Estimates of the NICMOS system sensitivities have been computed for each filter/detector combination using the flight filter transmission curves measured at crogenic temperature at Ball Aerospace, and the detector QE measurements made at University of Arizona. Other HST, NICMOS, and background elements have been approximated from best estimates of overall performance. In particular, the following assumptions have been made:
Temperature of the HST optics = 293K Temperature of the NICMOS optics = 275K The temperature of the zodiacal dust = 265K Emissivity of the HST = 0.1 Emissivity of the NICMOS = 0.15 The effective HST telescope area in square meters = 4.07 Efficiency of the system excluding the filter and detector = 0.65 Efficiency of transmitting HST thermal radiation = 0.722 Efficiency of transmitting NICMOS thermal radiation = 0.85 The detector noise in electrons = 35
Sensitivity curves may be viewed by clicking on [GRAPH] to the left of the description of the Camera/Filter combination desired.
Clicking on the name or description of the filter will link to a summary of the sensitivity calculations.
## MMMMMM PPPPPP DESCRIPTION OF SPECTRAL ELEMENT [GRAPH] 2 C1F3 F097N S III Continuum [GRAPH] 3 C1F2 F095N S III [GRAPH] 4 C1F1 F090M 0.8-1.0 microns [GRAPH] 5 C1F7 F110M 1.0-1.2 microns [GRAPH] 6 C1F5 F108N He I [GRAPH] 7 C1F8 F113N He I Continuum [GRAPH] 8 C1F11 F160W 1.4-1.8 microns [GRAPH] 9 C1F10 F145M Water [GRAPH] 10 C1F14 F166N Fe II Continuum [GRAPH] 11 C1F12 F164N Fe II [GRAPH] 12 C1F13 F165M 1.55-1.75 microns [GRAPH] 13 C1F17 F190N Paschen Alpha Continuum [GRAPH] 14 C1F16 F187N Paschen Alpha [GRAPH] 15 C1F15 F170M 1.6-1.8 microns [GRAPH] 16 C1F19 F140W 1.0-1.8 microns (Broad Band) [GRAPH] 17 C2F17 POL0S 1.9 - 2.1 micron Polarizer - 0 deg [GRAPH] 18 C2F17 POL120S 0.81 - 1.29 micron Polarizer - 120 deg [GRAPH] 19 C2F17 POL240S 0.81 - 1.29 micron Polarizer - 240 deg [GRAPH] 20 C1F20 F110W 0.81 - 1.29 microns
## MMMMMM PPPPPP DESCRIPTION OF SPECTRAL ELEMENT [GRAPH] 2 C2F1 F165M 1.55-1.75 microns [GRAPH] 3 C23F2 F160W 1.4-1.8 microns (Minimum Background) [GRAPH] 4 C23F1 F110W 0.8-1.4 microns [GRAPH] 5 C2F6 F205W 1.75-2.35 microns (Broad Band) [GRAPH] 6 C2F11 F237M CO [GRAPH] 7 C2F10 F222M CO Continuum [GRAPH] 8 C2F9 F216N Brackett Gamma [GRAPH] 9 C23F6 F215N H2 & Brackett Gamma Continuum [GRAPH] 10 C23F5 F212N H2 [GRAPH] 11 C23F4 F190N Paschen Alpha Continuum [GRAPH] 12 C23F3 F187N Paschen Alpha [GRAPH] 13 C2F4 F187W 1.75-2.0 microns [GRAPH] 14 C2F3 F180M HCO2 & C2 [GRAPH] 15 C2F2 F171M HCO2 & C2 Continuum [GRAPH] 16 C2F8 F207M 2.0-2.15 microns [GRAPH] 17 C2F17 POL0L 1.9 - 2.1 micron Polarizer - 0 deg [GRAPH] 18 C2F17 POL120L 1.9 - 2.1 micron Polarizer - 120 deg [GRAPH] 19 C2F17 POL240L 1.9 - 2.1 micron Polarizer - 240 deg [GRAPH] 20 C2F20 F204M 1.99-2.09 microns Methane
## MMMMMM PPPPPP DESCRIPTION OF SPECTRAL ELEMENT [GRAPH] 2 C3F6 F175W 1.2-2.3 microns [GRAPH] 3 C23F6 F215N H2 Continuum [GRAPH] 4 C23F5 F212N H2 [GRAPH] 6 C3F10 F240M CO Band [GRAPH] 7 C3F9 F222M CO Band Continuum [GRAPH] 8 C3F8 F200N Si VI Continuum [GRAPH] 9 C3F7 F196N Si V [GRAPH] 10 C23F4 F190N Paschen Alpha Continuum [GRAPH] 11 C23F3 F187N Paschen Alpha [GRAPH] 13 C3F3 F150W Grism B Continuum [GRAPH] 14 C3F4 F164N Fe II [GRAPH] 15 C3F5 F166N Fe II Continuum [GRAPH] 16 C23F2 F160W 1.4-1.8 microns (Minimum Background) [GRAPH] 17 C3F2 F113N He I Continuum [GRAPH] 18 C3F1 F108N He [GRAPH] 20 C23F1 F110W 0.8-1.4 microns