      
SW-073               A        11/10/94           NICMOS Target Acquisition                                                      
SW-074                        06/20/94           NICMOS Science Data Format                                                     
SW-076               A        07/07/94           EDAC Maintenance                                                               
SW-078                        07/07/94           Flight Software Timing Issues                                                  
SW-078               A                                                                                                          
SW-078               B        09/30/94           Flight Software Timing Issues                                                  
SW-079                        07/06/94           NICMOS Memory Allocation                                                       
SW-079               A        01/11/95           NICMOS Memory Allocation                                                       
SW-085               A        09/06/94           Phase I EVU                                                                    
SW-086                        08/03/94           NICMOS Flight Software Requirements Metrics                                    
SW-086               A        01/20/95           NICMOS Flight Software Requirements Metrics                                    
SW-087                        08/04/94           NICMOS Design Constraints, Assumptions, and Standards (Preliminary Release)    
SW-088                        09/06/94           Control Section Board Checkout                                                 
SW-089                        09/13/94           Users Manual for the NICMOS Timing Pattern Generator Compiler and Subpattern Editor                                                                         SW-090                        10/05/94           Ground Management of On-Board Code and Data                                    
SW-091                        10/31/94           Target Acquisition Algorithms Discussion                                       
SW-092                        11/30/94           CS Buffer Memory Management                                                    
SW-093                        11/18/94           Macro Manager                                                                  
SW-094                        12/06/94           Initial States of Macro Driven Hardware                                        
SW-098                        01/12/95           Coding Guidelines for Using iRMK Kernel Features                               
SW-099                        01/12/95           Roadmap to C&DH Lab (FA-2)                                                     
SW-100                        01/11/95           NICMOS flight Software Code, Test and Integration Phase                        
SW-102                        02/15/95           EVU Training                                                                   
SW-103                        02/17/95           NICMOS Software Configuration Management with SourceSafe                       
SW-104 STIS SW-084            02/24/95           Analysis of the Realtime Performance of the Embedded Flight Software           
SW-105                        03/09/95           NICMOS Science Data Capture System Requirements Document                       


SYS-001                       04/16/87           Analysis of NICMOS 300 Kelvin Data System                                      
SYS-002                       03/02/89           Rough Reliability Analysis of Detector Readout Option                          
SYS-003                       03/04/89           Optical/Mechanical Doodling or Why we Put the Dewar in the Right Direction the First Time                                                                 SYS-004                       03/06/89           All I hadn’t expected to find out about the HgCdTe Detector System             
SYS-005                       03/06/89           Cryogenic/Thermal Interfaces                                                   
SYS-006                       03/20/89           Nomenclature for the NICMOS Instrument                                         
SYS-007                       03/20/89           Access Ports, Apertures, and Lifetime                                          
SYS-008                       03/20/89           Where do we put the Optics and Cold Stops                                      
SYS-009                       03/20/89           NICMOS Coordinate System                                                       
SYS-010                       03/20/89           Sample Observing Scenarios                                                     
SYS-011                       04/03/89           Thermal Distortion of the Dewar/Bench and the affect on the optics             
SYS-012                       06/06/89           Venting, Optical Boxes, and Mechanisms                                         
SYS-013                       09/08/89           Venting philosophy and the impact on mechanisms                                
SYS-014                       04/04/90           System Engineering Management Plan (DRAFT)                                     
SYS-015                       10/17/90           Slit misalignment sensitivity analysis                                         
SYS-016                       10/24/90           System’s Modeling Effort                                                       
SYS-017                       11/08/90           BSA Failure Mechanisms                                                         
SYS-018                       11/19/90           Target Position Estimation                                                     
SYS-019                       11/20/90           NICMOS Pointing Error Budget                                                   
SYS-020                       11/26/90           Interprocessor Communication Link (IPCL)                                       
SYS-021                       09/19/91           Preliminary Optical Error Budget Tree                                          
SYS-022                       09/26/91           REQUIREMENTS/SPECIFICATIONS and where they are documented                      
SYS-023                       11/04/91           NICMOS Technical Budgets                                                       
SYS-024                       01/03/92           Candidate Electtro-Optical Error Budget                                        
SYS-025                       01/20/92           Wavefront Error Budget Initial Allocations                                     
SYS-026                       07/19/92           Optical Telescope Assembly Wavefront Uncertainties for Interface with Axial Science Instruments                                                            SYS-027                       07/29/93           Detector Control Electronics ICD                                               
SYS-027              A        11/03/93           Detector Control Electronics ICD                                               
SYS-028                       10/07/93           Estimates of Motion of Key metrology Locations After Cool-Down                 
SYS-029                       11/23/93           NICMOS/DCE ICD - Minutes, S/W Interface Meeting of November 15/16, 1993        
SYS-030                       11/10/93           Filter Wheel Postioning and Stability Requirement Flowdown                     
SYS-031                       01/24/94           Radiation Dose Levels for NICMOS Electronics                                   
SYS-032                       02/08/94           Length of Capillary Vent Tube                                                  
SYS-033                       02/01/94           Vacuum Maintenance Using ACH                                                   
SYS-034                       03/01/94           Sapphire & CaF4 IR Optical Materials - Radiation Damange Potential             
SYS-035                       03/01/94           Radiation Resistant Fused Silica Optics                                        
SYS-036                       03/02/94           Ionizing Radiation and Spectral Filters on NICMOS                              
SYS-037                       03/15/94           NICMOS Radiometric Performance Model (RPM)                                     
SYS-038                       03/09/94           Time to Fill NICMOS 3 Effective Storage Well                                   
SYS-039                       03/17/94           Incident Power onto Spectral Filters from Starlight and Earthshine             
SYS-040                       03/17/94           Impact Trades for Elimination of the FOM                                       
SYS-041                       04/11/94           Angular Momentum Characteristics of the HST                                    
SYS-042                       06/01/94           NICMOS Instrumentation, Part 1 - Overview                                      
SYS-042              A        07/19/94           NICMOS Instrumentation, Part 1 - Overview                                      
SYS-043                       06/01/94           Mechanical Tolerances for Positioning the Cold Masks and FPAs                  
SYS-044                       06/23/94           Access to RIUs after NICMOS Integration                                        
SYS-046                       07/20/94           Representative On-Orbit Vibrational Disturbancce                               
SYS-047                       07/20/94           System Level Analysis of Optical Performance                                   
SYS-048                       07/22/94           Updated Estimate of Life Time Number of Moves of the Field Offset Mirror (FOM)                                                                          SYS-049                       07/22/94           Updated Life Time Usage Estimates for the Filter Wheels (FW) and Field Offset Mechanism (FOM)                                                         SYS-050                       07/03/94           Radiation Dose Levels for NICMOS Main Electronics Boxes Using Graphite Epoxy Side Panels                                                                    SYS-050              A        09/12/94           Radiation Dose Levels for NICMOS Main Electronics Boxes Using Graphite Epoxy or Graphite Polycyanate Side Panels                                            
SYS-051                       07/10/94           Radiometric Performance Model (RPM) Imput Parameter Values                     
SYS-052                       09/12/94           Cold Pupil Mask Alignment Sensitivities                                        


TEST-001                      04/24/90           General Environmental Verification Specification (GEVS) Comparison to our Current Performance Verification Plan                                          
TEST-002                      09/15/93           Dewar Exit Cable Qualification Test                                            
TEST-003                      09/21/93           Nitrogen Tank Testing                                                          
TEST-004                      11/09/93           Preliminary Filter Wheel Test                                                  
TEST-005                      11/11/93           Filter Wheel Drive Shaft Life Test                                             
TEST-006                      11/12/93           Filter Wheel Drive Shaft (Soda Straw) Deflection Measurement                   
TEST-007                      12/03/93           Proposed Pre-Cooldown Dewar Tests                                              
TEST-008                      01/11/94           Dewar Exit Cable Qual Test Results                                             
TEST-009                      01/12/94           Dewar Exit Cable Electrical Tests (519801)                                     
TEST-009             A        05/24/94           Dewar Exit Cable Electrical Tests (519801)                                     
TEST-012                      03/29/94           Filter Wheel Feedthrough Development Tests                                     
TEST-013                      04/07/94           Enclosure Accelerometers                                                       
TEST-014                      04/08/94           1/4 Panel and HOMS Alignment Verifications                                     
TEST-015                      05/02/94           Test Connectors                                                                
TEST-015             A        05/24/94           Test Connectors                                                                
TEST-016                      06/06/94           Mechanism Life Test Policy                                                     
TEST-017                      06/20/94           FPA Temperatures (Maximum)                                                     
TEST-022                      08/22/94           Strain Gauge Bolt Cleaning                                                     
TEST-023                      08/22/94           Hermetic Feedthrough Leak Check                                                
TEST-024                      07/26/94           Test Cable Fabrication and Certification                                       
TEST-025                      09/14/94           Dewar Shield Dimensions                                                        
TEST-026                      10/12/94           NICMOS Mechanism Motor Test Plan                                               
TEST-027                      10/11/94           NICMOS ICS Bulb Temperature Test                                               
TEST-028                      11/04/94           Test Procedure, Vibration, Filter Wheel Mount (EMU)                            
TEST-029                      11/04/94           Test Procedure, Vibration, Drive Shaft (EMU)                                   
TEST-030                      11/04/94           Test Procedure, Bellows Coupling Leak (EMU)                                    
TEST-031                      12/19/94           Test procedure, Verification, Filter Wheel Motor (EMU) (NICMOS)                
TEST-031             A        01/12/95           Test Procedure, Verification, Filter Wheel Motor (EMU) (NICMOS)                
TEST-032                      11/08/94           Hermetic Connector Qualification                                               
TEST-032             A        11/08/94           Hermetic Connector Qualification                                               
TEST-033                      11/17/94           NICMOS FFI (Flat Field Illuminator) Lamp Life Test                             
TEST-035                      12/15/94           NICMOS FOM Flexure Testing                                                     
TEST-037                      01/27/95           NICMOS FFI Lamp Life Evaluation Test                                           
TEST-040                      02/12/95           Testing of Graphite Reinforced Epoxy (GRE) Optic Assembly EMU                  
TEST-042                      03/07/95           Testing of the Filter Wheel Module EMU and filter Wheel Motor                  


THER-001                      11/06/87           NICMOS “Warm Electronics”                                                      
THER-002                      04/19/88           NICMOS Proof of Concept Test Preparation                                       
THER-003                      06/02/88           TEC Performance Verification                                                   
THER-004                      11/10/88           NICMOS Life Test Demonstration Final Report                                    
THER-005                      03/27/89           Thermal Assumptions on electronic Packaging and Power Dissipation              
THER-006                      03/27/89           Thermal Tradeoff: Aluminum vs Fiberglass Inboard Panels                        
THER-007                      04/25/89           Colder Dewar/Bench; New Electronics Location                                   
THER-008                      05/09/89           LVPS Moved to Aft Bulkhead                                                     
THER-009                      06/29/89           Detailed TEC Radiator Analysis                                                 
THER-010                      08/22/89           First Look at Flat-Top Enclosure                                               
THER-011                      08/22/89           Estimate of Thermal Vac Transition Times                                       
THER-012                      10/12/89           Temperature/Power Results for Hot and Cold Operate/Hold Conditions             
THER-013                      10/12/89           Preliminary electronic board Thermal Analysis Results                          
THER-014                      10/25/89           Detailed Thermal Model                                                         
THER-015                      11/06/89           Results of 10 vs. 20 mil Aluminum face sheets on outboard panels               
THER-016                      11/13/89           Thermal Analysis of Dewar Radiator Support and Cryo Vent Lines                 
THER-017                      11/22/89           Location of RIUs at Aft Bulkhead                                               
THER-018                      12/01/89           Thermal Results of Various Enclosure Configurations                            
THER-019                      12/09/89           Thermal Results from Increased Environmental Temperatures                      
THER-020                      12/11/89           Heating of Electronics in Cold Hold Case                                       
THER-021                      01/04/89           Effect of Handhold on TECO Radiator Temperature                                
THER-022                      01/08/90           Transient Temperature Response of NICMOS to a Total Power Loss                 
THER-023                      01/09/90           NICMOS Thermal Design Parameter Study                                          
THER-024                      02/02/90           Thermal Design of TEC Radiators                                                
THER-025                      02/27/90           Qualitative Evaluation of Crinkled/Embossed MLI                                
THER-026                      02/27/90           Electronic Board Temperature Study                                             
THER-027                      03/08/90           Heater Control System, Thermal Requirements                                    
THER-028                      03/26/90           Optical Compartment Temperatures                                               
THER-029                      04/13/90           Surface Finish - Thermal                                                       
THER-030                      04/30/90           Thermal Subsystem Instrumentation                                              
THER-031                      05/10/90           Effect of Inboard/Outboard Face Sheets Thickness                               
THER-032                      05/31/90           Pinwheel Louver Concept                                                        
THER-033                      09/04/90           Completion of New Thermal Model                                                
THER-034                      09/10/90           Enclosure MLI Configuration                                                    
THER-035                      10/11/90           Optical Compartment Temperature Gradients                                      
THER-036                      01/21/91           TEC Sink Temperature Update                                                    
THER-037                      11/01/93           HOLD Mode Telemetry                                                            
THER-038                      12/16/93           TEC Hot Face Temperatures                                                      
THER-039                      03/31/94           Evaluation of Need for Conductivity Test on Main Bench                         
THER-045                      06/30/94           Thermal Model and Documentation Transfer to GSFC                               
THER-046                      08/16/94           Thermal Analysis of Buffer PWA                                                 
THER-047                      08/18/94           Thermal Analysis of CS Communications PWA                                      
THER-048                      08/22/94           Thermal Analysis of Motor Controller #2 PWA                                    
THER-049                      08/29/94           Thermal Analysis of Heater Controller                                          
THER-050                      08/30/94           Thermal Analysis of Motor Controller #1 PWA                                    
THER-051                      08/31/94           Thermal Analysis of Extender Card Use in Test                                  
THER-052                      10/05/94           Thermal Analysis of DIT PWA                                                    
THER-055                      11/07/94           Thermal Analysis of the Data Acquisition PWA                                   


WT-001                        02/27/87           Projected Mass Properties                                                      
WT-002                        07/05/88           Projected Mass Properties                                                      
WT-003                        04/28/89           Weight Budget                                                                  
WT-004                        05/18/89           Change in Weight Budget                                                        
WT-005                        06/09/89           Glass Mirrors vs Metal Mirrors                                                 
WT-006                        08/01/89           PDR Presentation                                                               
WT-007                        11/06/89           Location of the RIU’s (Remote Interface Unit)                                  
WT-008                        11/06/89           NICMOS Weight                                                                  
WT-009                        12/04/89           Light Weight Radiators and Supports                                            
WT-010                        01/02/90           Mass Properties                                                                
WT-011                        01/30/90           Optical Bench Mass Properties                                                  
WT-012                        03/20/90           Method of Building Composite Structures                                        
WT-013                        03/19/90           Electronics Weights                                                            
WT-014                        04/20/90           Access Doors                                                                   
WT-015                        04/16/90           Comments on Weight Option Matrix                                               
WT-016                        05/08/90           Light Weight Ideas                                                             
WT-017                        06/08/90           Support Electronics Repackaging                                                
WT-018                        03/15/91           Weight of Rescoped NICMOS                                                      


STIS                 A        11/30/93           (THM-021) Thermal Analysis of System Memory PWA                                
STIS                          11/30/93           (THM-026) Thermal Analysis of Buffer Memory PWA                                
STIS                          02/09/94           (THM-028) Thermal Analysis of Communications PWA                               
STIS                          07/21/93           (EL-049) Control Section Test Report - Part II                                 
STIS                          07/22/93           (EL-50) Control Section: Transition to Flight Design                                                                                                                                                          

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