Telephone Number = 1-520-621 + EXTension (area code is of new format, old 602 may still work) NAME POSITION ROOM EXT. Cadien, Jim Research Specialist 285 5838 Ferro, Tony Systems Programmer, Senior N329 8683 Green, Betsy Research Associate 284 1144 or 7858 Hubbard, Pete Senior Engineer 158 5467 Jarrell, Deanna Staff Technician, Senior 154 8435 Komoros, Karen Infrared Detector Specialist N324 7325 Lytle, Dyer Research Specialist, Senior N328 7859 McKinney, Jon Project Secretry, Admin. N334 6458 Mentzell, Eric Optical Analyst N317 9385 Ramsey, Marshall Management Systems Specialist N324 2602 Rasche, Bob Project Manager N334A 6617 Rieke, Marcia Deputy Principle Investigator 262 2731 Rogers, Phil Principle Engineer - Systems N330 8433 Schneider, Glenn Instrument Scientist N326 5865 Schnurr, Rick Staff Technician, Senior 154 0998 or 6467 Steen, Linda Business Manager N332 6068 Stobie, Betty Science Data SW Specialist N328 7859 Thompson, Rodger Principal Investigator 320 6527 Valdivia, Kelly Accountant, Senior N330 9386 OTHER Clean Room........................................N129 7926 FAX Machine.......................................N334B 1891 Terminal Room (Sun Stations) .....................N327 7859Return to NICMOS UofA Home Page home page.