PROJECT TITLE NICMOS SUBJECT TITLE SI Command Blocks and Flow Charts PREPARED BY PHONE NO. APPROVED BY DATE G. Blue (303) 939-6930 J. Troeltzsch SCOPE/TEXT: This SER is being used as a tool for collecting the information needed for the generation of commands for the NICMOS Science Instrument (SI). This information is formally provided in the DM-05 document. This is revision F which incorporates the red lines and comments to the revision E version as well as the most current design information. This SER contains the information listed below. 1) NICMOS Commanding Requirements 1.1) System Level Command Requirements 1.2) NICMOS Command Terms and Definitions 2) DM-05 Place Holder 3) SI Level Modes Definition 3.1) Mode Definitions and Flow Diagram 3.2) Hardware States 3.3) Mode Transition Table 3.4) NICMOS Component States Information. 4) Operations Description Timing and Constraints 4.1) NSSC-I Timing Data 4.2) NICMOS Timing Data 5) Macro Activation Request Definitions 6) Parameter Definitions 6.1 Mechanism Limits and Settings 6.2 Symbols of Interest 6.2.1 NICMOS Address 6.2.2 NICMOS Enumeration Literals 6.2.3 NSSC-I Address 6.2.4 NSSC-I Offsets 6.2.5 NICMOS Offsets 6.3 Filter Wheel Proposal Parameter Definitions 7) NICMOS Reset Conditions 7.1 Hardware Resets 7.2 Software Resets DISTRIBUTION: Ball Software STScI W. Baggett GSFC J. Lawson A. U of A G.Schneider Group Operations V. Balzano D. Rankin H. Thomas Group Chance T Wheeler L. Olson
1.1 System Level Command Requirements
The following table defines the top level NICMOS requirements which affect the generation of command blocks, macros, and PSTOL procedures. The requirements listed in the first column were extracted from the document shown in the second column. The plain text in the table represents the exact wording from the document. Our additions and deletions are shown in italics and strikeouts.
The CEI Spec identified in the right hand column is the Part II revision A version dated 18 October 1994.
NICMOS Commanding Requirement Traceability Operation of the cameras will include: * controlling the FPAs CEI Spec. 3.1.2 NICMOS for data acquisition via interpretation and implementation of General Description uplinked macro commands; * commanding mechanisms to select filter wheel positions; * commanding mechanisms to provide field offsets to allow background subtraction; * commanding mechanisms to provide on-orbit optical alignment of pupil shear and focus; * commanding flat-field illumination lamps. The NICMOS shall interact with the SI C&DH in a manner similar CEI Spec. to the first generation instruments, with the added capability Operations of being operated utilizing macro commands uplinked to the NICMOS Control Section. NICMOS will have a minimum of five operational states: Operate, Hold, Safe, Boot/Suspend, and Observe. The NICMOS operations shall be commanded via RIU commands transmitted over the Supervisory Bus (CEI-P1: The Operate state is a transitional state in which the NICMOS instrument is readied for activation of the observe state or for returning to hold after termination of an observe state. The major functional capabilities within the Observe state shall be: offsetting the field of view pointing, coronographic target acquisition, science/engineering data acquisition (imaging), and flat-field illumination. (CEI-P1: Field of view pointing offsets will utilize the Small Angle Maneuvering system (SAMS) of the HST or the Field Offset Mechanism (FOM) in NICMOS. Target acquisition will utilize the HST SAMS.
NICMOS Commanding Requirement Traceability The three cameras shall be capable of independent operation CEI Spec. (CEI-P1: 3.1.1). The main concept of independent operation is Operations the ability to schedule each NICMOS camera operation without concern about the operational state of the other cameras. This pertains to positioning of the filter wheels, initiating and terminating integrations, performing the various readout mode of the detectors, and storage of the resultant data, The operations are not independent for movement of the FOM or for small angle maneuvers by HST. The independence of filter wheel operation is a goal, but may be compromised by insufficient noise immunity motor commanding during movement of the filter wheels. Also, concurrent read out of the independent detectors must be synchronized to achieve adequate noise immunity. Hence, the integration start times may be dependent to within the pixel access time, that is, the start time may be advanced or delayed by the pixel access time in order to achieve synchronization. In the Hold state, engineering data from key health and status sensors shall be acquired through the RIU via the supervisory/reply bus. In addition, the RIU shall be used to transfer discrete commands to control power within the instrument for heaters, TECs, pressure transducer, and turning on/off the power to the Main Electronics Box (MEB), which contains the Control Section (CS). In the Hold state, the filter wheels shall be in the opaque blank position, and the FOM shall be in the MIQ position. In the Safe state, only power to the TECs, LVPS hold converter, pressure transducer, and heaters will be maintained, Recovery from Safe state shall consist of returning NICMOS to the Hold state (CEI-P1: HST acquisition pointing shall be used to place the desired CEI Spec. target at specified position within the FOV of the desired Target Acquisition camera with the FOM mirror in the MIQ position (CEI-P1: An observation is defined to be a set of NICMOS actions that CEI Spec. Data result in production of output data from a camera (CEI-P1: Acquisition An observation may contain multiple integrations of the FPA. The Filter Wheel(s) may be changed between integrations. The FOM shall not be moved during an integration (CEI-P1: Each of the NICMOS cameras shall be capable of integration times from 0.2 to 10,000 seconds (CEI-P1: The detector control shall be able to make multiple non-destructive reads during an integration (CEI P1: In addition, the NICMOS camera shall be capable of integration times as short as 0.001 seconds per pixel (CEI-P1: The NICMOS operation shall be capable of performing simultaneous or overlapping integration of the three cameras with different integration times for each camera (CEI-P1:
NICMOS Commanding Requirement Traceability On-orbit installation and checkout of NICMOS shall be designed CEI Spec. and configured to be brought to a thermally safe state with a On-Orbit Installation & minimum of commands following electrical connection to the HST. Checkout Capability to perform a standard functional test shall be available to verify basic NICMOS science operation. The nominal elapsed time for running this test will be two hours or less. This test will be performed between the NICMOS installation EVA and the next scheduled EVA. NICMOS alignment will be performed by a sequence of ground CEI Spec. initiated commands to the PAM which will adjust the focus, On-Orbit Alignment & position (+/- 5mm), and direction of the chief ray x-tilt (+/- Calibration 10 arc minutes), and y-tilt (+/- 10 arc minutes). Analysis of images obtained at the PAM settings, performed on the ground, will determine the necessary commands to set the PAM for optimum image quality. Commands for maintenance and diagnostics functions shall be included. (CEI-P1: Commands shall initiate analysis, formatting routines, data CEI Spec. acquisition, and transmission of science data and engineering Commands and Data Handling data. NICMOS shall have the capability to store data internally in a buffer memory. The buffer memory size will accommodate at least 85 images. NICMOS shall be able to transmit data to the NSSC-I and/or SDF while new data are being collected. The NICMOS shall have the capability to perform diagnostic tests CEI Spec. Checkout upon command. These tests shall include, but not be limited to, I/O channel and memory test for each internal processor and operational tests of each mechanism Diagnostic test procedures using these capabilities shall be developed for ground operational checkouts and for use in flight to verify continued health of the instrument (CEI-P1:
1.2 NICMOS Command Terms and Definitions
HST 48 bit forward link commands with a 6 bit OP Code of 010 000, and a 5 bit RIU address of 10 100, result in serial digital and discrete commands sent to the NICMOS SI via the normal command path within the HST.
HST 48 bit forward link commands with a 6 bit OP Code of 100 111 or 100 011, and a 5 bit RIU address of 10100, result in serial digital and discrete commands sent to the NICMOS SI via the backup command path within the HST. The format differences between the normal path commands and the alternate path commands are transparent to the NICMOS CS flight software (CS FSW).
Regardless of the command path used, discrete commands are routed directly to the selected NICMOS hardware by the RIU. The serial digital commands (16 bits) are interpreted by the NICMOS CS flight software as; Normal Macro Activation Requests, Immediate Macro Activation Requests, or Parameter Data. Within the flight software, Immediate Macro Activation Requests have priority over Normal Macro Activation Requests. Parameter data is the data associated with Normal Macro Activation Requests. Immediate Macro Activation Requests can not include Parameter Data.
There are two types of Macros: Code-Level Macros and High Level Macros. Code Level Macros relate directly to an instrument function implemented by the NICMOS flight software. High level macros relate to an ordered list of Code-Level Macros (or other High Level Macros) required to perform some "higher level" SI function. An example of a High Level Macro is Non-Prime Parallel Observe which is implemented by executing several Code Level Macros.
Stored commands are commands which are executed onboard the HST by the NSSC-I computer.
Stored commands are either Relative Time Code Sequence (RTCS) relative commands or Absolute Time commands (ATC).
A Command Block is a group of RTCS or Absolute Time commands which have been predefined in the Project Data Base (PDB) to perform a specific function.
Macro activation requests are sent from the ground as NSSC-I memory uploads in the form of Command tables. The table data is converted by the Macro AP software into RTCS commands. The Macro AP then marks the RTCS for execution by the NSSC-I command processor.
There are five separate NSSC-I memory areas used for table uploads, three are reserved for detector specific stored commanding (one for each of the detectors), and two non-detector specific command memory buffers (one for real-time commanding, and one for stored commands). The table data is defined in the Table Format Parameter File which is provided in section 9.
3.1 Mode Definitions and Flow Diagram
Figure 3.1-1 shows the modes defined for NICMOS and the command groups which facilitate the transitions between the modes. Those command groups shown in the figure which do not originate from a specific mode, can be called from any higher level mode.
Figure 3.1-1 NICMOS modes and mode transition command groups
NICMOS Mode Definitions
Mode: OFF
Description: This non-orbit configuration is used during testing and storage of the science instrument. In general, all NICMOS relays will be open, the TEC, pressure transducer, and buffer box power will be set to side 2, and the non-redundant sensors set to side 1.
Description: This configuration covers the time period from the last dewar servicing on the ground until installation into HST by the shuttle astronauts. When the instrument is in this mode, specific relays have been configured for on-orbit installation into the HST. While on the ground, the SI is powered on only to pre-configure the relays and then power is removed until the SAFE mode is entered.
Mode: SAFE
Description: This on-orbit configuration is used to; (1) place the instrument into a thermal safe state using a minimum amount of commands following electrical connection to the HST, or (2) to place the instrument into a thermal safe state following an instrument or spacecraft anomaly.
The SAFE mode configuration includes the relay settings defined in the LAUNCH CONFIGURATION mode and closing the four HST PDU relays to provide power to NICMOS. In this mode, the NSSC-I can be on or off.
Recovery from the SAFE mode consists of transitioning to the HOLD mode.
Mode: HOLD
Description: Hold is a routine on-orbit configuration state for the NICMOS instrument. This mode will be entered when the science instrument is not scheduled for operations. The HOLD mode contains all the settings of the SAFE mode with NICMOS safing protection enabled using the NSSC-I computer. Safing protection is limited to NSSC-I limit checking of the NICMOS HOLD mode telemetry data.
Mode: BOOT
Description: This on-orbit configuration has two purposes; (1) transition the instrument from HOLD to OPERATE, and (2) to assist in fault isolation.
When the BOOT mode is entered from the HOLD mode, the science instrument is being made ready for operations. See the mode transition table in this section for a summary of the actions taken.
Fault isolation is supported by activation of the BOOT mode via the NSUSPND (suspend) command sequence. From any higher mode, the NSUSPND sequence will halt the NICMOS CS software running in EDAC RAM and begin execution of the boot software in PROM. At this point, a subset of the normal NICMOS commands can be used which includes dumping the contents of EDAC RAM to the ground for error detection and evaluation.
The NSUSPND command sequence will also set the Buffer Boxes to the "off" side, and reset the DES and SES effectively turning off the detectors, mechanisms and calibration lamps.
Description: This mode is used to either (1) configure the instrument for observations, or (2) provide an ordered termination from the OBSERVE mode. For SI configuration, the three buffer boxes will be activated and the DES will be initialized. A one hour warm-up time is required prior to transitioning to the OBSERVE mode to allow the DES electronics to stabilize. When the OPERATE mode is entered from the OBSERVE mode, the SI will be placed in a known state. This includes repositioning the filter wheels to a blank filter.
In the OPERATE mode the flight software is in its full-up configuration.
Description: NICMOS will be placed in the OBSERVE mode during all camera exposures. Repositioning back to the OPERATE mode is not required for multiple images. OBSERVE mode operations are divided into the detector modes which are defined in section 4.
Within the OPERATE and OBSERVE Modes, the PAM and Calibration Lamps will be configured into unique 'States'. These States are shown in Figure 3.2-1.
Figure 3.2-1 PAM & Calibration Lamp State transitions
Description: In this state, power to the PAM sensors is off. Power to the PAM motors is on whenever the Operate relay is closed. The PAM sensors include an LVDT focus sensor and DITS tilt sensors. The DITS sensor requires a 1 hour warm-up period prior to use.
PAM Warm-up Time: 1 hour
Mode: PAM ON
Description: Power is available at the PAM sensors. The NEPAMSEN command is used to enable power and the NDPAMSEN command is used to disable power to the sensors.
PAM Supression Time: 8 hours
Description: NICMOS has six calibration lamps with three lamps per instrument side. In the LAMP OFF state all lamps are off. The Calibration Lamps are managed to minimize the number of on/off cycles.
Lamp Warm-up Time: 1 second
Description: In the LAMP ON state one (or more) of the lamps are illuminated. It is possible to activate more than one lamp at a time (non-standard operations), see the Calibration Lamp macro definition in section 5.70 for more information.
Lamp Supression Time: TBD
3.3 Mode Transition Table
Current Next Transition Action Mode Mode Event Off SAFE ground test * provide power to NICMOS RIU-A and RIU-B from the PDU IF or SI side 1 selected: * set RIU-A to stand-by 2 & RIU-B to stand-by operation 1 * configure the ground for RIU-A operations * verify that activation RIU-A is outputting conditioned analog telemetry: + perform sequence manual verification of the RIU temperature telemetry data + -------------- check RIU status and output status message * configure NICMOS ------- Check for SAFE Mode on side 1 (ZNLCSAF1): + disable side 1 & 2 Dates: PSTOL Operate power relays + disable side 2 Hold relay + enable side _5/15/95_ 1 Hold relay + disable side 2 Thermal Controller power relays + Instruct enable side 1 Thermal Controller power relay + set the TEC ___n/a___ power side select relay to side 1 + enable TEC Inner V2 & V3 power relays + enable TEC Outer power relay + disable PAM sensors + set the Pressure Transducer power side select relay to side 1 + set all six (6) buffer box side select relays to side 2 + set the non-redundant sensor telemetry routing relays to side 1 (NSIDEON) * verify the relay settings in telemetry & display errors ELSE (side 2 selected as primary) * set RIU-B to stand-by 2 & RIU-A to stand-by 1 * configure the ground for RIU-B operations * verify that RIU-B is outputting conditioned analog telemetry: + check RIU power status and output status message * configure NICMOS for SAFE Mode on side 2 (ZNLCSAF2): + disable side 1 & 2 Operate power relays + disable side 1 Hold relay + enable side 2 Hold relay + disable side 1 Thermal Controller power relays + enable side 2 Thermal Controller power relay + set the TEC power side select relay to side 2 + enable TEC Inner V2 & V3 power relays + enable TEC Outer power relay + disable PAM sensors + set the Pressure Transducer power side select relay to side 2 + set all six (6) buffer box side select relays to side 1 + set the non-redundant sensor telemetry routing relays to side 2 (NSIDEON) * verify the relay settings in telemetry & display errors ENDIF IF SDF selection = Primary * enable the primary SDF interface (path A) ELSE * enable the secondary SDF interface (path B) ENDIF * operator verification - GO for Power-Up? * provide power to NICMOS side 1 & 2 * enable PORTS limits checking
SI Level Mode Transition Table cont.
Current Next Transition Action Mode Mode Event SAFE OFF ground test * disable power to NICMOS side 1 & 2 (CFOSPF & CFOSRF) * termination configure NICMOS for OFF Mode (ZNOFF): + disable side 1 & 2 sequence Hold power relays + disable side 1 & 2 Operate power relays + -------------- disable side 1 & 2 Thermal Controller power relays + set the ------- Check TEC power side select relay to side 2 + disable TEC Inner V2 & Dates: PSTOL V3 power relays + disable TEC Outer power relay + disable PAM _8/4/95_ sensors + set the Pressure Transducer power side select relay Instruct to side 2 + set the non-redundant sensor telemetry routing ___n/a___ relays to side 2 (NSIDEOFF) + set all six (6) buffer box side select relays to side 2 + enable the primary SDF interface (path A) * verify the relay settings in telemetry & display errors (needs to be added) * disable PORTS limit checking (needs to be added) * disable power to RIU-A & RIU-B Launch launch minus * mode transition prerequisite: + camera 1 filter wheel set to Config- TBD (the last TBD position + camera 2 filter wheel set to TBD position + uration dewar camera 3 filter wheel set to TBD position * disable power to servicing) NICMOS side 1 & 2 * configure NICMOS for SAFE Mode on side 1 -------------- (ZNLCSAF1): + disable side 1 & 2 Operate power relays + disable ------- Check side 2 Hold relay + enable side 1 Hold relay + disable side 2 Dates: PSTOL Thermal Controller power relays + enable side 1 Thermal _ Controller power relay + set the TEC power side select relay _ Instruct to side 1 + enable TEC Inner V2 & V3 power relays + enable TEC ___n/a___ Outer power relay + disable PAM sensors + set the Pressure Transducer power side select relay to side 1 + set all six (6) buffer box side select relays to side 2 + set the non-redundant sensor telemetry routing relays to side 1 (NSIDEON) * verify the relay settings in telemetry & display errors * configure the NICMOS RIUs: + set RIU-B to stand-by 2 + set RIU-A to stand-by 1 * disable power to RIU-A & RIU-BSI Level Mode Transition Table cont.
Current Next Transition Action Mode Mode Event Launch Safe NICMOS has * provide power to NICMOS RIU-A and RIU-B from the PDU IF Config- been side 1 selected for operations * configure the RIUs: + set uration installed in RIU-B to stand-by 2 & RIU-A to OFF * verify the RIU status & the HST and display errors * configure the RIUs: + set RIU-A to stand-by 2 the ground & RIU-B to stand-by 1 * verify the RIU status & display errors has received * configure NICMOS for SAFE Mode on side 1 (ZNLCSAF1): + the go-ahead disable side 1 & 2 Operate power relays + disable side 2 Hold for the relay + enable side 1 Hold relay + disable side 2 Thermal NICMOS Controller power relay + enable side 1 Thermal Controller power aliveness relay + set the TEC power side select relay to side 1 + enable test TEC Inner V2 & V3 power relays + enable TEC Outer power relay + -------------- disable PAM sensors + set the Pressure Transducer power side ------- Check select relay to side 1 + set all six (6) buffer box side select Dates: PSTOL relays to side 2 + set the non-redundant sensor telemetry _ routing relays to side 1 (NSIDEON) * verify the SI _ Instruct configuration & display errors ELSE side 2 selected for ___n/a___ operations * configure the RIUs: + set RIU-A to stand-by 2 & RIU-B to OFF * verify the RIU status & display errors * configure the RIUs: + set RIU-B to stand-by 2 & RIU-A to stand-by 1 * verify the RIU status & display errors * configure NICMOS for SAFE Mode on side 2 (ZNLCSAF2): + disable side 1 & 2 Operate power relays + disable side 1 Hold relay + enable side 2 Hold relay + disable side 1 Thermal Controller power relay + enable side 2 Thermal Controller power relay + set the TEC power side select relay to side 2 + enable TEC Inner V2 & V3 power relays + enable TEC Outer power relay + disable PAM sensors + set the Pressure Transducer power side select relay to side 2 + set all six (6) buffer box side select relays to side 1 + set the non-redundant sensor telemetry routing relays to side 2 (NSIDEON) * verify the SI configuration & display errors ENDIF * apply power to NICMOS side 1 & 2 from the PDU
SI Level Mode Transition Table cont.
Current Next Transition Action Mode Mode Event Safe Hold normal * Inhibit all NICMOS AP's * Halt & inhibit NICMOS unique RTCS's activation or * Halt & inhibit NICMOS suspend RTCS * Inhibit NICMOS safing SAFE mode RTCS * Clear NICMOS sequence request bits (pending rtcs recovery requests) * Set NICMOS safing flag to the 'recover' value * sequence Load & activate the SAFE to HOLD RTCS * Configure the RIUs: + -------------- Set active RIU to Stand-by 2 + Set other RIU to Stand-by 1 * ------- Check configure NICMOS for HOLD mode on the selected side: (for Dates: PSTOL PSTOL, use the ZNLCSAF1 -or- ZNLCSAF2 cmd group) + Disable the _8/4/95_ Operate relay (both sides) + Disable the Hold relay on the off Instruct side + Enable the Hold relay on the on side + Disable Thermal __5/4/95_ Controller power relay on the off side + Enable Thermal Controller power relay on the on side + Enable TEC side select power to the on side + Enable TEC Inner V2 and V3 power relays + Enable TEC Outer power relay + Disable PAM sensors (DITS & LVDT) power relay + Pressure Transducer power to the on side + Set buffer boxes to the off side * Enable the NICMOS NSSC-I safing FSW (AP-23) * Clear the NSSC-I Suspend flag * Clear the NSSC-I Checksum flag * Load the SDF formats
SI Level Mode Transition Table cont.
Current Next Transition Action Mode Mode Event SAFE SAFE Side switch IF current side = 1 * Configure the RIUs for operations on side -------------- 2: + configure the ground for RIU B operations + Set RIU B to ------- Check Stand-by 2 + Set RIU A to Stand-by 1 * configure NICMOS for Dates: PSTOL SAFE Mode on side 2 (ZNLCSAF2): + disable side 1 & 2 Operate ________ power relays + disable side 1 Hold relay + enable side 2 Hold Instruct relay + disable side 1 Thermal Controller power relay + enable ________ side 2 Thermal Controller power relay + set the TEC power side select relay to side 2 + enable TEC Inner V2 & V3 power relays + enable TEC Outer power relay + disable PAM sensors + set the Pressure Transducer power side select relay to side 2 + set all six (6) buffer box side select relays to side 1 + set the non-redundant sensor telemetry routing relays to side 2 (NSIDEON) * verify the SI configuration & display errors ELSE configure for operations on side 1: * Configure the RIUs for side 1: + configure the ground for RIU A operations + Set RIU A to Stand-by 2 + Set RIU B to Stand-by 1 * configure NICMOS for SAFE Mode on side 1 (ZNLCSAF1): + disable side 1 & 2 Operate power relays + disable side 2 Hold relay + enable side 1 Hold relay + disable side 2 Thermal Controller power relay + enable side 1 Thermal Controller power relay + set the TEC power side select relay to side 1 + enable TEC Inner V2 & V3 power relays + enable TEC Outer power relay + disable PAM sensors + set the Pressure Transducer power side select relay to side 1 + set all six (6) buffer box side select relays to side 2 + set the non-redundant sensor telemetry routing relays to side 1 (NSIDEON) * verify the SI configuration & display errors ENDIF
SI Level Mode Transition Table cont.
Current Next Transition Action Mode Mode Event Hold Boot normal * Initialize NSSC-I flight software + Enable suspend & unique activation RTCS sequences + Enable NFMACRO (AP-22) for execution (with sequence init) + Enable NFCSCOMM (AP-21) for execution (with init) * -------------- Disable Operate relay on the off side * Enable Operate relay on ------- Check the on side (Just prior to the major frame for TLM sync) * Dates: PSTOL Initialize the NICMOS BOOT software: + Disable bus wait state + _8/4/95_ Enable watchdog timer + Enable EDAC detection + Enable reset on Instruct multi-bit errors + Enable auto correction of single bit errors __5/4/95_ + Enable software refresh of EDAC RAM + Enable A/D collection + Patch limit check values in EDAC if necessary + Turn on CS limit checking + Enable science data interface Note: PSTOL procedure NHLDBOOT uses the NSSC-I Macro AP PSTOL procedure NHLDBTC does not use the NSSC-I Macro AP SAFE test * Disable the NICMOS NSSC-I safing FSW (AP-23) termination sequence -------------- ------- Check Dates: PSTOL _5/16/95_ Instruct ___n/a__SI Level Mode Transition Table cont.
Current Next Transition Action Mode Mode Event Boot Operate normal * Clear the checksum error flag (NFCKSMFL) [in PSTOL only] * activation Copy NICMOS Operate code from EEPROM to EDAC RAM * Verify sequence for successful copy operation using checksum * If unsuccessful copy detector operation: attempt one retry (suspend on second failure) * Set imaging buffer box side relays to the on side * Patch limit check Note: Warm-up values in EDAC if necessary * Activate the Operate code (~10 is required seconds prior to the major frame) Note: the NSSC-I will send for the DES TDF status to the flight software during this mode trans. * electronics Initialize the software: + Enable paging tables + Enable reset and the PAM on multi-bit error + Enable auto correction for single bit sensors prior errors + Enable software refresh of EDAC RAM + Patch Buffer Box to use. A limit check flag to 'on' for each box + Enable limit checking warm-up time + Restore motor commutations + Move the FOM to its default of 1 hour is position + Move the Filter Wheels to the blank (opaque) anticipated position + Enable the 3 FPA temperature sensors + Set the starting when voltages for each detector + Enable the voltages for each the Operate detector + Patch Detector Voltage limit check flag to 'on' for relay is each detector + Initialize the detector gains + Start auto closed in the reset on each detector + Time code update (sync HST and NICMOS HOLD to BOOT time counters at least 5 seconds prior to the major frame) + transition. Initialize image header buffers (after next major frame) -------------- ------- Check Dates: PSTOL _8/4/95_ Instruct __5/4/95_ Hold activation * Disable the NICMOS science data interface * Disable NFMACRO error or (AP-22) * Disable (open) the Operate relays * Disable NFCSCOMM normal (AP-21) + Note: PSTOL processing requires this step to occur termination before opening the Operate relays or a NFCSCOMM tlm timeout sequence error might occur. * Clear the Checksum error flag in the NSSC-I -------------- ------- Check Dates: PSTOL _5/16/95_ Instruct __5/4/95_ SUSPEND HOLD error Note: the starting point for this transition is as defined by recovery the SUSPEND sequence. * Real-time ground operations (as -------------- required): Halt & inhibit any RTCS's which might have been ------- Check interrupted by the suspend transition * Halt & inhibit unique Dates: PSTOL and suspend RTCS sequences * Clear the sequence request bits * _5/16/95_ Enable NICMOS RTCS processing * Disable the NICMOS science data Instruct interface * Disable NFMACRO (AP-22) * Disable (open) the __5/9/95_ Operate relays * Disable NFCSCOMM (AP-21) * Clear the checksum error flag * Clear the SUSPEND flag
SI Level Mode Transition Table cont.
Current Next Transition Action Mode Mode Event Operate Observe Normal * disable the 3 FPA temperature sensors * calibrate the DES imaging analog to digital converters operations -------------- ------- Check Dates: PSTOL _5/16/95_ Instruct __5/4/95_ BOOT normal * Patch Detector Voltage limit check flag to 'off' for each termination detector * Operate (disable) voltages for all detectors * Save sequence motor commutation (NCPY2EE) * Patch Buffer Box limit check flag -------------- to 'off' for each box * Set buffer boxes to the off side * ------- Check Issue H/W (RIU) reset (sync TLM) * Initialize the NICMOS BOOT Dates: PSTOL software: + Disable bus wait state + Enable watchdog timer + ________ Enable EDAC detection + Enable reset on multi-bit errors + Instruct Enable auto correction of single bit errors + Enable software __5/4/95_ refresh of EDAC RAM + Enable A/D collection + Patch limit check values in EDAC if necessary + Turn on CS limit checking + Enable science data interface Observe Operate Termination * move filter wheels to default positions (blank) * enable the of imaging 3 FPA temperature sensors Suppression time: 10 minutes operations -------------- ------- Check Dates: PSTOL _5/19/95_ Instruct __5/4/95_
SI Level Mode Transition Table cont.
Current Next Transition Action Mode Mode Event HOLD, Safe system error * Set RIU A & B to Standby 1 * Disable science data interface or (ambien or test * Configure NICMOS for OFF Mode on side 1 using both RIU A & BOOT, t) termination RIU B: + disable side 1 & 2 Operate power relays + disable side or sequence due 1 & 2 Hold power relays + disable side 1 & 2 Thermal Controller OPERATE to H/W limit power relays + set the TEC power side select relay to side 2 + , or violation, disable TEC Inner V2 & V3 power relays + disable TEC Outer OBSERVE S/W error power relay + disable PAM sensors (DITS & LVDT) power relay + condition, set Pressure Transducer power relay to side 2 + set the Buffer HST request, Box relays to side 2 * Disable NFCSCOMM (AP-21) , NFMACRO or ground (AP-22) & NSAFING (AP-23) * Set RIU A to Standby 2 & RIU B to command Standby 1 -------------- ------- Check Date: PLCP _8/2/95_ HOLD, Safe system error * Set RIU A & B to Standby 1 * Disable science data interface or (flight or test * Configure NICMOS for SAFE Mode on side 1 using both RIU A & BOOT, ) termination RIU B: + disable side 1 & 2 Operate power relays + disable side or sequence due 2 Hold power relay + enable side 1 Hold power relay + disable OPERATE to H/W limit side 2 Thermal Controller power relay + enable side 1 Thermal , or violation, Controller power relay + set the TEC power side select relay OBSERVE S/W error to side 1 + enable TEC Inner V2 & V3 power relays + enable TEC condition, Outer power relay + disable PAM sensors (DITS & LVDT) power HST request, relay + set the Pressure Transducer power relay to side 1 + set or ground the Buffer Box relays to side 2 * Disable NFCSCOMM (AP-21) , command NFMACRO (AP-22) & NSAFING (AP-23) * Set RIU A to Standby 2 & -------------- RIU B to Standby 1 ------- Check Date: PLCP _8/2/95_ Operate Boot system error * Set the SUSPEND state flag in the NSSC-I * Issue H/W RIU , or (suspen due to S/W reset for MEB 1 & 2 using both RIUA and RIUB * Set Buffer Boxes Observe d) error to the off side using both RIUA and RIUB * Disable the PAM condition, sensors (DITS & LVDT) * Disable NFMACRO (AP-22) * Initialize limit the Boot software after it has come up: + Disable bus wait failure, or state + Enable the watch dog timer + Enable EDAC detection + ground Enable EDAC reset on multi-bit error + Enable EDAC H/W command. correction for single bit errors + Enable A/D collection + Turn -------------- on CS limit checking + Enable EDAC S/W refresh * Disable ------- Check science data interface * Disable all NICMOS RTCS processing Date: PLCP __8/3/95_
SI Level Mode Transition Table cont.
Current Next Transition Action Mode Mode Event Lamp lamp1 Lamp Activate Calibration Lamp #1 (State = On) hold activation lamp2 Lamp Activate Calibration Lamp #2 (State = On) activation lamp3 Lamp Activate Calibration Lamp #3 (State = On) activation LAMP1 Lamp Lamp off Deactivate Calibration Lamp #1 (State = Off) hold LAMP2 Lamp Lamp off Deactivate Calibration Lamp #2 (State = Off) hold LAMP3 Lamp Lamp off Deactivate Calibration Lamp #3 (State = Off) hold PAM PAM ON PAM activation * Activate the PAM sensors: LVDT focus & DITS tilt * Specify HOLD the PAM 'On' limits by setting the PAM on/off flag to 1 (non zero) PAM ON PAM PAM * Specify the PAM 'Off' limits by setting the PAM on/off flag HOLD deactivation to 0 (zero) * Deactivate the PAM sensors: LVDT focus & DITS tilt
3.4 NICMOS Component States Information
The following tables define the state of all NICMOS commandable items, as they relate to the defined modes. The tables are organized by NICMOS component.
NICMOS Component: Remote Interface Unit (RIU)
Component Item or Science Instrument Modes Component Item State Commandable Action OFF LAUNCH SAFE HOLD BOOT OPERATE OBSERVE CONFIG HST PDU RIU-A (primary) Power off => off => on on on on on HST PDU RIU-B (redundant) off => off on on on on on Power RIU-A Mode Select stndby2 => => stndby2 stndby2 stndby2 stndby2 stndby2 stndby2 RIU-B Mode Select stndby1 => => stndby1 stndby1 stndby1 stndby1 stndby1 stndby1Note: The command block must transition RIU-A through standby 1 to standby 2. When RIU-A is placed in standby 2, RIU-B is automatically set to off. RIU-B is then set to standby 1.
NICMOS Component: Buffer Box (BB)
Component Item or Science Instrument Modes Component Item State Commandable Action OFF LAUNCH SAFE HOLD BOOT OPERATE OBSERVE CONFIG Power, Control & Data signal side 2 side 2 side 2 =>side side 2 => side side 1 Path - Buffer Box #1 - <= <= 2<= <= 1 side relay for detector half A - side relay for detector half B Power, Control & Data signal side 2 side 2 side 2 =>side side 2 => side side 1 Path - Buffer Box #2 - <= <= 2<= <= 1 side relay for detector half A - side relay for detector half B Power, Control & Data signal side 2 side 2 side 2 =>side side 2 => side side 1 Path - Buffer Box #3 - <= <= 2<= <= 1 side relay for detector half A - side relay for detector half B
=> X cmd required when transitioning from a X <= cmd required when transitioning from lower mode a higher mode
NICMOS Component: Detector Electronics (DES)
Component Item or Science Instrument Modes Component Item State Commandable Action OFF LAUNCH SAFE HOLD BOOT OPERATE OBSERVE CONFIG output source follower bias 0 volts 0 volts 0 volts 0 volts 0 volts => 5 5 volts (1-3) <= volts diode bias (1-3) 0 volts 0 volts 0 volts 0 volts 0 volts => 5 5 volts <= volts shift register digital bias 0 volts 0 volts 0 volts 0 volts 0 volts => 5 5 volts (1-3) <= volts reset bias (1-3) 0 volts 0 volts 0 volts 0 volts 0 volts => 5 5 volts <= volts column select buffer bias 0 volts 0 volts 0 volts 0 volts 0 volts => 5 5 volts (1-3) <= volts source follower pull-up 0 volts 0 volts 0 volts 0 volts 0 volts => 5 5 volts voltage (1-3) <= volts offset subtraction voltage 0 volts 0 volts 0 volts 0 volts 0 volts => 5 5 volts (1-3) <= volts FPA internal temperature disable => disable disable disable => => monitor (1-3) Note: on only disable <= enable disable when taking a reading (disable after warm-up) VD enabled to detector (1-3) disable disable disable disable disable => enable (A-B) <= enable DETBIAS enabled to detector disable disable disable disable disable => enable (1-3) (A-B) <= enable VSOURCE, OFFSET enabled to disable disable disable disable disable => enable detector (1-3) (A-B) <= enable VDD enabled to detector disable disable disable disable disable => enable (1-3) (A-B) <= enable AHI enabled to detector disable disable disable disable disable => enable (1-3) (A-B) <= enable RHI enabled to detector disable disable disable disable disable => enable (1-3) (A-B) <= enable video gain (1-3) not set not set not set not set not set => set set video bandwidth (1-3) not set not set not set not set not set => set set
=> X cmd required when transitioning from a X <= cmd required when transitioning from lower mode a higher mode
NICMOS Component: Low Voltage Power Supply (LVPS)
Component Item or Science Instrument Modes Component Item State Commandable Action OFF LAUNCH SAFE HOLD BOOT OPERATE OBSERVE CONFIG Hold power bus relay - open <= => closed closed closed closed closed heater controllers relay - closed TEC side select relay - pressure transducer side select relay - SES tlm isolation amp Operate power bus relay - open <= => open open <= open => closed closed DES /Buffer box supply - closed SES/CS supply - mechanical/cal lamp supply Thermal Controller power open <= => closed closed closed closed closed relay - side A and B heater closed controller sets Pressure Transducer power side 2 => side side 1 side 1 side 1 side 1 side 1 relay - Nitrogen flow rate <= 1 monitor TEC Power side select relay side 2 => side =>side 1 side 1 side 1 side 1 side 1 <= 2 TEC Outer power relay open<= => open =>closed closed closed closed closed TEC Inner V2 power relay open<= => open =>closed closed closed closed closed TEC Inner V3 power relay open<= => open =>closed closed closed closed closed
=> X cmd required when transitioning from a X <= cmd required when transitioning from lower mode a higher mode
Support Electronics Section (SES)
Component Item or Science Instrument Modes Component Item State Commandable Action OFF LAUNCH SAFE HOLD BOOT OPERATE OBSERVE CONFIG Calibration Lamp Activation off off off off off => off off - memory mapped I/O from CS - specify lamp 1-3 (SES/SI side A) PAM X and Y motor not not not stored stored => loaded commutations - loaded: loaded loaded loaded <= loaded EDAC to memory map - stored: in EEPROM from EDAC PAM position default default default default default default default FOM X, Y mechanism not not not stored stored => loaded commutation loaded loaded loaded <= loaded FOM position default default default default default => n/a default Filter wheels mechanism not not not stored stored => loaded commutation loaded loaded loaded <= loaded Filter Wheels positions default default default default default => n/a default Thermal Controller Set Point not not loaded loaded loaded loaded loaded - memory mapped I/O from CS loaded loaded RTD Dewar Temperature side 1 => side side 1 side 1 side 1 side 1 side 1 Sensors <= 1 Side select power relay for side 1 => side side 1 side 1 side 1 side 1 side 1 non-redundant sensors: - <= 1 PAM tilt & focus sensors - Pressure transducer - RTD Dewer DITS & LVDT power relay open open open open open <= => closed closed
Component Item or Science Instrument Modes Component Item State Commandable Action OFF LAUNCH SAFE HOLD BOOT OPERATE OBSERVE CONFIG NFCSCOMM (AP-21) disabled disabled disable disabled => enabled enabled <= enable NFMACRO (AP-22) disabled disabled disable disabled => enabled enabled <= enable NFSAFING (AP-23) disabled disabled disable => enabled enabled enabled <= enable
=> X cmd required when transitioning from a X <= cmd required when transitioning from lower mode a higher mode
This section provides a description of the instrument operations in the OBSERVE mode and provides the detailed command function and timing information for all NICMOS stored commands. Before the function and timing tables are introduced, review the OBSERVE mode operations shown in Figures 4.0-1 and 4.0-2 below. These figures define the rules associated with the generation of commands for the NICMOS instrument.
Figure 4.0-1 Detector Operations Control Flow
Figure 4.0-2 Detector Operations Control Flow
4.1 NSSC-I Command Processing Functions and Timing Definition
Table 4.1-1 Timing Data for NSSC-I Command Processing & NICMOS FSW MAR Activation
Function Time Required (sec) 1 NSSC-I Executive absolute time command (ATC) time required = .025 sec (macros w/ processing: - at each 1 second activation, move <= 16 words) 16 command words to one of the 4 Macro AP command buffers 2 The NICMOS Macro AP will be activated either 25 time required (NDETBUFx) macros = msec or 525 msec past the starting time of the .050 sec time required (NNICBUF) NSSC-I Executive (the discrepancy accounts for macros = 1.050 sec Note: (1) The uncertancies associated with the activation of time required for macros using the the Macro AP and the ATC processing). NSSC-I NNICBUF buffer include another second Macro AP requires 0.050 sec and includes: * which accounts for the fact that unloading one to four macro input buffers macros using this buffer can be held (NDETBUF1, NDETBUF2, NDETBUF3 and NNICBUF), * off another cycle if the NDETBUF constructing an RTCS with a maximum size of 145 buffers are full.. See example in the NICMOS commands, and * activating the RTCS figure below. (2) The timeline in Figure 4.1-1 shows the 25 msec Macro AP activation latency case. 3 * NSSC-I Executive relative time command (RTCS) time required = 0.87 sec processing: At the next 25 msec command processing cycle, start sending the commands in the AP unique RTCS to NICMOS at 0.025 sec for the first and last command + 3 * 48 * 0.005 sec for the rest of the commands for a total of 0.77 seconds. * Also account for CSCOMM nesting this RTCS with either a TDF change RTCS or a slew request verify RTCS which will take 0.075 seconds. * Include the .025 sec RTCS activation latency shown below. 4 NICMOS command processing and Task/Function time required (task activation) = activation: * Complete the command queue 0.0256 sec time required (function loading process = 0.0013 sec * FSW task activation) = 0.0216 sec Note: Need activation = 0.005 sec * FSW function to include this time for macros using activation = 0.001 sec * FSW activation the NDETBUF3 or NICBUF buffers Only hold-off time due to hard real-time task one occurance of this process is overhead = 0.01934 sec accounted for (the NDETBUF3 case), NDETBUF 1&2 processing occurs sinultaneously with RTCS processing. See the figure below. times in NDETBUFx NICBUF seconds Total Processing Time TASK 0.971 1.971 FUNCTION 0.966 1.966
Figure 4.1-1 MAR Command Processing Timeline
4.2 NICMOS Macro Timing Definition
Table 4.2-1 collects the timing information required to process macros within the CS FSW. The 'Ref. No.' column is a reference to this section for further details on the algorithms used to generate the timing data shown in the 'Estimated' column. When the 'Ref. No' column is marked with 'n/a' no further details are to be provided. Actual timing results will be provided in this table as they are measured using test hardware with the following loading characteristics: (1) bus wait state off, (2) EDAC processing on, (3) limit checking on, (4) A/D collection on, (5) watch dog timer processing on, and (6) no parallel operations.
When two times are seperated by a '/'; the first number is the time required for CS FSW Macro Processor utilization (when will it be ready to process the next macro on the input Q), and the second number is the time for the task to complete (including settling and warm-up times).
Table 4.2-1 NICMOS Timing Table
Macro Macro Activation Request Ref. Timing Data (sec) Algorithm Summary Name No. Estimated Actual ([[section]] = done on start macro) NABORTM Abort Current Macro n/a Processing NABTWAIT Abort Wait n/a NACCUM(x) Start MIF Exposure 4.2. / 6 NACCUM(x)S Start MIF with slow / bandwidth NACCUM(x)F Start MIF with fast / bandwidth NALGDIAG Collect Analog n/a / Diagnostic Data NAUTO(x) Detector Auto Reset n/a NBRTOBJ(x) Start Bright Object / Exposure NCALAMP Operate Calibration Lamp 4.2. ?/1 5 NCHKSUM Compute Checksum / NCLEARQS Clear All Queues n/a NCOMREST Restore Motor n/a Commutation NCPY2EE Copy to EEPROM n/a / NCPY2RAM Copy to RAM/EDAC RAM Mem n/a / NCPY2TPG Copy to TPG Memory n/a / NCSRESET Reset to Boot n/a / NDA2DENG Disable A/D Collection n/a NDBWAIT Disable Bus Wait State n/a NDCSPAGE Disable CS Paging n/a NDDOGTIM Disable Watchdog Timer n/a NDEDACCR Disable EDAC H/W n/a Correction NDEDACDT Disable EDAC H/W n/a Detection NDIGDIAG Collect Digital n/a / Diagnostic Data NDLIMITS Disable Limits Monitoring n/a NDMPMEM Dump Memory n/a / NDMRESET Disable MultiBit Error n/a Reset NDREFRSH Disable S/W Refresh n/a NDTBAND(x) Set Detector Bandwidth n/a NDTCALIB Calibrate DES A2D 0.4 * # of detectors NDTGAIN(x) Set Detector Gains n/a NDUMPSD Dump Image 4.2. / 7 NEA2DENG Enable A/D CollectionTable 4.2-1 NICMOS Timing Table (continued)
Macro Macro Activation Request Ref. Timing Data (sec) Algorithm Summary Name No. Estimated Actual ([[section]] = done on start macro) NEBWAIT Enable Bus Wait State NECSPAGE Enable CS Paging n/a NEDOGTIM Enable Watchdog Timer n/a NEEDACCR Enable EDAC H/W n/a Correction NEEDACDT Enable EDAC Detection NELIMITS Enable Limits Monitoring n/a NEMRESET Enable H/W MultiBit n/a Error Reset NEREFRSH Enable S/W Refresh n/a NFOMABS Move FOM to Absolute 4.2. Position 1 NFOMREL Move FOM to Relative 4.2. Position 2 NFPATMP Operate FPA Temperature n/a Sensor NFWABS(x) Move Filter Wheel to 4.2. / Absolute Position 3 NFWREL(x) Move Filter Wheel to 4.2. / Relative Position 4 NIMMNOOP NO-OP Immediate n/a NINITSD Initialize Image/Header Buffers NJMP2OPR Jump to Operate n/a / NLDCS Load CS Memory-Mapped I/O n/a NLDDES Load DES Memory-Mapped n/a I/O NLDEDAC Load EDAC RAM Variable / NLDEDACF Load EDAC RAM Fixed n/a / NLDSES Load SES Memory-Mapped n/a / I/O NMEMMON Install Memory Monitor n/a NMULTI(x) Start Multi-Accum / Exposure NMULTI(x)S Start Multi with slow / bandwidth NMULTI(x)F Start Multi with fast / bandwidth NNORNOOP NO-OP Normal n/a NOPRVLT Operate Detector n/a Voltages NPAMFCS Move PAM Focus NPAMTILT Move PAM to Relative Position NRAMP(x) Start Ramp Exposure 4.2. / 8 NRESTSD Reset SD Dump Pointers / NRAMP(x)S Start Ramp with slow / bandwidth NRAMP(x)F Start Ramp with fast / bandwidth NSELFTST Perform Self-test / NSETHEAT Set Heater Setpoint n/a NSETVLT Set Detector Voltage n/a NSLEWACK CSCOMM Slew Confirmation n/a NTARACQ Perform Target Acquisition NTCUPDTE Time Code Update n/a n/a n/a NTDFDOWN Take Data Flag Down n/a n/a n/a NTDFUP Take Data Flag Up n/a n/a n/a NTPG2RAM Collect TPG Memory NWAIT Wait n/a
4.2.1 NFOMABS Move FOM to Absolute Position
Command Block: NFOMABS Title: Move FOM to Absolute Position Description: Move the FOM, from its current position, to a new position specified in arc seconds at the mechanism mirror Constraints: * Only one axis can be specified for each instantiation of this command block. * The CS FSW will reject a FOM move request if any other mechanism is in motion. Function Time Required (sec) 1 NFOMABS macro command processing in the time required = 2 seconds Assume worst case NSSC-I command loading at the NSSC-I. See Table 4.1-1 for more information on NSSC-I loading 2 NFOMABS macro command processing in the time required = .010 seconds See Table 4.1-1 CS FSW The FOM move software is for more information implemented as a 'function' 3 Drive the FOM using the parameters time required = (see formula at left) specified. time required = # steps to move / motor step rate # steps to move = # arc sec to move / arc sec per step # arc sec to move = ABS ( desired position in arc sec - current position in arc sec) arc sec per step = 0.5 (worst case) worst case of max FOM move using the above formula is TBD seconds Total Time sum of the values computed above
4.2.2 NFOMREL Move FOM to Relative Position
Command Block: NFOMREL Title: Move FOM to Relative Position Description: Move the FOM, relative to its current position, to a new position specified as a number of steps Constraints: * Only one axis can be specified for each instantiation of this command block. * The FOM step size is 0.51 to 1.01 arc seconds depending on the current location within the field of travel. * The CS FSW will reject a FOM move request if any other mechanism is in motion. Function Time Required (sec) 1 NFOMREL macro command processing in the time required = 2 seconds Assume worst case NSSC-I command loading at the NSSC-I. See Table 4.1-1 for more information on NSSC-I loading 2 NFOMREL macro command processing in the time required = .010 seconds See Table 4.1-1 CS FSW The FOM move software is for more information implemented as a 'function' 3 Drive the FOM using the parameters time required = commanded steps to move / specified. Worst case = max move size / motor step rate motor step rate Total Time sum of the values computed above
4.2.3 NFWABS Move Filter Wheel to Absolute Position
Command Block: NFWABS Title: Move Filter Wheel to Absolute Position Description: This command block will move the filter wheel to a position specified as a specific filter name. Constraints: * The CS FSW will reject a request to move a filter wheel if its associated detector is currently tasked for an exposure. * The preferred direction for the filter wheel is clockwise (viewed from the wheel end of the rotation axis) to assure repeatability. The CS FSW however, will move the filter wheel clockwise or counter clockwise depending on which direction is closer to the desired destination. When a counter clockwise movement is used, the CS FSW will over-shoot the desired destination by some number of motor steps, and then rotate the wheel back clockwise as required to obtain the final position. Function Time Required (sec) 1 NFWABS macro command processing in the time required = 2 seconds Assume worst case NSSC-I command loading at the NSSC-I. See Table 4.1-1 for more information on NSSC-I loading 2 NFWABS macro command processing in the time required = .015 seconds See Table 4.1-1 CS FSW The filter wheel move software is for more information implemented as a 'task' 3 Move the filter wheel number of steps time1 = (nfilters * number of steps filter to filter = 60 number of filter-to-filter) / filter wheel steps per over-shoot steps = 3 task activation pad second if direction = clockwise time = .005 sec [[Delta]] = desired filter required = time1 else time required = no. - current filter no. if [[Delta]] >= (time1 + number of over-shoot steps / filter 0 if [[Delta]] > 10 direction wheel steps per second) + a task activation = counter clockwise nfilters = 20 pad Notes: * is the wheel instantly - [[Delta]] else direction = reversible? ==> yes * account for wheel clockwise nfilters = [[Delta]] vibration settle time? ==> yes (3 sec) * endif else if [[Delta]] < -10 include case when the requested location = direction = clockwise nfilters = the current location * include time for 20 - current filter no. + desired filter retry ==> yes (set to 0) * the time required no. else direction = counter equation above should include 2 times the clockwise nfilters = ABS number of over-shoot steps ?? ==> yes ([[Delta]]) endif endif Total Time sum of the values computed above
4.2.4 NFWREL Move Filter Wheel to Relative Position
Command Block: NFWREL Title: Move Filter Wheel to Relative Position Description: This command block will move the filter wheel to a position specified as an offset from the current position in mechanism motor steps. Constraints: * The flight software will reject a request to move a filter wheel if its associated detector is currently tasked for an exposure. Function Time Required (sec) 1 NFWREL macro command processing in the time required = 2 seconds Assume worst case NSSC-I command loading at the NSSC-I. See Table 4.1-1 for more information on NSSC-I loading 2 NFWREL macro command processing in the time required = .015 seconds See Table 4.1-1 CS FSW The filter wheel move software is for more information implemented as a 'task' 3 Move the filter wheel wheel speed = 120 time required = # selected steps / wheel steps per second speed Total Time sum of the values computed above
4.2.5 NCALAMP Operate Calibration Lamp
Command Block: NCALAMP Title: Operate Calibration Lamp Description: This command block will activate or deactivate the selected calibration lamp Constraints: * The ability to illuminate more than one calibration lamp at a time is a CS FSW table selectable parameter. The default setting is to allow only one lamp to be on at a time. The CS FSW will enforce the one lamp rule by automatically turning off the unselected lamps. Function Time Required (sec) 1 NCALAMP macro command processing in the time required = 2 seconds Assume worst case NSSC-I command loading at the NSSC-I. See Table 4.1-1 for more information on NSSC-I loading 2 NCALAMP macro command processing in the time required = .010 seconds See Table 4.1-1 CS FSW The lamp activate/deactivate for more information software is implemented as a 'function' 3 * Generate the SES memory map command time required = .005 Question: * is there from the data in the NCALAMP command * a stabilization time for the lamp flux ?, Write the command to SES shared memory and * is it the same for all three lamps? * Include logic for table access and command bit construction for multiple lamp activations 4 Lamp flux stabilization time 300 seconds (5 minutes => estimate from optics group) Note: use the same time for all three lamps Total Time 302.015 seconds
4.2.6 ACCUM Exposure Sequence
Command Block: NACCUM(xx) Title: Exposure Sequence ==> ACCUM Description: This exposure sequence includes a single integration period surrounded by multiple non-destructive detector reads. The process is defined as follows: * upon receipt of the NACCUM command, terminate the auto-flush, and initiate a predefined number of detector resets, * build the image header and allocate CS buffer memory for the image data, * perform the specified number of detector reads and coadd each image on a pixel by pixel basis, * integrate on the detector for the commanded period of time, * as above, perform the specified number of detector reads and coadd each image on a pixel by pixel basis, * difference the initial and final coadded images, then form the average difference, * store the averagedifferences into CS buffer memory and update the header to indicate that the image is complete. Constraints: * The SI mode should be OBSERVE. If the ACCUM command is used during the OPERATE mode the image results will be affected by the FPA temperature sensor. * The commanded detector software will reject any additional image requests until all of the functions listed below have completed. * If TPG expose time = 0 then NREAD must = 1. Function Time Required (sec) 1 NACCUM macro command processing in the time required = 2 seconds Assume worst case NSSC-I command loading at the NSSC-I. See Table 4.1-1 for more information on NSSC-I loading 2 NACCUM macro command processing in the time required = .020 seconds See Table 4.1-1 CS FSW The ACCUM software is implemented for more information as a 'task' 3 Detector flush sequence (3 flushes are if readout speed is "FAST" time required required) The first two flushes will be = 0.615 seconds else time required = performed at the "fast" readout speed 0.410 + 2.050 seconds = 2.460 seconds endif (0.205 seconds/flush), while the third Note: need to add rules for multi detector flush will be done at the same readout operations. speed as the science exposure. A slow readout speed will require ten times longer to read the detector A flush time of .205 seconds per detector flush at the fast readout speed is based on a selected pixel clocking rate of 80 kHz. This rate provides an effective pixel access time of 12.5 usec. (1/80000). With 128 x 128 access required to address the complete array, the following equation gives the flush/readout time required: (128 * 128) * (1/80000) The detector flush/readout time can be changed by selecting a different pixel clocking rate using the Timing Pattern Generator SubPattern Editor. The Users Manual for this equipment is located in NICMOS SER SW-089. 4 Initial image generation NREAD = if NREAD = 1 time required Commanded number of initial detector = .Detector readout time else time reads Detector readout time = .205 sec required = (Detector readout time * NREAD) + at the fast readout speed, and (.500 * (NREAD - 1)) if TPG expose time < 2.050 seconds at the slow readout speed .500 time required = time required + (see function 3 above) Image co-add time .500 - TPG expose time = .500 sec 5 TPG expose time time required = NACCUM command parameter: TPGEXPContinued on next page.
ACCUM Exposure Sequence (continued)
Function Time Required (sec) 6 Final image generation See notes in if NREAD = 1 time required = Detector Function #3 readout time else time required = (Detector readout time * NREAD) + (.500 * NREAD) 7 Difference the final and initial images, time required = 1.250 seconds Question: is average the difference, and store the there a timing difference if the reult is results into buffer memory Image negative? difference & memory store time = .500 sec Image averaging time = .750 sec 8 Pad for possible take data flag time required = 2 * Detector readout time processing = post processing (co-add) Question: should we account for more than time for the data obtained in the two one TDF down/up cycle? additional reads of the detector. (TDFdn & TDFup) (TDFdn - MIavg) + ( MFavg - TDFup) Total Time sum of the values computed above based on image specific settings
Figure 4.2.6-1 is a sample timeline for an NACCUM exposure sequence with the number of initial and final reads (NREAD) set to 2. This example also shows an exposure duration which is longer than the initial coadd and averageing periods. In the figure, the # numbers correspond to the function numbers in the tables shown above.
Figure 4.2.6-1 ACCUM Exposure Sequence
4.2.7 NDUMPSD Dump Image
Command Block: NDUMPSD Title: Dump Image Description: This command will initiate the downlink of a specified number of 'images' from RAM. Images can be detector image data, and/or engineering diagnostic data, and/or TPG memory data. Constraints: * TBD Function Time Required (sec) 1 NDUMPSD macro command processing in the time required = 2 seconds Assume worst case NSSC-I command loading at the NSSC-I. See Table 4.1-1 for more information on NSSC-I loading 2 NDUMPSD macro command processing in the time required = .015 seconds See Table 4.1-1 CS FSW The dump image software is for more information implemented as a 'task' 3 * Initialize the SDF interface * time required to process the NDUMPSD command Generate science data header * Write 4K and be available for another command (except of header and science or memory dump for a NDUMPSD command) = 1.000 second data to the output FIFO * Start the output process and enable the science data required interrupt 4 * Respond to the science data interrupt time required to complete the output of the by loading the next 2K of image data to requested number of images to the tape the FIFO The effective output rate to recorder = the number of 16 bit words to the C&DH = 65536 words/second @ 1 MHz output / the effective output rate + a pad downlink Refer to the ST-ICD-08 NICMOS for Reed Soloman encoding and packet overhead Unique Appendix for a description of the format of the science data. Total Time see above
4.2.8 RAMP Exposure Sequence
Command Block: NRAMP(xx) Title: Exposure Sequence ==> RAMP Description: This exposure sequence provides for up to 255 detector readouts resulting in two 256x256x16bit images. The first image contains a slope value of charge accumulation computed for each pixel, and the second image array contains two eight bit quantities which correspond to the pixel data in the first image array. This first byte of the two byte image array will be the number of samples (intermediate readouts) used in computing the corresponding pixel's value, and the second byte will be the variance of the data scaled to eight bit precision. The imaging process can be summarized as follows: * upon receipt of the NRAMP command, build a single image header and allocate memory for the two images, * terminate the detector auto-flush sequence, and initiate a predefined number of resets, * perform the specified number of detector reads using the exposure time specified in the MAR between each read, * after each read (during the subsequent exposure period) the flight software will compute the slope of each pixel, and update the number of samples and the variance (sigma-squared) arrays, * continue this process until the number of detector reads equals the number specified in the MAR, and * post exposure processing includes copying the slope image array values from scratch pad memory to the image buffer queue. Constraints: Function Time Required (sec) 1 Build the image header and allocate time required = 20 msec memory for the two images 2 Detector flush sequence (3 flushes are if readout speed is "FAST" time required required) The first two flushes will be = 0.615 seconds else time required = performed at the "fast" readout speed 0.410 + 2.050 seconds = 2.460 seconds endif (0.205 seconds/flush), while the third Note: need to add rules for multi detector flush will be done at the same readout operations. speed as the science exposure. A slow readout speed will require ten times longer to read the detector A flush time of .205 seconds per detector flush at the fast readout speed is based on a selected pixel clocking rate of 80 kHz. This rate provides an effective pixel access time of 12.5 usec. (1/80000). With 128 x 128 access required to address the complete array, the following equation gives the flush/readout time required: (128 * 128) * (1/80000) The detector flush/readout time can be changed by selecting a different pixel clocking rate using the Timing Pattern Generator SubPattern Editor. The Users Manual for this equipment is located in NICMOS SER SW-089.Continued on next page.
RAMP Exposure Sequence (continued)
Function Time Required (sec) 3 Read and expose processing Read-Rate = time required = ((NREADS +1) * (Read_Rate)) 205 msec for the fast bandwidth + (NREADS * Read-Rate = 2 sec for the slow bandwidth TPG_Expose_Time) 4 Compute the slope of each pixel, and time required = 15 sec (3 detectors * 5 sec) update the number of samples and the variance (sigma-squared) arrays Note that Slope processing occurs simultaneous with Exposure processing except for the last occurrence. The minimum exposure times are set to 'cover' the Slope calculations. For the overall processing time only one slope process needs to be counted. 5 post exposure processing: * copy the 30 msec slope image array values from scratch pad memory to the image buffer queue (20 msec), and * populate the 2nd engineering data snapshot values (10 msec) Total Time sum of the values computed above based on image specific settings
Figure 4.2.8-1 is a sample timeline for a RAMP exposure sequence with NREAD set to 3.
Figure 4.2.8-1 RAMP Exposure Sequence
4.6 Planning Command Pool File (PLCP Command Sets)
4.6.8 Mode Transition: HOLD to BOOT
Command Block: NHLDBOO Title: HOLD to BOOT Mode Transition Description: Transition the instrument from the HOLD mode to the BOOT mode in preparation for imiging operations, or other activities requiring use of the embedded flight software. Constraints: This command block should be initiated TBD minutes prior to the scheduled imiging sequence to allow for instrument configuration and warm-up. Function Time Required (sec) 1 Enable NSSC-I CSCOMM (AP-21) TBD 2 Enable NSSC-I MACRO (AP-22) TBD 3 Close the LVPS Operate relay (Discrete Command: NEOPER1) to apply TBD power to the: + support electronics section (SES) + control section (CS) boot + detector electronics section (DES) No commands to the software (MARs) can be sent until the CS boot activation and initialization sequence has completed. This process takes TBD seconds. 4 Set CS EDAC processing parameters + enable auto correction for TBD single bit errors (MAR: NENEDACC) + enable reset on multi-bit errors (MAR: NENEDACM) + enable s/w refresh of EDAC RAM (MAR: NEDACSWR) 5 Turn on CS limit checking using the NENLIMIT MAR. The CS boot TBD flight software is activated with limit checking off. 6 Enable science data interface using TBD command TBD 7 Disable Bus wait state using the NBUSWAIT MAR. The CS is TBD initialized with one wait state added to the existing wait state(s) used for all processor bus traffic. This added wait state will be left enabled when memory access problems associated with radiation degradation occur. Until that time, the Bus wait state will be disabled after initialization to allow the fastest memory access time possible. 8 Enable A/D collection using the NENA2DC MAR to allow for the TBD collection of analog telemetry data. 9 Enable the Watch Dog Timer using the NENWDT MAR. TBD 10 Total Time TBD
This flow chart shows the control flow imbeded in the PNCPYOPR PLCP command set listed in Section 7.0
This section defines the NICMOS macros in terms of data content and uplink format. Table 5-1 shows the code level macros, and Table 5-2 shows the high level macros. Each macro has been assigned a unique activation number (OpCode) within the following catagories: Maintenance (0 - 63), Mechanisms (64 - 127), and Detector Operations (128 - 191). High level macros have been assigned OpCodes 192 - 255.
Table 5-1 NICMOS Code Level Macros
No. Macro Activation Request Name OpCode No. Macro Activation Request Name OpCode 5.12 Abort Current Macro NABORTM 11/ibo 5.2 Enable EDAC Detection NEEDACDT 28/nb Processing 9 5.37 Abort Wait NABTWAIT 36/io 5.3 Enable Limits Monitoring NELIMITS 29/ibo 0 5.76 Start MIF Exposure NACCUM(x) 134/no 5.2 Enable EDAC MultiBit NEMRESET 22/nbo 3 Error Reset 5.13 Collect Analog NALGDIAG 12/no 5.2 Enable EDAC Refresh NEREFRSH 24/nbo Diagnostic Data 5 5.86 Detector Auto Reset NAUTO(x) 144/no 5.5 Move FOM to Absolute NFOMABS 65/no 1 Position 5.78 Start Bright Object NBRTOBJ(x 136/no 5.5 Move FOM to Relative NFOMREL 64/no Exposure ) 0 Position 5.70 Operate Calibration Lamp NCALAMP 128/no 5.8 Operate FPA Temperature NFPATMP 145/no 7 Sensor 5.16 Compute Checksum NCHKSUM 15/nbo 5.5 Move Filter Wheel to NFWABS(x) 67/no 3 Absolute Position 5.11 Clear All Queues NCLEARQS 10/ibo 5.5 Move Filter Wheel to NFWREL(x) 66/no 2 Relative Position 5.8 Restore Motor NCOMREST 7/no 5.3 NO-OP Immediate NIMMNOOP 38/ibo Commutation 9 5.6 Copy to EEPROM NCPY2EE 5/nbo 5.8 Initialize Image/Header NINITSD 140/no 2 Buffers 5.7 Copy to RAM/EDAC RAM NCPY2RAM 6/nbo 5.1 Jump to Operate NJMP2OPR 17/nb Memory 8 5.9 Copy to TPG Memory NCPY2TPG 8/no 5.5 Load CS Memory-Mapped I/O NLDCS 4/nbo 5.17 Reset to Boot NCSRESET 16/ibo 5.4 Load DES Memory-Mapped NLDDES 3/no I/O 5.33 Disable A/D Collection NDA2DENG 32/ib 5.1 Load EDAC RAM Variable NLDEDAC 1/nbo 5.28 Disable Bus Wait State NDBWAIT 27/nb 5.2 Load EDAC RAM Fixed NLDEDACF 41/nbo 5.43 Disable CS Paging NDCSPAGE 43/no 5.3 Load SES Memory-Mapped NLDSES 2/no I/O 5.35 Disable Watchdog Timer NDDOGTIM 34/ibo 5.4 Install Memory Monitor NMEMMON 40/nbo 1 5.22 Disable EDAC Correction NDEDACCR 21/nbo 5.7 Start Multi-Accum NMULTI(x) 137/no 9 Exposure 5.20 Disable EDAC Detection NDEDACDT 19/nbo 5.3 NO-OP Normal NNORNOOP 37/nbo 8 5.14 Collect Digital NDIGDIAG 13/no 5.7 Operate Detector NOPRVLT 133/no Diagnostic Data 5 Voltages 5.31 Disable Limits Monitoring NDLIMITS 30/ibo 5.5 Move PAM Focus NPAMFCS 69/no 5 5.40 Dump Memory NDMPMEM 39/nbo 5.5 Move PAM to Relative NPAMTILT 68/no 4 Position 5.24 Disable EDAC multibit NDMRESET 23/nbo 5.7 Start Ramp Exposure NRAMP(x) 135/no err. reset 7 5.26 Disable EDAC Refresh NDREFRSH 25/nbo 5.4 Reset SD Dump Pointers NRESTSD 44/no 4 5.72 Set Detector Bandwidth NDTBAND(x 130/no 5.1 Perform Self-test NSELFTST 18/no ) 9 5.71 Calibrate DES A2D NDTCALIB 129/no 5.5 Set Heater Setpoint NSETHEAT 70/no 6 5.73 Set Detector Gains NDTGAIN(x 131/no 5.7 Set Detector Voltage NSETVLT 132/no ) 4 5.81 Dump Image NDUMPSD 139/no 5.8 CSCOMM Slew Confirmation NSLEWACK 141/io 3 5.32 Enable A/D Collection NEA2DENG 31/ib 5.8 Perform Target NTARACQ 138/no 0 Acquisition 5.27 Enable Bus Wait State NEBWAIT 26/nb 5.1 Time Code Update NTCUPDTE 14/no 5 5.42 Enable CS Paging NECSPAGE 42/no 5.8 Take Data Flag Down NTDFDOWN 142/io 4 5.34 Enable Watchdog Timer NEDOGTIM 33/ibo 5.8 Take Data Flag Up NTDFUP 143/io 5 5.21 Enable EDAC Correction NEEDACCR 20/nbo 5.1 Collect TPG Memory NTPG2RAM 9/no 0 5.3 Wait NWAIT 35/no 6OpCode/n=normal, i=immediate, b=boot, o=operate
Table 5-2 NICMOS High Level Macros
Shell Macros Program Macros No. Macro Activation Request Name OpCode No. Macro Activation Request Name OpCode 5.10 Position the Filter NFILTER(x 192 5.20 NACCUM on detector #1 NACCUM1S 238 0 Wheel ) 0 using the slow bandwidth 5.10 Position the FOM NFOM 193 5.20 NACCUM on detector #1 NACCUM1F 239 1 0 using the fast bandwidth 5.10 Load PROGID and OBSET NPROGS1 194 5.20 NACCUM on detector #2 NACCUM2S 240 2 for detector number 1 0 using the slow bandwidth 5.10 Load PROGID and OBSET NPROGS2 195 5.20 NACCUM on detector #2 NACCUM2F 241 2 for detector number 2 0 using the fast bandwidth 5.10 Load PROGID and OBSET NPROGS3 196 5.20 NACCUM on detector #3 NACCUM3S 242 2 for detector number 3 0 using the slow bandwidth 5.20 NACCUM on detector #3 NACCUM3F 243 0 using the fast bandwidth 5.20 NRAMP on detector #1 NRAMP1S 244 1 using the slow bandwidth 5.20 NRAMP on detector #1 NRAMP1F 245 1 using the fast bandwidth 5.20 NRAMP on detector #2 NRAMP2S 246 1 using the slow bandwidth 5.20 NRAMP on detector #2 NRAMP2F 247 1 using the fast bandwidth 5.20 NRAMP on detector #3 NRAMP3S 248 1 using the slow bandwidth 5.20 NRAMP on detector #3 NRAMP3F 249 1 using the fast bandwidth 5.20 NMULTI on detector #1 NMULTI1S 250 2 using the slow bandwidth 5.20 NMULTI on detector #1 NMULTI1F 251 2 using the fast bandwidth 5.20 NMULTI on detector #2 NMULTI2S 252 2 using the slow bandwidth 5.20 NMULTI on detector #2 NMULTI2F 253 2 using the fast bandwidth 5.20 NMULTI on detector #3 NMULTI3S 254 2 using the slow bandwidth 5.20 NMULTI on detector #3 NMULTI3F 255 2 using the fast bandwidth
5.1 Load EDAC RAM Memory Variable
MAR Contents Definition
NLDEDAC Load EDAC RAM memory with data from the ground. This macro supports a variable amount of words to load. Because a variable number of words can not be defined in the macro manager's macro table, this macro can not be used within high level macros unless the number of words to load is fixed in a unique tfpf. Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Boot, Operate, Observe MAR Op code 01 (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data NWORDS Number of words to load into EDAC RAM Units 16 bit words Bounds 1 - 4,092 (limited by the size of the data FIFO [4096 - 4 words]) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 1 DADDRESS Destination address on the EDAC RAM board Units Memory location (even address word boundary) Bounds BOOT: 0 - 001E FFFF OPERATE: 0 - 001F FFFF ([[Delta]] 2,097,151) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value NICLOADO DATA(x) Words to Load. DATA1 goes into the location specified in DADDRESS Units 16 bit words Bounds 0 - FFFF (hex) Data Type raw binary Nominal Value DATA1 = 0, DATA2 - DATA12 AAAA (hex) CSMODE (*) Boot or Operate selector Units flag Bounds 0 - 1 (0 = Operate, 1 = Boot) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0
NLDEDAC Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 NWORDS Word 1 0 0 DADDRESS (high order word) Word 2 0 0 DADDRESS (low order word) Word 3 0 0 DATAnword Word 4 0 0 * * * 0 0 DATA1 0 1 Spare * Spare (zero MAR Op Code NWORDS+4 (zero fill) fill)
5.2 Load EDAC RAM Memory Fixed
MAR Contents Definition
NLDEDACF Load EDAC RAM memory with data from the ground. A maximum of 12 16 bit words can be loaded using this macro. Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Boot, Operate, Observe MAR Op code 29 (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data NWORDS Number of words used in the DATA buffer defined below. Units 16 bit words Bounds 1 - 12 Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 1 DADDRESS Destination address on the EDAC RAM board. Units Memory location (even address word boundary) Bounds BOOT: 0 - 001E FFFF OPERATE: 0 - 001F FFFF ([[Delta]] 2,097,151) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value NICLOADO DATA Words to Load. DATA1 goes into the location specified in DADDRESS. To load a 32 bit word with the hex value of '12345678' set DATA2 to '1234' and DATA1 to '5678' Units n/a Bounds 0 - FFFF (hex) AAAA (hex) = unused Data Type raw binary Nominal Value DATA1=0, DATA2-12=AAAA (hex) CSMODE (*) Boot or Operate selector Units flag Bounds 0 - 1 (0 = Operate, 1 = Boot) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0
NLDEDACF Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 Spare (zero fill) NWORDS Word 1 0 0 DADDRESS (high order word) Word 2 0 0 DADDRESS (low order word) Word 3 0 0 DATA12 Word 4 0 0 DATA11 Word 5 0 0 DATA10 Word 6 0 0 DATA9 Word 7 0 0 DATA8 Word 8 0 0 DATA7 Word 9 0 0 DATA6 Word 10 0 0 DATA5 Word 11 0 0 DATA4 Word 12 0 0 DATA3 Word 13 0 0 DATA2 Word 14 0 0 DATA1 Word 15 0 1 Spare * Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 16 (zero fill) fill)
5.3 Load SES Memory-Mapped I/O
MAR Contents Definition
NLDSES Load the Support Electronics Section (SES) memory with data from the ground. This macro allows manipulation of the instrument functions controlled by the SES. For more information on the functions and their required parameters, refer to NICMOS SER SW-083, ELECT-142, ELECT-151, and ELECT-131 Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Operate, Observe MAR Op code 02 (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data FUNCTION Software function identifier used to activate a software load routine. The index number shown below is the value for the FUNCTION parameter. Units index (1 - 9 Motor Control #1 board, 10 - 24 Motor Control #2) Bounds 1 = 10 = 18 = Ld_Motor_Latch 2 Ld_Motor_Latch_A Ld_Motor_Latch_B = Ld_Cmd_Latch 3 11 = 19 = = Ld_Cmd_Latch_A Ld_Cmd_Latch_B 20 Ld_Step_Counter 12 = = 4 = Ld_Step_Counter_A Ld_Step_Counter_B Ld_Comm_Latch 5 13 = 21 = = Ld_Phase_FW1 6 Ld_Comm_Latch_A Ld_Comm_Latch_B 22 = Ld_Phase_FOM_X 14 = = Ld_Phase_FW3 23 7 = Ld_Phase_FW2 15 = Ld_Phase_FOM_Y 8 = Ld_Phase_PAM_X Ld_Phase_PAM_Focus = 16 = 24 = Ld_CAL_Lamp_Latch Ld_Phase_PAM_Y Set_Comm_Clock_B 9 = 17 = 25 = Ld_TC_Cmd 26 Set_Comm_Clock Set_Comm_Clock_A = Ld_TC_Enable 27 = Ld_Setpoint 28 = Ld_SES_Adrs_FIFO 29 = Reset_Data_FIFO 30 = Ld_TC_Clock Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 8 DATA1 - 5 Data buffer (five 16 bit words). These words will contain information required by FUNCTION above. The following pages (sections 5.3.1 - 5.3.29) define the contents of the FUNCTION parameters. Units n/a Bounds 0 - FFFF Data Type raw binary Nominal Value DATA1 = 1, DATA2 = 0, DATA3 - DATA5 = AAAA (hex)
NLDSES Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 Spare (zero fill) FUNCTION Word 1 0 0 DATA1 Word 2 0 0 DATA2 Word 3 0 0 DATA3 Word 4 0 0 DATA4 Word 5 0 0 DATA5 Word 6 0 1 Spare 0 Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 7 (zero fill) fill)
Load SES Memory-Mapped I/O continued
FUNCTION Set the motor step rate for one of the three motors Ld_Motor_Latch controlled by this board. This function will also cause a motor holdoff count to be loaded into the motor latch by the CS flight software. The holdoff count is stored in a table in EDAC memory. The holdoff count defines the length of time to keep the selected motor enabled after completion of a motor movement. This value will be set during initial testing and is not expected to change. Function Code 1 Motor Control Board controlling the Filter Wheel #1, FOM X-Tilt, and the #1 FOM Y-Tilt Parameter Data DATA1 Step rate (motor speed) Units index Bounds 4 - 7: 4 = motor speed: 30.52 pps 5 = motor speed: 40.69 pps 6 = motor speed: 61.04 pps 7 = motor speed: 122.07 pps Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 7 DATA2 Mechanism Number Units index Bounds 0,3,4 0 = Filter Wheel #1 3 = FOM X-Tilt 4 = FOM Y-Tilt Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0
Load SES Memory-Mapped I/O continued
FUNCTION Load the Command Latch with the motor selection and Ld_Cmd_Latch direction values, and load the Current Control Latch A with the motor current level. This function also loads the motor stall bits which are defined as table values in the flight software. The normal value for the stall bits are 0 (disabled). Function Code 2 Motor Control Board controlling the Filter Wheel #1, FOM X-Tilt, and the #1 FOM Y-Tilt Parameter Data DATA1 Motor direction Units index Bounds 0 = counter clockwise direction (negative) 1 = clockwise rotation (positive) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0 DATA2 Motor select Select none or one of the three mechanisms (FW1, FOM X-Tilt, or FOM Y-Tilt). When a motor is selected, decode logic enables the appropriate motor driver chip and the appropriate motor commutation circuitry. Before a motor can be stepped that motor's communtation circuitry must be enabled (selected). Also see Set_Comm_Clock (5.3.9). Units index Bounds 0 = none 1 = FOM X-Tilt 2 = Filter Wheel #1 3 = FOM Y-Tilt Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0 DATA3 Motor drive current level Units index Bounds 0 = disable driver 1 = 19% 2 = 60% 3 = 100% Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0
Load SES Memory-Mapped I/O continued
FUNCTION Load the Step Counter Latch with the number of motor Ld_Step_Counter steps required (relative to the current motor position). Note: The hardware step controller design generates one extra step beyond the specified parameter value defined in DATA1 below. Function Code 3 Motor Control Board controlling the Filter Wheel #1, FOM X-Tilt, and the #1 FOM Y-Tilt Parameter Data DATA1 Number of motor steps Units steps Bounds 0 - 65535 Note: No mechanism specific range checking is provided with this function. If the number of steps selected is beyond the range of the mechanism soft stops, the instrument will safe or suspend. See Section 6 for more information on mechanism soft stops. Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 1
FUNCTION Load the motor commutations, for each of the three Ld_Comm_Latch mechanism motors on this control board, from EDAC memory into the Motor Phase Latch. Motor commutations are the motor's bipolar starting phase (it's position within it's field of motion). After the starting phases have been loaded, they need to be transfered to the appropriate mechanism using one of the three Ld_Phase_x commands. Normally motor commutations are retained for each mechanism automatically by the Dual Phase Drive Logic. However, commutations will need to be loaded after a power-on-reset using this function or the NCOMREST macro activation request. Function Code 4 Motor Control Board controlling the Filter Wheel #1, FOM X-Tilt, and the #1 FOM Y-Tilt Parameter Data DATA1 Filter Wheel #1 commutation phasing for the A and B windings Units index Bounds 0 = A-winding: 0 deg., B-winding: 0 deg. 1 = A-winding: 0 deg., B-winding: 180 deg. 2 = A-winding: 180 deg., B-winding: 0 deg. 3 = A-winding: 180 deg., B-winding: 180 deg. Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0 DATA2 FOM X-Tilt commutation phasing for the A and B windings Units index Bounds 0 - 3 (same as DATA1) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0 DATA3 FOM Y-Tilt commutation phasing for the A and B windings Units index Bounds 0 - 3 (same as DATA1) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0
Load SES Memory-Mapped I/O continued
5.3.5 Load Phase Filter Wheel 1
FUNCTION Transfers the Filter Wheel #1 motor phasing (commutation Ld_Phase_FW1 values) from the Motor Phase Latch into the FW1 Dual Phase Drive Logic commutation circuitry. This is the second step required to load the commutation values into the Filter Wheel motor. Function Code 5 Motor Control Board controlling the Filter Wheel #1, FOM X-Tilt, and the #1 FOM Y-Tilt Parameter Data DATA1 No parameter data required Units n/a Bounds n/a Data Type n/a Nominal Value n/a
FUNCTION Transfers the FOM X-Tilt motor phasing (commutation Ld_Phase_FOM_X values) from the Motor Phase Latch into the FOM X Dual Phase Drive Logic commutation circuitry. Function Code 6 Motor Control Board controlling the Filter Wheel #1, FOM X-Tilt, and the #1 FOM Y-Tilt Parameter Data DATA1 No parameter data required Units n/a Bounds n/a Data Type n/a Nominal Value n/a
FUNCTION Transfers the FOM Y-Tilt motor phasing (commutation Ld_Phase_FOM_Y values) from the Motor Phase Latch into the FOM Y Dual Phase Drive Logic commutation circuitry. Function Code 7 Motor Control Board controlling the Filter Wheel #1, FOM X-Tilt, and the #1 FOM Y-Tilt Parameter Data DATA1 No parameter data required Units n/a Bounds n/a Data Type n/a Nominal Value n/a
Load SES Memory-Mapped I/O continued
5.3.8 Load Calibration Lamp Latch
FUNCTION Ld_CAL_Lamp_Latch Loads the three calibration lamp ON-OFF commands into the Cal Lamp Select Latch. During normal operations, only one cal lamp will be on at a time. However, using this function there is nothing which prevents the user from turning on more than one cal lamp at a time. Function Code 8 Motor Control Board controlling the Filter Wheel #1, FOM X-Tilt, and the #1 FOM Y-Tilt Parameter Data DATA1 ON-OFF lamp selector Units 16 bit memory map Bounds 0 - 380 (hex) Bit position 0 - 7 not used Bit position (0 relative) 8 ==> Lamp #1 (0 = OFF, 1 = ON) Bit position (0 relative) 9 ==> Lamp #2 (0 = OFF, 1 = ON) Bit position (0 relative) 10 => Lamp #3 (0 = OFF, 1 = ON) Bit position 11 - 15 not used Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0
FUNCTION Enable or disable the motor commutation clock and start Set_Comm_Clock or stop the motor step counter for the selected motor. This is the 'Go' and 'Stop' button for the mechanism which was selected using the Ld_Cmd_Latch Function. Although this operation is part of the Ld_Cmd_Latch hardware function, a separate CS flight software function was created for both safety reasons and operational functionality. Function Code 9 Motor Control Board controlling the Filter Wheel #1, FOM X-Tilt, and the #1 FOM Y-Tilt Parameter Data DATA1 Start stop selector Units index Bounds 0 - 1: 0 = disable or stop mechanism movement, 1 = enable or start mechanism movement Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0
Load SES Memory-Mapped I/O continued
FUNCTION Set the motor step rate for one of the three motors Ld_Motor_Latch_A controlled by Controller A on Motor Control Board #2. This function will also cause a motor holdoff count to be loaded into the motor latch by the CS flight software. The holdoff count is stored in a table in EDAC memory. The holdoff count defines the length of time to keep the selected motor enabled after completion of a motor movement. This value will be set during initial testing and is not expected to change. Function Code 10 Motor Control Board Controller A: Filter Wheel #2, PAM X-Tilt, and the PAM #2 Y-Tilt Parameter Data DATA1 Step rate (motor speed) Units index Bounds 0 - 7: 0 = motor speed: 07.63 pps 1 = motor speed: 10.17 pps 2 = motor speed: 15.26 pps 3 = motor speed: 30.52 pps 4 = motor speed: 30.52 pps 5 = motor speed: 40.69 pps 6 = motor speed: 61.04 pps 7 = motor speed: 122.07 pps Note: The PAM motors should use the slower step rates (0 - 3) and the Filter Wheel should use the faster step rates (4 - 7) above. Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 3 DATA2 Mechanism Number Units index Bounds 1,5,6 1 = Filter Wheel #2 5 = PAM X-Tilt 6 = PAM Y-Tilt Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 1
Load SES Memory-Mapped I/O continued
FUNCTION Load the Command Latch with the motor selection and Ld_Cmd_Latch_A direction values, and load the Current Control Latch A with the motor current level. This function also loads the motor stall bits which are defined as table values in the flight software. The normal value for the stall bits are 0 (disabled). Function Code 11 Motor Control Board Controller A: Filter Wheel #2, PAM X-Tilt, and the PAM #2 Y-Tilt Parameter Data DATA1 Motor direction Units index Bounds 0 = counter clockwise direction (negative) 1 = clockwise rotation (positive) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0 DATA2 Motor select Select none or one of the three mechanisms. When a motor is selected, decode logic enables the appropriate motor driver chip and the appropriate motor commutation circuitry. Before a motor can be stepped that motor's communtation circuitry must be enabled (selected). Also see Set_Comm_Clock_A (5.3.24). Units index Bounds 0 = none 1 = PAM X-Tilt 2 = Filter Wheel #2 3 = PAM Y-Tilt Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0 DATA3 Motor drive current level Units index Bounds 0 = disable driver 1 = 19% 2 = 60% 3 = 100% Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0
Load SES Memory-Mapped I/O continued
FUNCTION Load the Step Counter Latch with the number of motor Ld_Step_Counter_A steps required (relative to the current motor position). Note: The hardware step controller design generates one extra step beyond the specified parameter value defined in DATA1 below. Function Code 12 Motor Control Board Controller A: Filter Wheel #2, PAM X-Tilt, and the PAM #2 Y-Tilt Parameter Data DATA1 Number of motor steps Units index Bounds 0 - 65535 Note: No mechanism specific range checking is provided with this function. If the number of steps selected is beyond the range of the mechanism soft stops, the instrument will safe or susspend. See Section 6 for more information on mechanism soft stops. Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 1
5.3.13 Load Commutation Latch A
FUNCTION Load the motor commutations, for each of the three Ld_Comm_Latch_A mechanism motors on this control board, from EDAC memory into the Motor Phase Latch. Motor commutations are the motor's bipolar starting phase (it's position within it's field of motion). After the starting phases have been loaded, they need to be transfered to the appropriate mechanism using one of the three Ld_Phase_x commands. Normally motor commutations are retained for each mechanism automatically by the Dual Phase Drive Logic. However, commutations will need to be loaded after a power-on-reset using this function or the NCOMREST macro activation request. Function Code 13 Motor Control Board Controller A: Filter Wheel #2, PAM X-Tilt, and the PAM #2 Y-Tilt Parameter Data DATA1 Filter Wheel #2 commutation phasing for the A and B windings Units index Bounds 0 = A-winding: 0 deg., B-winding: 0 deg. 1 = A-winding: 0 deg., B-winding: 180 deg. 2 = A-winding: 180 deg., B-winding: 0 deg. 3 = A-winding: 180 deg., B-winding: 180 deg. Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0 DATA2 PAM X-Tilt commutation phasing for the A and B windings Units index Bounds 0 - 3 (same as DATA1) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0 DATA3 PAM Y-Tilt commutation phasing for the A and B windings Units index Bounds 0 - 3 (same as DATA1) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0
Load SES Memory-Mapped I/O continued
5.3.14 Load Phase Filter Wheel 2
FUNCTION Transfers the Filter Wheel #2 motor phasing (commutation Ld_Phase_FW2 values) from the Motor Phase Latch into the FW2 Dual Phase Drive Logic commutation circuitry. This is the second step required to load the commutation values into the Filter Wheel motor. Function Code 14 Motor Control Board Controller A: Filter Wheel #2, PAM X-Tilt, and the PAM #2 Y-Tilt Parameter Data DATA1 No parameter data required Units n/a Bounds n/a Data Type n/a Nominal Value n/a
FUNCTION Transfers the PAM X-Tilt motor phasing (commutation Ld_Phase_PAM_X values) from the Motor Phase Latch into the PAM X Dual Phase Drive Logic commutation circuitry. Function Code 15 Motor Control Board Controller A: Filter Wheel #2, PAM X-Tilt, and the PAM #2 Y-Tilt Parameter Data DATA1 No parameter data required Units n/a Bounds n/a Data Type n/a Nominal Value n/a
FUNCTION Transfers the PAM Y-Tilt motor phasing (commutation Ld_Phase_PAM_Y values) from the Motor Phase Latch into the PAM Y Dual Phase Drive Logic commutation circuitry. Function Code 16 Motor Control Board Controller A: Filter Wheel #2, PAM X-Tilt, and the PAM #2 Y-Tilt Parameter Data DATA1 No parameter data required Units n/a Bounds n/a Data Type n/a Nominal Value n/a
Load SES Memory-Mapped I/O continued
5.3.17 Set Commutation Clock A
FUNCTION Enable or disable the motor commutation clock and Set_Comm_Clock_A start or stop the motor step counter for the selected motor. This is the 'Go' and 'Stop' button for the mechanism which was selected previously using the Ld_Cmd_Latch_A Function. Although this operation is part of the Ld_Cmd_Latch hardware function, a separate CS flight software function was created for both safety reasons and operational functionality. Function Code 17 Motor Control Board Controller A: Filter Wheel #2, PAM X-Tilt, and the PAM #2 Y-Tilt Parameter Data DATA1 Start stop selector Units index Bounds 0 - 1: 0 = disable or stop mechanism movement, 1 = enable or start mechanism movement Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0
Load SES Memory-Mapped I/O continued
FUNCTION Set the motor step rate for one of the three motors Ld_Motor_Latch_B controlled by Controller B on Motor Control Board #2. This function will also cause a motor holdoff count to be loaded into the motor latch by the CS flight software. The holdoff count is stored in a table in EDAC memory. The holdoff count defines the length of time to keep the selected motor enabled after completion of a motor movement. This value will be set during initial testing and is not expected to change. Function Code 18 Motor Control Board Controller B: Filter Wheel #3, PAM Focus #2 Parameter Data DATA1 Step rate (motor speed) Units index Bounds 0 - 7: 0 = motor speed: 07.63 pps 1 = motor speed: 10.17 pps 2 = motor speed: 15.26 pps 3 = motor speed: 30.52 pps 4 = motor speed: 30.52 pps 5 = motor speed: 40.69 pps 6 = motor speed: 61.04 pps 7 = motor speed: 122.07 pps Note: The PAM motors should use the first four (slower) step rates and the Filter Wheel should use the faster four (4 - 7) step rates. Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 3 DATA2 Mechanism Number Units index Bounds 2,7 2 = Filter Wheel #3 7 = PAM Focus Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 2
Load SES Memory-Mapped I/O continued
FUNCTION Load the Command Latch with the motor selection and Ld_Cmd_Latch_B direction values, and load the Current Control Latch B with the motor current level. This function also loads the motor stall bits which are defined as table values in the flight software. The normal value for the stall bits are0 (disabled). Function Code 19 Motor Control Board Controller B: Filter Wheel #3, PAM Focus Parameter Data DATA1 Motor direction Units index Bounds 0 = counter clockwise direction (negative) 1 = clockwise rotation (positive) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0 DATA2 Motor select Select none or one of the three mechanisms. When a motor is selected, decode logic enables the appropriate motor driver chip and the appropriate motor commutation circuitry. Before a motor can be stepped that motor's communtation circuitry must be enabled (selected). Also see Set_Comm_Clock_B (5.3.17). Units index Bounds 0 = none 1 = PAM Focus 2 = Filter Wheel #3 3 = none Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0 DATA3 Motor drive current level Units index Bounds 0 = disable driver 1 = 19% 2 = 60% 3 = 100% Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0
Load SES Memory-Mapped I/O continued
FUNCTION Load the Step Counter Latch with the number of motor Ld_Step_Counter_B steps required (relative to the current motor position). Note: The hardware step controller design generates one extra step beyond the specified parameter value defined in DATA1 below. Function Code 20 Motor Control Board Controller B: Filter Wheel #3, PAM Focus Parameter Data DATA1 Number of motor steps Units index Bounds 0 - 65535 Note: No mechanism specific range checking is provided with this function. If the number of steps selected is beyond the range of the mechanism soft stops, the instrument will safe or susspend. See Section 6 for more information on mechanism soft stops. Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 1
5.3.21 Load Commutation Latch B
FUNCTION Load the motor commutations, for each of the three Ld_Comm_Latch_B mechanism motors on this control board, from EDAC memory into the Motor Phase Latch. Motor commutations are the motor's bipolar starting phase (it's position within it's field of motion). After the starting phases have been loaded, they need to be transfered to the appropriate mechanism using one of the three Ld_Phase_x commands. Normally motor commutations are retained for each mechanism automatically by the Dual Phase Drive Logic. However, commutations will need to be loaded after a power-on-reset using this function or the NCOMREST macro activation request. Function Code 21 Motor Control Board Controller B: Filter Wheel #3, PAM Focus Parameter Data DATA1 Filter Wheel #3 commutation phasing for the A and B windings Units index Bounds 0 = A-winding: 0 deg., B-winding: 0 deg. 1 = A-winding: 0 deg., B-winding: 180 deg. 2 = A-winding: 180 deg., B-winding: 0 deg. 3 = A-winding: 180 deg., B-winding: 180 deg. Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0 DATA2 PAM Focus commutation phasing for the A and B windings Units index Bounds 0 - 3 (same as DATA1) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0
Load SES Memory-Mapped I/O continued
5.3.22 Load Phase Filter Wheel 3
FUNCTION Transfers the Filter Wheel #3 motor phasing (commutation Ld_Phase_FW3 values) from the Motor Phase Latch into the FW3 Dual Phase Drive Logic commutation circuitry. This is the second step required to load the commutation values into the Filter Wheel motor. Function Code 22 Motor Control Board Controller B: Filter Wheel #3, PAM Focus Parameter Data DATA1 No parameter data required Units n/a Bounds n/a Data Type n/a Nominal Value n/a
FUNCTION Transfers the PAM Focus motor phasing (commutation Ld_Phase_PAM_Focus values) from the Motor Phase Latch into the PAM X Dual Phase Drive Logic commutation circuitry. Function Code 23 Motor Control Board Controller B: Filter Wheel #3, PAM Focus Parameter Data DATA1 No parameter data required Units n/a Bounds n/a Data Type n/a Nominal Value n/a
5.3.24 Set Commutation Clock B
FUNCTION Enable or disable the motor commutation clock and Set_Comm_Clock_B start or stop the motor step counter for the selected motor. This is the 'Go' and 'Stop' button for the mechanism which was selected previously using the Ld_Cmd_Latch_B Function. Although this operation is part of the Ld_Cmd_Latch hardware function, a separate CS flight software function was created for both safety reasons and operational functionality. Function Code 24 Motor Control Board Controller B: Filter Wheel #3, PAM Focus Parameter Data DATA1 Start stop selector Units n/a Bounds 0 - 1: 0 = disable or stop mechanism movement, 1 = enable or start mechanism movement Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0
Load SES Memory-Mapped I/O continued
5.3.25 Load Thermal Controller Command
FUNCTION Ld_TC_Cmd This function controlls the AC299 8 bit shift/storage register used in loading the digital setpoint for the instrument heaters. Refer to NICMOS SER ELECT-131 Rev B prior to using any of the thermal controller functions (Ld_TC_Cmd, TC_Enable, Ld_Setpoint, and Ld_TC_Clock Function Code 25 SES Control Board Data Acquisition Board Parameter Data DATA1 Bitmap with the following characteristics: Units n/a Bounds Bits 0 - 8 ==> not used Bits 9,10 register mode select: 00 (bin) = do nothing (interface not in use) 01 (bin) = configures the register for shift out operation 11 (bin) = configures the register for loading the setpoint value (via the Ld_Setpoint function) Bit 11 0 = do nothing 1 = latches the setpoint data word into the thermal controller setpoint latch Bit 12 0 = disable the clock gate to the shift register 1 = enable the clock gate to the shift register. Bit 13,14,15 ==> not used Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0
5.3.26 Load Thermal Controller Enable
FUNCTION Enable or disable the serial data bus and serial clock Ld_TC_Enable which connect the AC299 shift register to the thermal controller. When enabled, data and clock pulses can be sent to the thermal controller. Refer to NICMOS SER ELECT-131 Rev B prior to using any of the thermal controller functions (Ld_TC_Cmd, Ld_TC_Enable, and Ld_Setpoint) Function Code 26 Motor Control Board Data Acquisition Board Parameter Data DATA1 Enable / disable flag Units index Bounds 0 -1 (0 = Data and clock disabled, 1 = Data and clock enabled) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0
Load SES Memory-Mapped I/O continued
FUNCTION Ld_Setpoint Load the AC299 shift register with the 8-bit digital setpoint. Refer to NICMOS SER ELECT-131 Rev B prior to using any of the thermal controller functions (Ld_TC_Cmd, TC_Enable, and Ld_Setpoint) Function Code 27 Motor Control Board Data Acquisition Board Parameter Data DATA1 Setpoint Units heater counts (see MAR: NSETHEAT) Bounds 4 - 213 Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 90
FUNCTION Loads a multiplexer address of an analog telemetry Ld_SES_Adrs_FIFO item onto the address FIFO on the data acquisition board. This is a 'one-shot' version of the NALGDIAG MAR. Also see the data acquisition board SER: ELECT-162 for more information. Function Code 28 Motor Control Board Data Acquisition Board Parameter Data DATA1 Multiplexer address. The address is nine bits in length. Bit 0 is the least significant bit of the address, and bit 8 is the most significant bit. Bit 9 through bit 15 are not used. Refer to appendix A of SER ELECT-162 for a description of the addresses. Units Multiplexer location Bounds 0 - 018F (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0
FUNCTION Reset the address FIFO on the data acquisition board. Reset_Data_FIFO See NICMOS SER ELECT-162 for more information on the use of the data acquisition board. Function Code 29 Motor Control Board Data Acquisition Board Parameter Data DATA1 No parameters are required for this function Units n/a Bounds n/a Data Type n/a Nominal Value n/a
5.3.30 Load Thermal Controller Clock
FUNCTION Ld_TC_Clock Controlls the clocking of the SetPoint value to the Thermal Controller. The 8-bit SetPoint value is loaded into the shift register on the SES board using the Ld_Setpoint SES function. Each call to the Ld_TC_Clock function sets the clock signal hi and then low again to produce a clock pulse. It must be called 8 times to transfer the entire SetPoint value. Function Code 30 Motor Control Board SES Board #3 Parameter Data DATA1 No parameters are required for this function Units n/a Bounds n/a Data Type n/a Nominal Value n/a
5.4 Load DES Memory-Mapped I/O
MAR Contents Definition
NLDDES Load DES memory mapped I/O registers on the Communications board with data from the ground. The FUNCTION parameter defined below, controls which register is to be written to. Two registers are supported by this macro, the Command register and the Control register. Refer to NICMOS SER ELECT-172 for a description on the use of these registers. Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Operate, Observe MAR Op code 03 (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data FUNCTION Register select and command code. Units Bounds 00 - F0 (hex) (function codes for the Command register) FF (hex) (selector for the Control register) Note: when using FUNCTION 50 (setting the DAC's) you must first enable the DAC's using FUNCTION 10 and then disable the DAC's when your done Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 00 (hex) DATA 24 bit data word to be loaded into the selected memory mapped register. Units n/a Bounds 0 - FFFF FF Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 00 (hex) TPG TPG number (corresponding to a detector number). This parameter is required when loading the Command register. Units index Bounds 1 - 3 Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 1
NLDDES Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 FUNCTION DATA (high order) Word 1 0 0 DATA (low order) Word 2 0 0 Spare (zero fill) TPG Word 3 0 1 Spare 0 Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 4 (zero fill) fill)
MAR Contents Definition
NLDCS Load CS memory (CPU board and Communications board) with data from the ground. Refer to NICMOS SER SW-62 for information on loading CS memory. Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Boot, Operate, Observe MAR Op code 04 (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data NBYTES Number of bytes to load Units 8 bit bytes Bounds 1, 2, 4 Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 1 DADDRESS Destination address on the CPU or COMM board Units Memory location (even or odd address byte boundary) Bounds CPU board: 0600 0000 to 060F FFFF (hex) ([[Delta]] 1,048,575 dec) 82380 Peripheral: 7000 0000 to 7000 00FF (hex) 80387 Co-Processor: 8000 0000 (1 byte) COMM board: 0650 0000 to 065F FFFF (hex) ([[Delta]] 1,048,575 dec) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value NICLOADO DATA Data buffer (4 bytes) For byte data loads, fill the DATA buffer starting at DATA1, and fill one, two or all four bytes. For 16 bit word loads, fill DATA2 and DATA1 first and then DATA4 and DATA3 second. Note that DATA4 and DATA2 will be the word MSB. For 32 bit long word loads, DATA4 and DATA3 must be the high order part and DATA2 and DATA1 will be the low order part. Units n/a Bounds 0 - FF (per byte) Data Type raw binary Nominal Value 0 CSMODE (*) Boot or Operate selector Units flag Bounds 0 - 1 (0 = Operate, 1 = Boot) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0
NLDCS Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 Spare (zero fill) NBYTES Word 1 0 0 DADDRESS (high order word) Word 2 0 0 DADDRESS (low order word) Word 3 0 0 DATA4 DATA3 Word 4 0 0 DATA2 DATA1 Word 5 0 1 Spare * Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 6 (zero fill) fill)
MAR Contents Definition
NCPY2EE Copy memory contents from EDAC RAM or RAM to EEPROM. The flight software copies blocks of memory words at a time. After each block is transfered to EEPROM, it is read back and compared to the block in RAM. Miscompare errors will occur when the contents of RAM changes while the transfer is in progress. Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Boot, Operate, Observe MAR Op code 05 (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data NBYTES Number of bytes to be copied Units 8 bit bytes Bounds 1 - 1,572,864 (dec) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 1 DADDRESS Destination address in EEPROM Units Memory location (even or odd address byte boundary) Bounds EEPROM: FFE0 0000 to FFF7 FFFF ([[Delta]] 1,572,863 dec) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value NENDEE SADDRESS Source Address Units Memory location (even or odd address byte boundary) Bounds EDAC RAM: 0000 0000 to 001F FFFF RAM: 0100 0000 to 01FF FFFF Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value NENDEDAC CSMODE (*) Boot or Operate selector Units flag Bounds 0 - 1 (0 = Operate, 1 = Boot) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0
NCPY2EE Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 Spare (zero fill) NBYTES (high order) Word 1 0 0 NBYTES (low order) Word 2 0 0 DADDRESS (high order word) Word 3 0 0 DADDRESS (low order word) Word 4 0 0 SADDRESS (high order word) Word 5 0 0 SADDRESS (low order word) Word 6 0 1 Spare * Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 7 (zero fill) fill)
5.7 Copy to RAM/EDAC or RAM Memory
MAR Contents Definition
NCPY2RAM Copy memory contents from EEPROM or EDAC RAM or RAM to EDAC RAM or RAM. Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Boot, Operate, Observe MAR Op code 06 (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data NBYTES Number of bytes Units number of bytes to be copied Bounds 1 - 16,777,216 Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 1 DADDRESS Destination address in RAM Units Memory location (even or odd address byte boundary) Bounds BOOT: EDAC RAM: 0000 OPERATE: EDAC RAM: 0000 0000 to 001E EFFF RAM: 0000 to 001F FFFF RAM: 0100 0000 to 01FF FFFF 0100 0000 to 01FF FFFF Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value NICLOADO SADDRESS Source address Units Memory location (even or odd address byte boundary) Bounds EEPROM: FFE0 0000 to FFF7 FFFF EDAC RAM: 0000 0000 to 001F FFFF RAM: 0100 0000 to 01FF FFFF Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value NICLOADO CSMODE (*) Boot or Operate selector Units flag Bounds 0 - 1 (0 = Operate, 1 = Boot) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0
NCPY2RAM Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 Spare (zero fill) NBYTES (high order) Word 1 0 0 NBYTES (low order) Word 2 0 0 DADDRESS (high order word) Word 3 0 0 DADDRESS (low order word) Word 4 0 0 SADDRESS (high order word) Word 5 0 0 SADDRESS (low order word) Word 6 0 1 Spare * Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 7 (zero fill) fill)
5.8 Restore Motor Commutations
MAR Contents Definition
NCOMREST Restore the motor commutation (position) information into the SES hardware. Position data is lost when power is removed from the instrument. This macro restores the commutations for all of the motors or a subset. Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Operate, Observe MAR Op code 07 (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data FLTRWL1 B1 = Filter wheel #1 FLTRWL2 B2 = Filter wheel #2 FLTRWL3 B3 = Filter wheel #3 FOMX B4 = FOM X FOMY B5 = FOM Y PAMX B6 = PAM X PAMY B7 = PAM Y PAMFOCUS B8 = PAM Focus Units motor select flag Bounds 0 - 1 (0 = do not restore, 1 = restore) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0
NCOMREST Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 Spare B8 B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 Word 1 0 1 Spare 0 Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 2 (zero fill) fill)
5.9 Copy to TPG Memory
MAR Contents Definition
NCPY2TPG Copy TPG command and data information from EEPROM or EDAC RAM to the selected TPG. Access to a TPG is through the Detector Command Data register on the Communications board. A list of the TPG commands and associated data processed by this register is available in the NICMOS SER ELECT-172. This macro defines the information necessary to load the memory of a specified TPG. Five 32 bit TPG command words are required to write one 96 bit TPG memory word. The TPG memory destination address is embedded with-in the TPG command words. Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Operate, Observe MAR Op code 08 (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data NTPGWDS Number of 32 bit TPG command words Units TPG command words Bounds 1 - 81920 Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 1 TPG TPG number (corresponding to a detector number) Units index Bounds 1 - 3 Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 1 SADDRESS Source Address Units Memory location (even address 32 bit word boundary) Bounds EEPROM: FF E00 000 to FF F7F FFF EDAC RAM: 00 000 000 to 00 1FF FFF Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value NICLOADO
NCPY2TPG Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 Spare (zero fill) NTPGWDS (high order) Word 1 0 0 NTPGWDS (low order) Word 2 0 0 TPG Spare (zero fill) Word 3 0 0 SADDRESS (high order word) Word 4 0 0 SADDRESS (low order word) Word 5 0 1 Spare 0 Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 6 (zero fill) fill)
MAR Contents Definition
NTPG2RAM Copy memory data from a selected TPG to RAM. The CS flight software will format the TPG memory data into a single image data block for downlink to the ground using the Science Data Formatter. Notes: 1) The flight software will generate an error if this macro selects a TPG/detector which is currently being used for an exposure. 2) Use of this macro is not recommended while performing detector operations on any TPG/detector. 3) If the selected TPG/detector is in auto-reset mode when this macro is activated, the auto-reset will be terminated and must be restarted after the NTPG2RAM macro has completed. Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Operate, Observe MAR Op code 09 (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data PROGID Program ID Units n/a Bounds 3 ASCII characters Data Type Character Nominal Value 000 OBSET Observation Set Units n/a Bounds 2 ASCII characters Data Type Character Nominal Value 00 OBSID Observation ID Units n/a Bounds 2 ASCII characters Data Type Character Nominal Value 00 NTPGWDS Number of 96 bit words Units TPG memory words Bounds 1 - 4000 (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 1 TPG TPG number (corresponding to a detector number) to copy from Units index Bounds 1 - 3 Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 1 SADDRESS Starting address to copy from Units TPG memory location (even or odd address 96 bit word boundary) Bounds 0 - 3FFF (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0
NTPG2RAM Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 PROGID (1ST CHAR) PROGID (2ND CHAR) Word 1 0 0 PROGID (3RD CHAR) ZERO FILL Word 2 0 0 OBSET (1ST CHAR) OBSET (2ND CHAR) Word 3 0 0 OBSID (1ST CHAR) OBSID (2ND CHAR) Word 4 0 0 NTPGWDS Word 5 0 0 TPG SADDRESS Word 6 0 1 Spare 0 Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 7 (zero fill) fill)
MAR Contents Definition
NCLEARQS Delete all entries in the Parameter Data Queue and the Normal MAR Queue. The contents of the Command FIFO including any MARs received after the NCLRALLQ MAR are not affected by this macro. Normal or Immediate Immediate Valid Modes Boot, Operate, Observe MAR Op code 0A (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data CSMODE (*) Boot or Operate selector Units flag Bounds 0 - 1 (0 = Operate, 1 = Boot) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0
NCLEARQS Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 0 Spare * Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 1 (zero fill) fill)
5.12 Abort Current Macro Processing
MAR Contents Definition
NABORTM Halts execution of all high level macros and a subset of the code level macros. Upon receipt of this MAR, most code level macros will be allowed to complete normally. The code level macros which are aborted prior to completion are: 1) Load EDAC RAM Variable (NLDEDAC) 2) Load EDAC RAM Fixed (NLDEDACF) 3) Copy to EEPROM (NCPY2EE) 4) Move FOM Absolute (NFOMABS) 5) Move FOM Relative (NFOMREL) 6) Move PAM to Relative Position (NPAMTILT) Normal or Immediate Immediate Valid Modes Boot, Operate, Observe MAR Op code 0B (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data CSMODE (*) Boot or Operate selector Units flag Bounds 0 - 1 (0 = Operate, 1 = Boot) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0
NABORTM Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 0 Spare * Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 1 (zero fill) fill)
5.13 Collect Analog Diagnostic Data
MAR Contents Definition
NALGDIAG Initiate the collection of analog engineering data (from the telemetry list) and store it in CS buffer memory (RAM). Within CS buffer memory, a total of 11 mbytes are available for diagnostic data collection (16 mbytes - scratch pad area - reserved storage for bad block replacement). At 2 bytes per data sample, there is storage for a total of 5.7 million samples. Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Operate, Observe MAR Op code 0C (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data PROGID Program ID Units n/a Bounds 3 ASCII characters Data Type Character Nominal Value 000 OBSET Observation Set Units n/a Bounds 2 ASCII characters Data Type Character Nominal Value 00 OBSID Observation ID Units n/a Bounds 2 ASCII characters Data Type Character Nominal Value 00 COUNT Number of times that data will be collected Units Sample counter Bounds 1 - 5,767,168 (max value = 5,767,168 / number of samples to collect) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 1 PERIOD Rate at which the data will be collected Units 0.010 seconds Bounds 5 - 1000 (.050 sec - 10. sec) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 1005.13 Collect Analog Diagnostic Data continued
MUXADR01 - 16 Multiplexer addresses which are placed in the Address FIFO on the data acquisition board. At least one address must be loaded for uplink or the flight software will issue an error message in the Status Buffer. The first address encountered by the flight software which has been marked as unused will denote that there are no additional address parameters in the list. See NICMOS SER ELECT-162 for additional information. Units Multiplexer location Bounds 0 - 018F (hex) FFFF (hex) = unused address parameter Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value FFFF
NALGDIAG Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 PROGID (1ST CHAR) PROGID (2ND CHAR) Word 1 0 0 PROGID (3RD CHAR) ZERO FILL Word 2 0 0 OBSET (1ST CHAR) OBSET (2ND CHAR) Word 3 0 0 OBSID (1ST CHAR) OBSID (2ND CHAR) Word 4 0 0 Spare (zero fill) COUNT (high order) Word 5 0 0 COUNT (low order) Word 6 0 0 PERIOD Word 7 0 0 MUXADR01 Word 8 0 0 MUXADR02 Word 9 0 0 MUXADR03 Word 10 0 0 MUXADR04 Word 11 0 0 MUXADR05 Word 12 0 0 MUXADR06 Word 13 0 0 MUXADR07 Word 14 0 0 MUXADR08 Word 15 0 0 MUXADR09 Word 16 0 0 MUXADR10 Word 17 0 0 MUXADR11 Word 18 0 0 MUXADR12 Word 19 0 0 MUXADR13 Word 20 0 0 MUXADR14 Word 21 0 0 MUXADR15 Word 22 0 0 MUXADR16 Word 23 0 1 Spare 0 Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 24 (zero fill) fill)
5.14 Collect Digital Diagnostic Data
MAR Contents Definition
NDIGDIAG Initiate the collection of MEB memory data and store it in CS buffer memory (RAM). Within CS buffer memory, a total of 11 mbytes are available for diagnostic data collection (16 mbytes - scratch pad area - reserved storage for bad block replacement). At 2 bytes per data sample, there is storage for a total of 5.7 million samples. DES status information is retrieved by setting the ADRESS(x) parameter to a special value (an unused PROM address). This will signal the flight software to retrieve the detector status data using the Detector Return Data Register on the Communications board. For information on how to decode the DES status data refer to NICMOS SER ELEC-172. Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Operate, Observe MAR Op code 0D (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data PROGID Program ID Units n/a Bounds 3 ASCII characters Data Type Character Nominal Value 000 OBSET Observation Set Units n/a Bounds 2 ASCII characters Data Type Character Nominal Value 00 OBSID Observation ID Units n/a Bounds 2 ASCII characters Data Type Character Nominal Value 00 COUNT Number of times that data will be collected Units Sample counter Bounds 1 - 5,767,168 (max value = 5,767,168 / number of samples to collect) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 1 PERIOD Rate at which the data will be collected Units 0.010 seconds Bounds 2 - 1000 (.020 sec - 10. sec) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 100
continued on next page5.14 Collect Digital Diagnostic Data continued
ADRESS01 - 16 A total of 16 seperate address parameters are included in this macro, each with the characteristics shown below. At least one address must be loaded for uplink or the flight software will issue an error message in the Status Buffer. The first address encountered by the flight software which has been marked as unused will denote that there are no additional address parameters in the list. Units Memory location (even address 16 bit word boundary) Bounds 0 - FFFF FFFF where: 0 - FFFF 0000 = selects any MEB memory address (excluding ROM), DES status data is retrieved by specifying one or more of the values listed below. The value(s) must be entered in the parameter list prior to any standard memory locations. FFFF 0001 = Detector 1 Status word 1 FFFF 0002 = Detector 1 Status word 2 FFFF 0003 = Detector 1 Status word 3 FFFF 0004 = Detector 2 Status word 1 FFFF 0005 = Detector 2 Status word 2 FFFF 0006 = Detector 2 Status word 3 FFFF 0007 = Detector 3 Status word 1 FFFF 0008 = Detector 3 Status word 2 FFFF 0009 = Detector 3 Status word 3 FFFF FFFF = unused parameter Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value NDIGEMTY
NDIGDIAG Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 PROGID (1ST CHAR) PROGID (2ND CHAR) Word 1 0 0 PROGID (3RD CHAR) ZERO FILL Word 2 0 0 OBSET (1ST CHAR) OBSET (2ND CHAR) Word 3 0 0 OBSID (1ST CHAR) OBSID (2ND CHAR) Word 4 0 0 Spare (zero fill) COUNT (high order) Word 5 0 0 COUNT (low order) Word 6 0 0 PERIOD Word 7 0 0 ADRESS01 (high order word) Word 8 0 0 ADRESS01 (low order word) Word 9 0 0 ADRESS02 (high order word) Word 10 0 0 ADRESS02 (low order word) Word 11 0 0 ADRESS03 (high order word) Word 12 0 0 ADRESS03 (low order word) Word 13 0 0 ADRESS04 (high order word) Word 14 0 0 ADRESS04 (low order word) Word 15 0 0 ADRESS05 (high order word) Word 16 0 0 ADRESS05 (low order word) Word 17 0 0 ADRESS06 (high order word) Word 18 0 0 ADRESS06 (low order word) Word 19 0 0 ADRESS07 (high order word) Word 20 0 0 ADRESS07 (low order word) Word 21 0 0 ADRESS08 (high order word) Word 22 0 0 ADRESS08 (low order word) Word 23 0 0 ADRESS09 (high order word) Word 24 0 0 ADRESS09 (low order word) Word 25 0 0 ADRESS10 (high order word) Word 26 0 0 ADRESS10 (low order word) Word 27 0 0 ADRESS11 (high order word) Word 28 0 0 ADRESS11 (low order word) Word 29 0 0 ADRESS12 (high order word) Word 30 0 0 ADRESS12 (low order word) Word 31 0 0 ADRESS13 (high order word) Word 32 0 0 ADRESS13 (low order word) Word 33 0 0 ADRESS14 (high order word) Word 34 0 0 ADRESS14 (low order word) Word 35 0 0 ADRESS15 (high order word) Word 36 0 0 ADRESS15 (low order word) Word 37 0 0 ADRESS16 (high order word) Word 38 0 0 ADRESS16 (low order word) Word 39 0 1 Spare 0 Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 40 (zero fill) fill)
MAR Contents Definition
NTCUPDTE Set the science data reference time on the NICMOS instrument to match the time contained in this macro. The time is spacecraft time at the next major frame. This macro must be received by the CS flight software between a major frame pulse and 5 seconds prior to the next major frame pulse. Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Operate, Observe MAR Op code 0E (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data MFTIME Computed time of the next major frame pulse at the SI Units 125 msec Bounds 0 - 4,294,967,295 Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0
NTCUPDTE Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 MFTIME (high order word) Word 1 0 0 MFTIME (low order word) Word 2 0 1 Spare 0 Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 3 (zero fill) fill)
MAR Contents Definition
NCHKSUM Compute an additive checksum using a 16 bit unsigned integer. Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Boot, Operate, Observe MAR Op code 0F (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data CHECKSUM Ground computed checksum value Units n/a Bounds 0 - 65,535 Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0 USE Use or ignore the ground computed checksum Units software flag Bounds 0 - 1 (0 = no, 1 = yes) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0 NWORDS Total number of words to be included in the checksum calculation Units 16 bit words Bounds 1 - 8,388,608 (16,777,216 bytes) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 1 SADDRESS Starting address Units Memory location (even address word boundary) Bounds PROM: FFFF 8000 to FFFF FFFF EEPROM: FFE0 0000 to FFF7 FFFF EDAC RAM: 0000 0000 to 001F FFFF RAM: 0100 0000 to 01FF FFFF ([[Delta]] 16,777,215 dec) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value NICLOADO CSMODE (*) Boot or Operate selector Units flag Bounds 0 - 1 (0 = Operate, 1 = Boot) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0
NCHKSUM Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 CHECKSUM Word 1 0 0 Spare (zero fill) USE Word 2 0 0 Spare (zero fill) NWORDS (high order) Word 3 0 0 NWORDS (low order) Word 4 0 0 SADDRESS (high order word) Word 5 0 0 SADDRESS (low order word) Word 6 0 1 Spare * Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 7 (zero fill) fill)
MAR Contents Definition
NCSRESET Reset the CS flight software by starting execution of the Boot code. This macro also resets the 380 DMA controller, 386 CPU chip, and the 387 math coprocessor. Normal or Immediate Immediate Valid Modes Boot, Operate, Observe MAR Op code 10 (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data None CSMODE (*) Boot or Operate selector Units flag Bounds 0 - 1 (0 = Operate, 1 = Boot) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0
NCSRESET Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 0 Spare * Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 1 (zero fill) fill)
MAR Contents Definition
NJMP2OPR Begin execution of the CS Operate software in EDAC or EEPROM memory Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Boot MAR Op code 11 (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data ADDRESS Address to start execution Units Memory location (even address word boundary) Bounds EEPROM: FFE0 0000 to FFF7 FFFF EDAC RAM: 0000 0000 to 001F FFFF Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value NSTRTOPR
NJMP2OPR Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 ADDRESS (high order word) Word 1 0 0 ADDRESS (low order word) Word 2 0 1 Spare 1 Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 3 (zero fill) fill)
MAR Contents Definition
NSELFTST Initiate the software controlled self test specified in the passed parameter. Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Operate, Observe MAR Op code 12 (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data TEST Test number Units index Bounds 1 = CS Buffer Memory Test (RAM) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0
NSELFTST Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 Spare (zero fill) TEST Word 1 0 1 Spare 0 Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 2 (zero fill) fill)
5.20 Disable EDAC H/W Detection
MAR Contents Definition
NDEDACDT Disables the EDAC hardware entirely. After receipt of this macro there will be no single-bit error detection or correction, no multi-bit error detection, and no updating of the syndrome bits as EDAC RAM is written. EDAC H/W detection is enabled by the Boot code software on power-up. Refer to NICMOS SER SW-076 and SW-094 for more information on EDAC maintenance. Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Boot, Operate, Observe MAR Op code 13 (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data CSMODE (*) Boot or Operate selector Units flag Bounds 0 - 1 (0 = Operate, 1 = Boot) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0
NDEDACDT Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 Spare * Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 1 (zero fill) fill)
5.21 Enable EDAC H/W Correction
MAR Contents Definition
NEEDACCR Enable single bit error correction in the EDAC RAM. Note: Although possible, it makes no sense to enable the EDAC H/W correction if the EDAC hardware is disabled (using the NDEDACDT macro) Refer to NICMOS SER SW-076 for more information on EDAC maint. Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Boot, Operate, Observe MAR Op code 14 (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data CSMODE (*) Boot or Operate selector Units flag Bounds 0 - 1 (0 = Operate, 1 = Boot) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0
NEEDACCR Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 Spare * Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 1 (zero fill) fill)
5.22 Disable EDAC H/W Correction
MAR Contents Definition
NDEDACCR Disable single bit error correction in the EDAC RAM. Refer to NICMOS SER SW-076 for more information on EDAC maint. Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Boot, Operate, Observe MAR Op code 15 (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data CSMODE (*) Boot or Operate selector Units flag Bounds 0 - 1 (0 = Operate, 1 = Boot) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0
NDEDACCR Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 Spare * Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 1 (zero fill) fill)
5.23 Enable H/W MultiBit Error Reset
MAR Contents Definition
NEMRESET Enable automatic generation of an MEB hardware reset at the detection of a multi-bit error. Note: Although possible, it makes no sense to enable the EDAC H/W MultiBit Error Reset if the EDAC hardware is disabled (using the NDEDACDT macro) Refer to NICMOS SER SW-076 for more information on EDAC maint. Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Boot, Operate, Observe MAR Op code 16 (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data CSMODE (*) Boot or Operate selector Units flag Bounds 0 - 1 (0 = Operate, 1 = Boot) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0
NEMRESET Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 Spare * Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 1 (zero fill) fill)
5.24 Disable H/W MultiBit Error Reset
MAR Contents Definition
NDMRESET Disable automatic generation of the MEB hardware reset at the detection of a multi-bit error. Refer to NICMOS SER SW-076 for more information on EDAC maint. Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Boot, Operate, Observe MAR Op code 17 (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data CSMODE (*) Boot or Operate selector Units flag Bounds 0 - 1 (0 = Operate, 1 = Boot) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0
NDMRESET Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 Spare * Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 1 (zero fill) fill)
MAR Contents Definition
NEREFRSH Enable memory read/write (refresh) process to correct any single bit errors in all EDAC RAM. Refer to NICMOS SER SW-076 for more information on EDAC maint. Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Boot, Operate, Observe MAR Op code 18 (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data CSMODE (*) Boot or Operate selector Units flag Bounds 0 - 1 (0 = Operate, 1 = Boot) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0
NEREFRSH Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 Spare * Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 1 (zero fill) fill)
MAR Contents Definition
NDREFRSH Disable memory read/write (refresh) process to correct any single bit errors in all EDAC RAM. Refer to NICMOS SER SW-076 for more information on EDAC maint. Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Boot, Operate, Observe MAR Op code 19 (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data CSMODE (*) Boot or Operate selector Units flag Bounds 0 - 1 (0 = Operate, 1 = Boot) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0
NDREFRSH Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 Spare * Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 1 (zero fill) fill)
MAR Contents Definition
NEBWAIT Add one bus wait period to every memory access cycle time. This would be used to compensate for CS memory access degradation due to radiation exposure. The default state at power-up is for this function to be enabled. Refer to SER SW-094 & ELEC-178 for more information on using the Bus Wait function. Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Boot MAR Op code 1A (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data None
NEBWAIT Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 Spare 1 Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 1 (zero fill) fill)
MAR Contents Definition
NDBWAIT Remove the bus wait period from memory access cycle time. Refer to SER ELEC-178 for more information on using the Bus Wait function. Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Boot MAR Op code 1B (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data None
NDBWAIT Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 Spare 1 Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 1 (zero fill) fill)
5.29 Enable EDAC H/W Detection
MAR Contents Definition
NEEDACDT Enable the EDAC detection hardware by setting the EDAC detection bit in the ECM control register. The EDAC syndrome bits are then initialized by reading and writing to each EDAC memory location. The EDAC detection hardware is automatically enabled by the flight software following a power-on or EDAC multi-bit reset. RIU and watchdog timer expire resets result in the EDAC detection hardware being disabled. Software resets do not modify the enable/disable bit in the ECM control register. Refer to NICMOS SER SW-076 and SW-094 for more information on EDAC maintenance. Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Boot MAR Op code 1C (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data None
NEEDACDT Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 Spare 1 Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 1 (zero fill) fill)
MAR Contents Definition
NELIMITS Begin limit checking selected engineering data items at a one second rate. Normal or Immediate Immediate Valid Modes Boot, Operate, Observe MAR Op code 1D (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data CSMODE (*) Boot or Operate selector Units flag Bounds 0 - 1 (0 = Operate, 1 = Boot) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0
NELIMITS Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 0 Spare * Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 1 (zero fill) fill)
5.31 Disable Limits Monitoring
MAR Contents Definition
NDLIMITS Disable the limits checking software function. Normal or Immediate Immediate Valid Modes Boot, Operate, Observe MAR Op code 1E (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data CSMODE (*) Boot or Operate selector Units flag Bounds 0 - 1 (0 = Operate, 1 = Boot) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0
NDLIMITS Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 0 Spare * Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 1 (zero fill) fill)
MAR Contents Definition
NEA2DENG Sets a software flag which is checked by the flight software prior to loading the address FIFO on the data acquisition board for the collection of analog engineering data. Normal or Immediate Immediate Valid Modes Boot MAR Op code 1F (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data None
NEA2DENG Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 0 Spare 1 Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 1 (zero fill) fill)
MAR Contents Definition
NDA2DENG Disables the collection of analog engineering data (for telemetry or diagnostic data collection) by clearing a flag used by the CS flight software. Normal or Immediate Immediate Valid Modes Boot MAR Op code 20 (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data None
NDA2DENG Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 0 Spare 1 Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 1 (zero fill) fill)
MAR Contents Definition
NEDOGTIM Enables the watchdog timer by allowing the reset signal to be sent to the reset circuit when the countdown timer reaches 0. When this macro is received, the CS flight software will stroke the watchdog timer just before writing to the regester which allows the reset signal to be sent to the reset circuit. The default state of the timer on power-up is disabled. Normal or Immediate Immediate Valid Modes Boot, Operate, Observe MAR Op code 21 (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data CSMODE (*) Boot or Operate selector Units flag Bounds 0 - 1 (0 = Operate, 1 = Boot) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0
NEDOGTIM Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 0 Spare * Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 1 (zero fill) fill)
MAR Contents Definition
NDDOGTIM Disable the watchdog timer by preventing the reset signal from getting to the reset hardware. The count down circuit will still be in operation. Normal or Immediate Immediate Valid Modes Boot, Operate, Observe MAR Op code 22 (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data CSMODE (*) Boot or Operate selector Units flag Bounds 0 - 1 (0 = Operate, 1 = Boot) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0
NDDOGTIM Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 0 Spare * Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 1 (zero fill) fill)
MAR Contents Definition
NWAIT This macro will delay the activation of the next normal macro for the duration of the specified wait time. Immediate macros will still be processed. A WAITTIME of 1 will result in a macro activation delay between 10 msec and 19 msec depending on when the request was made. A WAITTIME of 0 results in no wait time other than the overhead required to call and return from the Sleep Kernal function. Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Operate, Observe MAR Op code 23 (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data WAITTIME Time to wait Units 10 msec Bounds 1 - 65,535 (~10 minutes) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 1
NWAIT Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 WAITTIME Word 1 0 1 Spare 0 Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 2 (zero fill) fill)
MAR Contents Definition
NABTWAIT Terminate the wait function initiated by the NWAIT macro. This is a macro scheduling tool which will not generate a NICMOS error message. The Abort Macro function on the other hand will generate an error message. Normal or Immediate Immediate Valid Modes Operate, Observe MAR Op code 24 (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data None
NABTWAIT Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 0 Spare 0 Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 1 (zero fill) fill)
MAR Contents Definition
NNORNOOP This command is processed through the Normal command queue. No specific instrument processing occurs as a result of this command except for incrementing the Command Received and Commands Processed counters. These counters are available in the telemetry data. Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Boot, Operate, Observe MAR Op code 25 (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data CSMODE (*) Boot or Operate selector Units flag Bounds 0 - 1 (0 = Operate, 1 = Boot) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0
NNORNOOP Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 Spare * Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 1 (zero fill) fill)
MAR Contents Definition
NIMMNOOP This command is processed through the Immediate command queue. No specific instrument processing occurs as a result of this command except for incrementing the Command Received and Commands Processed counters. These counters are available in the telemetry data. Normal or Immediate Immediate Valid Modes Boot, Operate, Observe MAR Op code 26 (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data CSMODE (*) Boot or Operate selector Units flag Bounds 0 - 1 (0 = Operate, 1 = Boot) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0
NIMMNOOP Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 0 Spare * Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 1 (zero fill) fill)
MAR Contents Definition
NDMPMEM Collect, format, and send the selected memory contents from PROM EEPROM, RAM, or EDAC RAM to the SDF for download to the ground. Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Boot, Operate, Observe MAR Op code 27 (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data PROGID Program ID Units n/a Bounds 3 ASCII characters Data Type Character Nominal Value 000 OBSET Observation Set Units n/a Bounds 2 ASCII characters Data Type Character Nominal Value 00 OBSID Observation ID Units n/a Bounds 2 ASCII characters Data Type Character Nominal Value 00 NWORDS Number of words to send to the ground Units 16 bit words Bounds 1 - 8,388,608 (dec) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 1 SADDRESS Source address Units Memory location (even address word boundary) Bounds PROM FFFF 8000 to FFFF FFFF EEPROM: FFE0 0000 to FFF7 FFFF EDAC RAM: 0000 0000 to 001F FFFF RAM: 0100 0000 to 01FF FFFF ([[Delta]] 16,777,215 dec) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value NICLOADO CSMODE (*) Boot or Operate selector Units flag Bounds 0 - 1 (0 = Operate, 1 = Boot) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0
NDMPMEM Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 PROGID (1ST CHAR) PROGID (2ND CHAR) Word 1 0 0 PROGID (3RD CHAR) ZERO FILL Word 2 0 0 OBSET (1ST CHAR) OBSET (2ND CHAR) Word 3 0 0 OBSID (1ST CHAR) OBSID (2ND CHAR) Word 4 0 0 Spare (zero fill) NWORDS (high order) Word 5 0 0 NWORDS (low order) Word 6 0 0 SADDRESS (high order word) Word 7 0 0 SADDRESS (low order word) Word 8 0 1 Spare * Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 9 (zero fill) fill)
MAR Contents Definition
NMEMMON This command allows the user to change the contents of six telemetry items by temporarily changing a memory location table which points to the telemetry item to be loaded. Specifying a memory location using this macro will cause the flight software to use the new location, instead of the default location, until a reset or power off. Note: specifying a memory monitor address using this command does not change the default memory locations. Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Boot, Operate, Observe MAR Op code 28 (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data MONWD6 Memory monitor number six Units Memory location (even address word boundary) Bounds 0 - FFFF FFFF (hex) (FFFF FFFF = use default/current setting) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value FFFF FFFF MONWD5 Memory monitor number five Units Memory location (even address word boundary) Bounds 0 - FFFF FFFF (hex) (FFFF FFFF = use default/current setting) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value FFFF FFFF MONWD4 Memory monitor number four Units Memory location (even address word boundary) Bounds 0 - FFFF FFFF (hex) (FFFF FFFF = use default/current setting) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value FFFF FFFF MONWD3 Memory monitor number three Units Memory location (even address word boundary) Bounds 0 - FFFF FFFF (hex) (FFFF FFFF = use default/current setting) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value FFFF FFFF MONWD2 Memory monitor number two Units Memory location (even address word boundary) Bounds 0 - FFFF FFFF (hex) (FFFF FFFF = use default/current setting) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value FFFF FFFF MONWD1 Memory monitor number one Units Memory location (even address word boundary) Bounds 0 - FFFF FFFF (hex) (FFFF FFFF = use default/current setting) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value FFFF FFFF CSMODE (*) Boot or Operate selector Units flag Bounds 0 - 1 (0 = Operate, 1 = Boot) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0
NMEMMON Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 MONWD6 (high order word) Word 1 0 0 MONWD6 (low order word) Word 2 0 0 MONWD5 (high order word) Word 3 0 0 MONWD5 (low order word) Word 4 0 0 MONWD4 (high order word) Word 5 0 0 MONWD4 (low order word) Word 6 0 0 MONWD3 (high order word) Word 7 0 0 MONWD3 (low order word) Word 8 0 0 MONWD2 (high order word) Word 9 0 0 MONWD2 (low order word) Word 10 0 0 MONWD1 (high order word) Word 11 0 0 MONWD1 (low order word) Word 12 0 1 Spare * Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 13 (zero fill) fill)
MAR Contents Definition
NECSPAGE Enables the use of the paging tables to map around bad memory areas. A page is defined as a 4 K byte block of memory. A page can be eliminated from or added to the available memory list by using the paging tables. Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Operate MAR Op code 2A (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data None
NECSPAGE Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 Spare 0 Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 1 (zero fill) fill)
MAR Contents Definition
NDCSPAGE Disable the use of the paging tables. Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Operate MAR Op code 2B (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data None
NDCSPAGE Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 Spare 0 Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 1 (zero fill) fill)
5.44 Restore Science Data Pointers
MAR Contents Definition
NRESTSD Restore the internal image and header control variables to the values they had prior to the most recent image dump request (NDUMPSD). If the CS FSW detects an output error (timeout on loading the output FIFO), the image control variables retain their values prior to the image dump request and the NRESTSD macro is not needed. If a transmission error occured outside of the NICMOS the image dump pointers will be changed to reflect a successful output sequence. In this case the NRESTSD macro could be used to retransmit the dump data. Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Operate MAR Op code 2C (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data None
NRESTSD Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 Spare 0 Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 1 (zero fill) fill)
5.50 Move FOM to Relative Position
MAR Contents Definition
NFOMREL Move the FOM in the specified axis by a given number of steps. The direction of travel is specified by providing a positive or negative step value. A positive value moves the mechanism in the TBD direction. Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Operate, Observe MAR Op code 0040 (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data CURRENT Motor Current Level Units percent of maximum Bounds 0 - 3 (0 = disable driver, 1 = 19%, 2 = 60%, 3 = 100%) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 2 SPEED Motor Speed Units Steps per second Bounds 4 - 7 (4 = 30, 5 = 40, 6 = 60, 7 = 120) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 7 AXIS (*) Axis Select Units Axis ID Bounds 0,1 (0 = X axis, 1 = Y axis) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0 STEPS Number of Steps Units Steps. Note: step size is 0.6 to 1.0 arc seconds depending on the current location within the field of travel. See section 6. Bounds 2 times the soft stops specified in section 6 Data Type signed integer Nominal Value 0
NFOMREL Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 CURRENT SPEED Word 1 0 0 * STEPS Word 2 0 1 Spare 0 Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 3 (zero fill) fill)
5.51 Move FOM to Absolute Position
MAR Contents Definition
NFOMABS Move the FOM in the specified axis to an absolute position specified in arc seconds from the mechanical 0,0 position. A positive value moves the mechanism in the TBD direction. Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Operate, Observe MAR Op code 0041 (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data CURRENT Motor Current Level Units percent of maximum Bounds 0 - 3 (0 = disable driver, 1 = 19%, 2 = 60%, 3 = 100%) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 2 SPEED Motor Speed Units Steps per second Bounds 4 - 7 (4 = 30, 5 = 40, 6 = 60, 7 = 120) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 7 AXIS (*) Axis Select Units Axis ID Bounds 0,1 (0 = X axis, 1 = Y axis) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0 POSITION Absolute Position Units 0.1 arc seconds at the mechanism mirror Bounds +/- 1560 arc seconds (see section 6) Data Type signed integer Nominal Value 0
NFOMABS Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 CURRENT SPEED Word 1 0 0 * POSITION Word 2 0 1 Spare 0 Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 3 (zero fill) fill)
5.52 Move Filter Wheel to Relative Position
MAR Contents Definition
NFWREL(x) Move the filter wheel to a position specified as an offset from the current position. The direction of travel is specified by providing a positive or negative step value. A positive value moves the mechanism in the TBD direction. Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Observe (the filter wheel must stay in the blank position for all other modes) MAR Op code 0042 (hex) Data Type unsigned binary integer Parameter Data CURRENT Motor Current Level Units percent of maximum Bounds 0 - 3 (0 = disable driver, 1 = 19%, 2 = 60%, 3 = 100%) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 3 SPEED Motor Speed Units Steps per second Bounds 4 - 7 (4 = 30, 5 = 40, 6 = 60, 7 = 120) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 7 WHEEL Filter Wheel Select Units Filter wheel number Bounds 1 - 3 (1 = wheel #1, 2 = wheel #2, 3 = wheel #3) Data Type unsigned binary integer Nominal Value n/a STEPS Number of Steps Units mechanism motor steps Bounds +/- 1200 (maximum move steps specified in section 6) Data Type 2's complement signed integer Nominal Value 0
NFWREL Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 CURRENT SPEED Word 1 0 0 WHEEL STEPS Word 2 0 1 Spare 0 Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 3 (zero fill) fill)
5.53 Move Filter Wheel to Absolute Position
MAR Contents Definition
NFWABS(x) Move the filter wheel to position a specified filter in the optical path. The direction of travel is computed by the flight software as the shortest travel distance. Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Observe (the filter wheel must stay in the blank position for all other modes) MAR Op code 0043 (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data CURRENT Motor Current Level Units percent of maximum Bounds 0 - 3 (0 = disable driver, 1 = 19%, 2 = 60%, 3 = 100%) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 3 SPEED Motor Speed Units Steps per second Bounds 4 - 7 (4 = 30, 5 = 40, 6 = 60, 7 = 120) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 7 WHEEL Filter Wheel Select Units Filter wheel number Bounds 1 - 3 (1 = wheel #1, 2 = wheel #2, 3 = wheel #3) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 1 FILTER Filter Number Units Filter number Bounds 1 - 20 Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 1
NFWABS Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 CURRENT SPEED Word 1 0 0 WHEEL FILTER Word 2 0 1 Spare 0 Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 3 (zero fill) fill)
MAR Contents Definition
NPAMTILT Move the PAM in the specified tilt axis by a given number of steps. The direction of travel is specified by providing a positive or negative step value. Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Operate, Observe MAR Op code 0044 (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data CURRENT Motor Current Level Units percent of maximum Bounds 0 - 3 (0 = disable driver, 1 = 19%, 2 = 60%, 3 = 100%) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 2 SPEED Motor Speed Units Steps per second Bounds 0 - 3 (0 = 7, 1 = 10, 2 = 15, 3 = 30) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 2 AXIS (*) Axis Select Units Axis ID Bounds 0,1 (0 = X axis, 1 = Y axis) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0 STEPS Number of Steps from its current location See Table 6.1-1 for step size and maximum move size information. Units Steps Bounds +/-100 Data Type signed integer Nominal Value 0
NPAMTILT Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 CURRENT SPEED Word 1 0 0 Spare (zero fill) * STEPS Word 2 0 1 Spare 0 Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 3 (zero fill) fill)
MAR Contents Definition
NPAMFCS Move the PAM in the focus axis by a given number of steps. The direction of travel is specified by providing a positive or negative step value. Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Operate, Observe MAR Op code 0045 (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data CURRENT Motor Current Level Units percent of maximum Bounds 0 - 3 (0 = disable driver, 1 = 19%, 2 = 60%, 3 = 100%) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 2 SPEED Motor Speed Units Steps per second Bounds 0 - 3 (0 = 7, 1 = 10, 2 = 15, 3 = 30) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 3 STEPS Number of Steps from its current location See Table 6.1-1 for step size and maximum move size information. Units Steps Bounds +/- 1300 Data Type signed integer Nominal Value 0
NPAMFCS Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 CURRENT SPEED Word 1 0 0 Spare STEPS Word 2 (zero fill) 0 1 Spare 0 Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 3 (zero fill) fill)
MAR Contents Definition
NSETHEAT Set the temperature setpoint for the instrument heaters. The heaters will attempt to control the dewar temperature to within 0.25[[ring]] C of the setpoint. The equation shown below computes heater counts for a given temperature in degrees Celsius. The equation is valid for temperatures between -30[[ring]] C and +20[[ring]] C. heater counts = A0 + A1(t)1 + A2(t)2 + A3(t)3 + A4(t)4 +A5(t)5 Where t = temperature in degrees Celsius A0 = 131.56 A3 = -7.64x10-4 A1 = 4.26 A4 = 2.15x10-7 A2 = 4.36x10-3 A5 = 1.37x10-7 Use the NMEMMON macro for setpoint load verification. See section 6.2.1 for the memory location address. Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Operate, Observe MAR Op code 0046 (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data SETPOINT Digital setpoint Units heater counts (bin columns in the table below) Bounds 4 - 213 (4 = -30 [[ring]]C) [[r bin [[r bin [[r bin [[r bin ing ing ing ing ]]C ]]C ]]C ]]C -20 54 -10 90 00 132 10 174 -19 57 -09 94 01 136 11 178 -18 61 -08 98 02 140 12 182 -17 64 -07 102 03 144 13 186 -16 68 -06 106 04 149 14 190 -15 71 -05 110 05 153 15 194 -14 75 -04 115 06 157 16 198 -13 79 -03 119 07 161 17 202 -12 82 -02 123 08 166 18 205 -11 86 -01 127 09 170 19 209 20 213 Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 90
NSETHEAT Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 Spare (zero fill) SETPOINT Word 1 0 1 Spare 0 Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 2 (zero fill) fill)
MAR Contents Definition
NCALAMP Activate or deactivate a selected calibration lamp. Any of the three NICMOS lamps may be turned on or off using this macro. A patchable software flag controls a function to automatically turn off the other lamps when one lamp is activated, or to do nothing with the other lamps. The default setting for this flag is to provide for automatic shut-off. Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Operate and Observe MAR Op code 80 (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data LAMP Lamp Number Units Lamp ID Bounds 1 - 3 (1 = Lamp #1, 2 = Lamp #2, 3 = Lamp #3) (Lamp corresponding to detector 1-3) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 1 STATE (*) Lamp State Units On or Off Bounds 0, 1 (0 = Off, 1 = On) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0
NCALAMP Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 Spare (zero fill) LAMP Spare (zero fill) * Word 1 0 1 Spare 0 Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 2 (zero fill) fill)
MAR Contents Definition
NDTCALIB Calibrate the DES analog to digital converters Note: 1) Access to any of the detectors will be held off during the execution of this macro. 2) Execution time = 0.040 seconds per detector (0.120 seconds using all three detectors) Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Operate, Observe MAR Op code 81 (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data DET 1 - 3 (B1 - Detector select bitmap. Three parameters with the B3) following characteristics. B1 = Detector #1 B2 = Detector #2 B3 = Detector #3 Units n/a Bounds 0 - 1 (0 = No Calibrate, 1 = Calibrate)) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0
NDTCALIB Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 Spare (zero fill) B3 B2 B1 Word 1 0 1 Spare 0 Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 2 (zero fill) fill)
MAR Contents Definition
NDTBAND(x) Change the bandwidth (timing pattern) in the electronics to Slow (40 kHz) or Fast (400 kHz). In order to complete the bandwidth change, two additional settings must be changed via memory loads: (1) the timing pattern ID [there is a seperate Fast and Slow timing pattern for each detector readout mode and each detector], and (2) a timing Pad value which defines the time required to complete a full read from the detector. Three TFPF tables define detector specific MARs: NDTBAND1, NDTBAND2, & NDTBAND3 Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Operate, Observe MAR Op code 82 (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data DETECTOR Detector number Units index Bounds 1 - 3 (1 = Detector #1, 2 = Detector #2, 3 = Detector #3) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 1 BANDWDTH (*) Detector Bandwidth Units flag Bounds 0 - 1 (0 = Fast, 1 = Slow) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0
NDTBAND Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 Spare (zero fill) * DETECTO Word 1 R 0 1 Spare 0 Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 2 (zero fill) fill)
MAR Contents Definition
NDTGAIN(x) Modify the current DES signal gain setting. On power-up, all DES gains are set to 1. See NICMOS SER ELECT-172 for more information on gain selection. Three TFPF tables define detector specific MARs: NDTGAIN1, NDTGAIN2, & NDTGAIN3 Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Operate, Observe MAR Op code 83 (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data DETECTOR Detector number Units index Bounds 1 - 3 (1 = Detector #1, 2 = Detector #2, 3 = Detector #3)) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 1 GAIN Detector Gain select Units index to predefined gain increments Bounds 0 - 3 (0 = x1, 1 = x2, 2 = x4, 3 = x8) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0
NDTGAIN Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 Spare (zero fill) GAIN DETECTO Word 1 R 0 1 Spare 0 Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 2 (zero fill) fill)
MAR Contents Definition
NSETVLT Load the TPG digital to analog converters (DACs) with voltage values for the selected detector(s). The voltage values are kept in a patchable flight software table. The following is a list of the voltage values maintained for each of the two detector sides (A & B) and further defined in NICMOS SER: ELECT-166A 1) DAC_DET_BIAS 2) DAC_OFFSET 3) DAC_VD 4) DAC_SOURCE 5) DAC_DIG_BIAS Before the voltage values take effect, they must first be enabled using the NOPRVLT macro. Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Operate, Observe MAR Op code 84 (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data DET 1 - 3 (B1 - Detector select bitmap. Three parameters with the B3) following characteristics. B1 = Detector #1 B2 = Detector #2 B3 = Detector #3 Units n/a Bounds 0 - 1 (0 = Do nothing, 1 = Detector selected) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0
NSETVLT Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 Spare (zero fill) B3 B2 B1 Word 1 0 1 Spare 0 Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 2 (zero fill) fill)
5.75 Operate Detector Voltages
MAR Contents Definition
NOPRVLT Enable or disable the voltage levels (set by the NSETVLT macro) for the selected detector(s). Upon receipt of this macro, the flight software will send the commands listed below to the selected detector for sides A & B. 1) VDD_ENBL 2) RHI_ENBL 3) VD_ENBL 4) AHI_ENBL 5) DET_BIAS_ENBL 6) VSRC_OFST_ENBL Once this macro has enabled the voltages, they may be changed using the NLDDES macro and the new value(s) will take effect immediately. Notes: 1) Access to any of the detectors will be held off during the execution of this macro. 2) Execution time = 0.480 seconds per detector (0.040 seconds per command with 12 commands per detector) 3) For more information on the detector voltages refer to "NICMOS Focal Plane Assembly User's guide", Rockwell C93-28.1/801 and NICMOS SER: ELECT-166A Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Operate, Observe MAR Op code 85 (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data OPERATE (*) Voltage enable / disable setting Units flag Bounds 0 - 1 (0 = Disable the voltages, 1 = Enable the 12 voltages) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0 DET 1 - 3 (B1 - Detector select bitmap. Three parameters with the B3) following characteristics. B1 = Detector #1 B2 = Detector #2 B3 = Detector #3 Units n/a Bounds 0 - 1 (0 = Do nothing, 1 = Select the detector ) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0
NOPRVLT Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 Spare (zero fill) * B3 B2 B1 Word 1 0 1 Spare 0 Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 2 (zero fill) fill)
MAR Contents Definition
NACCUM(x) Start a multi-initial multi-final (MIF) exposure using the selected detector. (x) = 1, 2, or 3 (separate tfpf table for each detector) Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Observe MAR Op code 86 (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data OBSID Observation ID Units n/a Bounds 2 ASCII characters Data Type Character Nominal Value 00 TDF TDF Processing Units TDF processing on or off Bounds 0, 1 (0 = off/ignore, 1 = on/use) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 1 DETECTOR Camera ID Units Detector / Camera number Bounds 1, 2, 3 Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value n/a NREAD Number of initial and final detector reads Units n/a Bounds 1 - 25 Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 1 EXPTIMID TPG expose time index Units index Bounds 1 - 255 (see the Exposure Time Table data on the following pages) Data Type unsigned long integer Nominal Value 1
NACCUM Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 OBSID (1ST CHAR) OBSID (2ND CHAR) Word 1 0 0 TDF DETECTO NREAD EXPTIMID Word 2 R 0 1 Spare 0 Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 3 (zero fill) fill)
Table 5.76-1, shown on the following two pages, lists the predefined detector exposure values supporting the NACCUM macro. The value in the Index column will be uplinked as the EXPTIMID parameter for a given exposure time. The CS flight software uses the index to reference an on-board table of TPG Counts which have been included in this table for reference. The contents of the table reflect the values defined in memo # NICMOS-95.1684 from Glen Schneider at the University of Arizona dated February 3, 1995.
Additional table specific points are listed below.
1) The look-up table of exposure times used by the flight software defines the intrevals to be used by the TPG (24-bit values) while integrating in units of 1.024ms.
2) The times in this table do NOT include the time required to do a single read of the array, nominally 270ms in the "fast" detector bandwidth mode.
3) When determining which EXPINDEX to use, the ground system must subtract the read-out duration (which is bandwidth dependent) from the proposer's requested value and find the index number of the closest (or next smallest) TPG exposure time.
4) The table is incremented in TPG exposure times of 0.1 magnitude steps. This is NOT possible for the first 9 entries in the table due to the quantization of TPG exposure times (e.g., the difference between a 2.096 and 1.048 ms is a delta-M of appx. 0.75). These first 9 entries will be stepped by 1LSB in the TPG exposure time quantization.
5) The last three table locations are reserved for ground patchable exposure times. Index locations 253, 254, and 255 correspond to detectors 1,2, and 3 respectively.
Lookup Table for Fixed Exposure Times
Inde Time TPG Inde Time TPG Inde Time TPG x (msec) Counts x (msec) Counts x (msec) Counts (1.024 (1.024 (1.024 msec) msec) msec) 0 1.024 1 44 240.640 235 88 13822.976 13499 1 1.024 1 45 263.168 257 89 15156.224 14801 2 2.048 2 46 288.768 282 90 16618.496 16229 3 3.072 3 47 316.416 309 91 18222.080 17795 4 4.096 4 48 347.136 339 92 19980.288 19512 5 5.120 5 49 380.928 372 93 21907.456 21394 6 6.144 6 50 417.792 408 94 24020.992 23458 7 7.168 7 51 457.728 447 95 26339.328 25722 8 8.192 8 52 501.760 490 96 28879.872 28203 9 9.216 9 53 549.888 537 97 31666.176 30924 10 10.240 10 54 603.136 589 98 34721.792 33908 11 11.264 11 55 661.504 646 99 38071.296 37179 12 12.288 12 56 724.992 708 100 41744.384 40766 13 13.312 13 57 795.648 777 101 45771.776 44699 14 15.360 15 58 872.448 852 102 50188.288 49012 15 16.384 16 59 956.416 934 103 55029.760 53740 16 18.432 18 60 1048.576 1024 104 60339.200 58925 17 20.480 20 61 1149.952 1123 105 66160.640 64610 18 21.504 21 62 1260.544 1231 106 72543.232 70843 19 23.552 23 63 1382.400 1350 107 79542.272 77678 20 26.624 26 64 1515.520 1480 108 87217.152 85173 21 28.672 28 65 1661.952 1623 109 95631.360 93390 22 31.744 31 66 1822.720 1780 110 104857.60 102400 0 23 34.816 34 67 1997.824 1951 111 114973.69 112279 6 24 37.888 37 68 2190.336 2139 112 126066.68 123112 8 25 41.984 41 69 2402.304 2346 113 138228.73 134989 6 26 46.080 45 70 2633.728 2572 114 151565.31 148013 2 27 50.176 49 71 2887.680 2820 115 166188.03 162293 2 28 55.296 54 72 3166.208 3092 116 182221.82 177951 4 29 60.416 59 73 3472.384 3391 117 199801.85 195119 6 30 66.560 65 74 3807.232 3718 118 219078.65 213944 6 31 72.704 71 75 4174.848 4077 119 240215.04 234585 0 32 79.872 78 76 4577.280 4470 120 263390.20 257217 8 33 87.040 85 77 5018.624 4901 121 288801.79 282033 2 34 95.232 93 78 5502.976 5374 122 316664.83 309243 2 35 104.448 102 79 6034.432 5893 123 347215.87 339078 2 36 114.688 112 80 6616.064 6461 124 380715.00 371792 8 37 125.952 123 81 7254.016 7084 125 417445.88 407662 8 38 138.240 135 82 7954.432 7768 126 457719.80 446992 8 39 151.552 148 83 8721.408 8517 127 501879.80 490117 8 40 165.888 162 84 9563.136 9339 128 550300.67 537403 2 41 182.272 178 85 10485.760 10240 129 603392.00 589250 0 42 199.680 195 86 11497.472 11228 130 661606.40 646100 0 43 219.136 214 87 12606.464 12311 131 725437.44 708435 0
Lookup Table for Fixed Exposure Times (continued)
Inde Time TPG Inde Time TPG Inde Time TPG x (msec) Counts x (msec) Counts x (msec) Counts (1.024 (1.024 (1.024 msec) msec) msec) 132 795425.79 776783 174 3000000.5 2929688 216 1.024 1 2 12 133 872167.42 851726 175 3059999.7 2988281 217 1.024 1 4 44 134 956312.57 933899 176 3120000.0 3046875 218 1.024 1 6 00 135 1048576.0 1024000 177 3180000.2 3105469 219 1.024 1 00 56 136 1149741.0 1122794 178 3240000.5 3164063 220 1.024 1 56 12 137 1260665.8 1231119 179 3299999.7 3222656 221 1.024 1 56 44 138 1382292.4 1349895 180 3360000.0 3281250 222 1.024 1 80 00 139 1515653.1 1480130 181 3420000.2 3339844 223 1.024 1 20 56 140 1661881.3 1622931 182 3480000.5 3398438 224 1.024 1 44 12 141 1822216.1 1779508 183 3539999.7 3457031 225 1.024 1 92 44 142 1998020.6 1951192 184 3600000.0 3515625 226 1.024 1 08 00 143 2190785.5 2139439 185 1.024 1 227 1.024 1 36 144 2402148.3 2345848 186 1.024 1 228 1.024 1 52 145 2633904.1 2572172 187 1.024 1 229 1.024 1 28 146 2888017.9 2820330 188 1.024 1 230 1.024 1 20 147 3166649.3 3092431 189 1.024 1 231 1.024 1 44 148 3472161.7 3390783 190 1.024 1 232 1.024 1 92 149 3807149.0 3717919 191 1.024 1 233 1.024 1 56 150 4174455.8 4076617 192 1.024 1 234 1.024 1 08 151 4577200.1 4469922 193 1.024 1 235 1.024 1 28 152 5018800.1 4901172 194 1.024 1 236 1.024 1 28 153 5503004.6 5374028 195 1.024 1 237 1.024 1 72 154 6033925.1 5892505 196 1.024 1 238 1.024 1 20 155 1859999.7 1816406 197 1.024 1 239 1.024 1 44 156 1920000.0 1875000 198 1.024 1 240 1.024 1 00 157 1980000.2 1933594 199 1.024 1 241 1.024 1 56 158 2040000.5 1992188 200 1.024 1 242 1.024 1 12 159 2099999.7 2050781 201 1.024 1 243 1.024 1 44 160 2160000.0 2109375 202 1.024 1 244 1.024 1 00 161 2220000.2 2167969 203 1.024 1 245 1.024 1 56 162 2280000.5 2226563 204 1.024 1 246 1.024 1 12 163 2339999.7 2285156 205 1.024 1 247 1.024 1 44 164 2400000.0 2343750 206 1.024 1 248 1.024 1 00 165 2460000.2 2402344 207 1.024 1 249 1.024 1 56 166 2520000.5 2460938 208 1.024 1 250 1.024 1 12 167 2579999.7 2519531 209 1.024 1 251 1.024 1 44 168 2640000.0 2578125 210 1.024 1 252 1.024 1 00 169 2700000.2 2636719 211 1.024 1 253 1.024 1 56 170 2760000.5 2695313 212 1.024 1 254 1.024 1 12 171 2819999.7 2753906 213 1.024 1 255 1.024 1 44 172 2880000.0 2812500 214 1.024 1 00 173 2940000.2 2871094 215 1.024 1 56
Index 253, 254, and 255 table data may be loaded from the ground for detectors 1,2, and 3 respectively.
MAR Contents Definition
NRAMP(x) Start a Ramp exposure using the selected detector. (x) = 1, 2, or 3 (separate tfpf table for each detector) Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Observe MAR Op code 87 (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data OBSID Observation ID Units n/a Bounds 2 ASCII characters Data Type Character Nominal Value 00 NREADS Number of equally spaced samples. Units n/a Note: NREADS should be >= 3 when CRMODE != 0 Bounds 1 - 255 If NREADS = 1 or 2 and CRMODE = 0, 1, 2 or 3 then the Data Type unsigned CS flight software will set the second integer ramp image Nominal Value 1 (cosmic ray standard deviation values) to zero. TPGEXP TPG expose time between detector reads Units 1.024 msec period Bounds 0 - 9 765 625 (10 000/.001024) Data Type unsigned long integer Nominal Value 0 TDF TDF Processing Units TDF processing on or off Bounds 0, 1 (0 = off/ignore, 1 = on/use) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 1 DETECTOR Camera ID Units Detector / Camera number Bounds 1, 2, 3 Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value n/a CRMODE Cosmic ray processing mode selection Units index Bounds 0 - 3 (0 = no cosmic ray detection, 1 = detection and marking, 2 = detection and retention of previous signal, 3 = detection and continuation of processing) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0 (operational default 3) CRMULT Cosmic ray detection threshold setting Units multiplier applied to the variance of the count rate Bounds 0 - 2047 Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0 (operational default 9) SATVALUE Pixel saturation processing enable / disable and threshold setting Units raw detector counts Bounds - 32,768 to +32,767 (-32,768 = saturation processing is off) Data Type signed integer Nominal Value 0 (operational defaults: D1 17829, D2 16911, D3 15978)
NRAMP Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 OBSID (1ST CHAR) OBSID (2ND CHAR) Word 1 0 0 NREAD TPGEXP (high order) Word 2 0 0 TPGEXP (low order) Word 3 0 0 TDF DETECTO CRMODE CRMULT Word 4 R 0 0 SATVALUE Word 5 0 1 Spare 0 Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 6 (zero fill) fill)
5.78 Start Bright Object Exposure
MAR Contents Definition
NBRTOBJ(x) Start a bright object exposure using the selected detector. (x) = 1, 2, or 3 (separate tfpf table for each detector) Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Observe MAR Op code 88 (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data OBSID Observation ID Units n/a Bounds 2 ASCII characters Data Type Character Nominal Value 00 DETECTOR Camera ID Units Detector / Camera number Bounds 1, 2, 3 Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 1 TPGEXP TPG expose time per pixel Units 1.024 msec period Bounds 1 - 255 Note: the MSB (bit 9) will always be 0 Data Type unsigned long integer Nominal Value 1
NBRTOBJ Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 OBSID (1ST CHAR) OBSID (2ND CHAR) Word 1 0 0 Spare (zero fill) DETECTO TPGEXP Word 2 R 0 1 Spare 0 Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 3 (zero fill) fill)
5.79 Start Multi-Accum Exposure
MAR Contents Definition
NMULTI(x) Start a multi-accum exposure using the selected detector. (x) = 1, 2, or 3 (separate tfpf table for each detector) Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Observe MAR Op code 89 (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data OBSID Observation ID Units n/a Bounds 2 ASCII characters Data Type Character Nominal Value 00 TDF TDF Processing Units TDF processing on or off Bounds 0, 1 (0 = off/ignore, 1 = on/use) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 1 DETECTOR Camera ID Units Detector / Camera number Bounds 1, 2, 3 Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 1 NREAD Number of detector readouts defined in TPGEXP(x) below Units n/a Bounds 1 - 25 Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 1 TPGEXP01 - 25 TPG Expose Time. 25 parameters with the following characteristics Units 1.024 msec period Bounds 0, 20 - 16,777,215 (2 24 -1) 0 = unused exposure setting 20 = the lowest valid exposure setting (allows time for s/w to set up for the next exposure, i.e. set up DMA, alloc image, populate header) Parallel detector ops require additional time allocation for the lowest exposure setting. Use a value of 20 (20.48 msec) times each active detector. The exposure settings must be contiguous starting with TPGEXP1. Data Type unsigned long integer Nominal Value 0
5.79 Start Multi-Accum Exposure continued
NMULTI Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 OBSID (1ST CHAR) OBSID (2ND CHAR) Word 1 0 0 TDF DETECTO NREAD TPGEXP01 (high order) Word 2 R 0 0 TPGEXP01 (low order) Word 3 0 0 TPGEXP02 (high order) Word 4 0 0 TPGEXP02 (low order) TPGEXP03 (high order) Word 5 0 0 TPGEXP03 (low order) Word 6 0 0 TPGEXP04 (high order) Word 7 0 0 TPGEXP04 (low order) TPGEXP05 (high order) Word 8 0 0 TPGEXP05 (low order) Word 9 0 0 TPGEXP06 (high order) Word 10 0 0 TPGEXP06 (low order) TPGEXP07 (high order) Word 11 0 0 TPGEXP07 (low order) Word 12 0 0 TPGEXP08 (high order) Word 13 0 0 TPGEXP08 (low order) TPGEXP09 (high order) Word 14 0 0 TPGEXP09 (low order) Word 15 0 0 TPGEXP10 (high order) Word 16 0 0 TPGEXP10 (low order) TPGEXP11 (high order) Word 17 0 0 TPGEXP11 (low order) Word 18 0 0 TPGEXP12 (high order) Word 19 0 0 TPGEXP12 (low order) TPGEXP13 (high order) Word 20 0 0 TPGEXP13 (low order) Word 21 0 0 TPGEXP14 (high order) Word 22 0 0 TPGEXP14 (low order) TPGEXP15 (high order) Word 23 0 0 TPGEXP15 (low order) Word 24 0 0 TPGEXP16 (high order) Word 25 0 0 TPGEXP16 (low order) TPGEXP17 (high order) Word 26 0 0 TPGEXP17 (low order) Word 27 0 0 TPGEXP18 (high order) Word 28 0 0 TPGEXP18 (low order) TPGEXP19 (high order) Word 29 0 0 TPGEXP19 (low order) Word 30 0 0 TPGEXP20 (high order) Word 31 0 0 TPGEXP20 (low order) TPGEXP21 (high order) Word 32 0 0 TPGEXP21 (low order) Word 33 0 0 TPGEXP22 (high order) Word 34 0 0 TPGEXP22 (low order) TPGEXP23 (high order) Word 35 0 0 TPGEXP23 (low order) Word 36 0 0 TPGEXP24 (high order) Word 37 0 0 TPGEXP24 (low order) TPGEXP25 (high order) Word 38 0 0 TPGEXP25 (low order) Word 39 0 1 Spare 0 Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 40 (zero fill) fill)
5.80 Perform Target Acquisition
MAR Contents Definition
NTARACQ Support the coronagraphic acquisition sequence by: creating a target location image from two images, determing the location of the target , determining the offset of that target from the occulting spot, and commnding the Field Offset Mirror (FOM) movements or an HST Small Angle Maneuver (SAM) to place the target behind the occulting spot. Target Acquisition is complete when the FOM mechanism motion is complete or the TDF returns a lock condition. Target Acquisition can be performed using detector #2 only. Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Observe MAR Op code 8A (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data OBSID Observation ID Units n/a Bounds 2 ASCII characters Data Type Character Nominal Value 00 MOTION (*) Centering Method Units flag Bounds 0 - 1 (0 = FOM, 1 = SAM) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 1 BOXSIZE Check Box Size Note: This parameter is not used by anyone. Units pixels Bounds 1 - 25 Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 3 TGPEXP TPG Expose Time Units 1.024 msec period Bounds 0 - 10 000 000 Data Type unsigned long integer Nominal Value 0
NTARACQ Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 OBSID (1ST CHAR) OBSID (2ND CHAR) Word 1 0 0 * CHECK BOX SIZE TPGEXP (high order word) Word 2 0 0 TPGEXP (low order word) Word 3 0 1 Spare 0 Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 4 (zero fill) fill)
MAR Contents Definition
NDUMPSD Initiate the downlink of the specified number of images. Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Operate, Observe MAR Op code 8B (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data Number of Images NUMBER Units Number of images Bounds 1 - 128 Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 1
NDUMPSD Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 Spare NUMBER Word 1 0 1 Spare 0 Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 2 (zero fill) fill)
5.82 Initialize Image Header Buffers
MAR Contents Definition
NINITSD Reset the Image Data Queue and the Header Queue pointers. This macro will logically clear the Image and Header queues. Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Operate, Observe MAR Op code 8C (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data None
NINITSD Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 Spare 0 Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 1 (zero fill) fill)
MAR Contents Definition
NSLEWACK This macro is generated by the NSSC-I in response to an HST slew request from NICMOS. It indicates that the slew request was received by the NSSC-I CSCOMM application processor. NSLEWACK provides no status of the actual slew maneuver. Normal or Immediate Immediate Valid Modes Operate, Observe MAR Op code 8D (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data None
NSLEWACK Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 0 Spare 0 Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 1 (zero fill) fill)
MAR Contents Definition
NTDFDOWN Take Data Flag (TDF) originates in the HST DF 224 attitude control computer, and is forwarded to NICMOS via the NSSC-I computer. When the Take Data Flag goes down, the HST spacecraft has exceeded the required stability parameters for the selected pointing mode. Note: Spacecraft recentering events will not be reflected in the TDF. Normal or Immediate Immediate Valid Modes Operate, Observe MAR Op code 8E (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data None
NTDFDWN Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 0 Spare 0 Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 1 (zero fill) fill)
MAR Contents Definition
NTDFUP When the Take Data Flag is up, the HST spacecraft stability is within the parameters required for the selected pointing mode. Normal or Immediate Immediate Valid Modes Operate, Observe MAR Op code 8F (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data None
NTDFUP Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 0 Spare 0 Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 1 (zero fill) fill)
MAR Contents Definition
NAUTO(x) Temporarily stop or start the auto reset sequence on the selected detector. Auto reset will be automatically started by the flight software after the next detector integration (imaging sequence) or at a power-up CS reset. Three TFPF tables define detector specific MARs: NAUTO1, NAUTO2, & NAUTO3 Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Operate, Observe MAR Op code 90 (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data DETECTOR Camera ID Units Detector / Camera number Bounds 1, 2, 3 Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value n/a USE (*) Start / Stop indicator Units flag Bounds 0, 1 (0 = Stop, 1 = Start) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 1
NAUTO Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 Spare (zero fill) * DETECTO Word 1 R 0 1 Spare 0 Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 2 (zero fill) fill)
5.87 Operate FPA Temperature Sensors
MAR Contents Definition
NFPATMP Enable or disable the FPA temperature sensors. The sensors should be off (disabled) during imaging operations. Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Operate, Observe MAR Op code 91 (hex) Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data OPERATE (*) Enable or disable flag Units flag Bounds 0 - 1 (0 = Disable, 1 = Enable) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0 DET 1 - 3 (B1 - Detector select bitmap. Three parameters with the B3) following characteristics. B1 = Detector #1 B2 = Detector #2 B3 = Detector #3 Units n/a Bounds 0 - 1 (0 = Do nothing, 1 = Detector selected ) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0
NFPATMP Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 Spare (zero fill) * B3 B2 B1 Word 1 0 1 Spare 0 Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 2 (zero fill) fill)
5.100 Macro Shell: Move Filter Wheel
Macro Contents Definition
NFILTER Macro Shell to move a selected filter wheel to a selected filter. Code Level Macro NFWABS Used Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Operate, Observe MAR Op code C0 Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data WHEEL Filter Wheel Select Units Filter wheel number Bounds 1 - 3 (1 = wheel #1, 2 = wheel #2, 3 = wheel #3) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 1 FILTER Filter Select Units Filter number Bounds 1 - 20 Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 1
NFILTER Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 WHEEL FILTER Word 1 0 1 Spare 0 Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 2 (zero fill) fill)
NFILTER Shell Macro Data Structure Contents
NFWABS code level macro parameter data Name Change Type Value and Description Information CURRENT fixed 2 SPEED fixed 3 WHEEL variable WHEEL parameter in NFILTER macro description above FILTER variable FILTER parameter in NFILTER macro description above
5.101 Macro Shell: Move The Field Offset Mirror
Macro Contents Definition
NFOM Macro Shell to move the FOM. Code Level Macro NFOMABS Used Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Operate, Observe MAR Op code C1 Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data AXIS (*) Axis Select Units Axis ID Bounds 0,1 (0 = X axis, 1 = Y axis) Data Type unsigned integer Nominal Value 0 POSITION Absolute Position Units 0.1 arc seconds at the mechanism mirror Bounds +/- 1560 arc seconds (see section 6.1) Data Type signed integer Nominal Value 0
NFOM Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 * POSITION Word 1 0 1 Spare 0 Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 2 (zero fill) fill)
NFOM Shell Macro Data Structure Contents
NFOMABS code level macro parameter data Name Change Type Value and Description Information CURRENT fixed 2 (medium, 60%) SPEED fixed 3 (pps120) AXIS variable AXIS (*) parameter in NFOM macro description above POSITION variable POSITION parameter in NFOM macro description above
5.102 Macro Shell: Load Imaging Programatic Numbers
Macro Contents Definition
NPROGS(x) Three macro shells which load the Program ID and Observation Set values into EDAC RAM memory for the next NICMOS image(s). (x) = 1,2, or 3 (separate tfpf table for each detector) Code Level Macro NLDEDACF Used Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Operate, Observe MAR Op code NPROGS1 = C2 (hex), NPROGS2 = C3 (hex), NPROGS3 = C4 (hex). Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data PROGID Program ID Units n/a Bounds 3 ASCII characters Data Type Character Nominal Value 000 OBSET Observation Set Units n/a Bounds 2 ASCII characters Data Type Character Nominal Value 00
NPROGS (x) Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 PROGID (1ST CHAR) PROGID (2ND CHAR) Word 1 0 0 PROGID (3RD CHAR) ZERO FILL Word 2 0 0 OBSET (1ST CHAR) OBSET (2ND CHAR) Word 3 0 1 Spare 0 Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 4 (zero fill) fill)
NPROGS(x) Shell Macro Data Structure Contents
NLDEDACF code level macro parameter data Name Change Type Value and Description Information NWORDS fixed 3 DADDRESS fixed NPROGS1 = NPROGS1, NPROGS2 = NPROGS2, NPROGS3 = NPROGS3 DATA12 fixed AAAA (hex) DATA11 fixed AAAA (hex) DATA10 fixed AAAA (hex) DATA9 fixed AAAA (hex) DATA8 fixed AAAA (hex) DATA7 fixed AAAA (hex) DATA6 fixed AAAA (hex) DATA5 fixed AAAA (hex) DATA4 fixed AAAA (hex) DATA3 variable OBSET parameter in NPROGS(x) macro description above DATA2 variable 3rd PROGID character & 0 fill byte (from NPROGS(x) macro description above) DATA1 variable 1st & 2nd PROGID characters (from NPROGS(x) macro description above)
5.200 Program Macro: ACCUM & Bandwidth
Macro Contents Definition
NACCUM(xx) Six high level program macros which execute a multi initial multi final (MIF) exposure using a specific detector and detector readout bandwidth. Code Level Macros NLDEDACF, NACCUM(x) Used Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Observe MAR Op code NACCUM1S (detector: 1, bandwidth: Slow) = EE (hex), NACCUM1F (detector: 1, bandwidth: Fast) = EF (hex), NACCUM2S (detector: 2, bandwidth: Slow) = F0 (hex), NACCUM2F (detector: 2, bandwidth: Fast) = F1 (hex), NACCUM3S (detector: 3, bandwidth: Slow) = F2 (hex), NACCUM3F (detector: 3, bandwidth: Fast) = F3 (hex), Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data Same as NACCUM(x) see macro definition 5.76
Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 OBSID (1ST CHAR) OBSID (2ND CHAR) Word 1 (p16) 0 0 TDF DETECTO NREAD EXPTIMID Word 2 (p17) R 0 1 Spare 0 Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 3 (zero fill) fill)
Flight Software Calling Tree
NLDEDACF (p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8,p9,p10,p11,p12,p13,p14,p15)
NACCUM[x] (p16,p17)
Level Level Level Level 1 2 3 4
NACCUM(xx) Program Macro Data Structure Contents
NLDEDACF code level macro parameter data Word Name Change Type Value and Description Information p1 NWORDS fixed 1 p2 - p3 DADDRESS fixed Memory address for a specific entry in a list of pointers to the Timing Pattern Table. The list is organized by exposure mode and detector number. Use one of the symbols of interest listed below with the detector number which matches the detector number selected in the MAR Op code above. NACCUMD1 (ACCUM exposure using detector #1) NACCUMD2 (ACCUM exposure using detector #2) NACCUMD3 (ACCUM exposure using detector #3) p4 - DATA12 - 2 fixed AAAA (hex) p14 p15 DATA1 fixed Timing Pattern Table pointer value. Index into the software Timing Pattern Table for the selected detector and bandwidth rate. Use one of the values listed below for the detector which matches the detector number selected in the MAR Op code above. 0 (Fast ACCUM exposure using detector #1) (400kHz) 1 (Slow ACCUM exposure using detector #1) (40kHz) 20 (Fast on detector #2) 21 (Slow on detector #2) 40 (Fast on detector #3) 41 (Slow on detector #3) NACCUM(x) code level macro parameter data p16 OBSID variable Supplied in the uplink data (see macro definition 5.76) p17 TDF variable Supplied in the uplink data (see macro definition 5.76) DETECTOR NREAD EXPTIMID
5.201 Program Macro: NRAMP & Bandwidth
Macro Contents Definition
NRAMP(xx) Six high level program macros which execute a RAMP exposure using a specific detector and detector readout bandwidth. Code Level Macros NLDEDACF, NRAMP(x) Used Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Observe MAR Op code NRAMP1S (detector: 1, bandwidth: Slow) = F4 (hex), NRAMP1F (detector: 1, bandwidth: Fast) = F5 (hex), NRAMP2S (detector: 2, bandwidth: Slow) = F6 (hex), NRAMP2F (detector: 2, bandwidth: Fast) = F7 (hex), NRAMP3S (detector: 3, bandwidth: Slow) = F8 (hex), NRAMP3F (detector: 3, bandwidth: Fast) = F9 (hex), Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data Same as NRAMP(x) see macro definition 5.77
Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 OBSID (1ST CHAR) OBSID (2ND CHAR) Word 1 0 0 NREAD TPGEXP (high order) Word 2 0 0 TPGEXP (low order) Word 3 0 0 TDF DETECTO CRMODE CRMULT Word 4 R 0 0 SATVALUE Word 5 0 1 Spare 0 Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 6 (zero fill) fill)
Flight Software Calling Tree
NLDEDACF (p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8,p9,p10,p11,p12,p13,p14,p15)
NRAMP[x] (p16,p17,p18,p19,p20,p21)
Level Level Level Level 1 2 3 4
NRAMP(xx) Program Macro Data Structure Contents
NLDEDACF code level macro parameter data Word Name Change Type Value and Description Information p1 NWORDS fixed 1 p2 - p3 DADDRESS fixed Memory address for a specific entry in a list of pointers to the Timing Pattern Table. The list is organized by exposure mode and detector number. Use one of the symbols of interest listed below with the detector number which matches the detector number selected in the MAR Op code above. NRAMPD1 (RAMP exposure using detector #1) NRAMPD2 (RAMP exposure using detector #2) NRAMPD3 (RAMP exposure using detector #3) p4 - DATA12 - 2 fixed AAAA (hex) p14 p15 DATA1 fixed Timing Pattern Table pointer value. Index into the software Timing Pattern Table for the selected detector and bandwidth rate. Use one of the values listed below for the detector which matches the detector number selected in the MAR Op code above. 8 (Fast RAMP exposure using detector #1) (400kHz) 9 (Slow RAMP exposure using detector #1) (40kHz) 28 (Fast on detector #2) 29 (Slow on detector #2) 48 (Fast on detector #3) 49 (Slow on detector #3) NRAMP(x) code level macro parameter data p16 OBSID variable Supplied in the uplink data (see macro definition 5.77) p17 NREAD variable Supplied in the uplink data (see macro definition 5.77) TPGEXP (high order) p18 TPGEXP variable Supplied in the uplink data (see macro definition 5.77) (low order) p19 TDF variable Supplied in the uplink data (see macro definition 5.77) DETECTOR CRMODE CRMULT p20 SATVALUE variable Supplied in the uplink data (see macro definition 5.77)
5.202 Program Macro: NMULTI ACCUM FAST & SLOW
Macro Contents Definition
NMULTI(xx) Six high level program macros which execute Multi-Accum exposures using a specific detector and readout bandwidth. Code Level Macros NLDEDACF, NMULTI(x) Used Normal or Immediate Normal Valid Modes Observe MAR Op code NMULTI1S (detector: 1, bandwidth: Slow) = FA (hex), NMULTI1F (detector: 1, bandwidth: Fast) = FB (hex), NMULTI2S (detector: 2, bandwidth: Slow) = FC (hex), NMULTI2F (detector: 2, bandwidth: Fast) = FD (hex), NMULTI3S (detector: 3, bandwidth: Slow) = FE (hex), NMULTI3F (detector: 3, bandwidth: Fast) = FF (hex), Data Type unsigned integer Parameter Data Word 1 - 39 NMULTI(x) - Multi-Accum exposure settings (see sect. 5.79) Word 40 MAR Op Code, Boot/Operate bit and Immediate/Normal macro bit
Uplink Format:
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 OBSID (1ST CHAR) OBSID (2ND CHAR) Word 1 0 0 TDF DETECTO NREAD TPGEXP1 (high order) Word 2 R 0 0 TPGEXP01 (low order) Word 3 0 0 TPGEXP02 (high order) Word 4 0 0 TPGEXP02 (low order) TPGEXP03 (high order) Word 5 0 0 TPGEXP03 (low order) Word 6 0 0 TPGEXP04 (high order) Word 7 0 0 TPGEXP04 (low order) TPGEXP05 (high order) Word 8 0 0 TPGEXP05 (low order) Word 9 0 0 TPGEXP06 (high order) Word 10 0 0 TPGEXP06 (low order) TPGEXP07 (high order) Word 11 0 0 TPGEXP07 (low order) Word 12 0 0 TPGEXP08 (high order) Word 13 0 0 TPGEXP08 (low order) TPGEXP09 (high order) Word 14 0 0 TPGEXP09 (low order) Word 15 0 0 TPGEXP10 (high order) Word 16 0 0 TPGEXP10 (low order) TPGEXP11 (high order) Word 17 0 0 TPGEXP11 (low order) Word 18 0 0 TPGEXP12 (high order) Word 19 0 0 TPGEXP12 (low order) TPGEXP13 (high order) Word 20 0 0 TPGEXP13 (low order) Word 21 0 0 TPGEXP14 (high order) Word 22 0 0 TPGEXP14 (low order) TPGEXP15 (high order) Word 23 0 0 TPGEXP15 (low order) Word 24 0 0 TPGEXP16 (high order) Word 25 0 0 TPGEXP16 (low order) TPGEXP17 (high order) Word 26 0 0 TPGEXP17 (low order) Word 27 0 0 TPGEXP18 (high order) Word 28 0 0 TPGEXP18 (low order) TPGEXP19 (high order) Word 29 0 0 TPGEXP19 (low order) Word 30 0 0 TPGEXP20 (high order) Word 31 0 0 TPGEXP20 (low order) TPGEXP21 (high order) Word 32 0 0 TPGEXP21 (low order) Word 33 0 0 TPGEXP22 (high order) Word 34 0 0 TPGEXP22 (low order) TPGEXP23 (high order) Word 35 0 0 TPGEXP23 (low order) Word 36 0 0 TPGEXP24 (high order) Word 37 0 0 TPGEXP24 (low order) TPGEXP25 (high order) Word 38 0 0 TPGEXP25 (low order) Word 39 0 1 Spare 0 Spare (zero MAR Op Code Word 40 (zero fill) fill)
Flight Software Calling Tree
NLDEDACF (Patch the Timing Pattern ID for Multi-Accum processing)
NLDEDACF (Patch the Timing Pattern ID for TDF processing)
NMULTI[x] (Initiate the exposure sequence)
Level Level Level Level 1 2 3 4
NMULTI(xx) Program Macro Data Structure Contents
NLDEDACF code level macro parameter data Parameter Change Type Value and Description Information NWORDS fixed 1 DADDRESS fixed A patchable memory location which defines the TPG timing pattern to use for the Multi-Accum exposure. The symbol value fixed for DADDRESS must specify the correct detector used for this high level macro. Symbol Use NMULTID1 (MULTI exposure using detector #1) NMULTID2 (MULTI exposure using detector #2) NMULTID3 (MULTI exposure using detector #3) DATA12 - 2 fixed AAAA (hex) DATA1 fixed Timing Pattern Table pointer value patched into the DADDRESS memory location. Six predefined timing patterns are provided for Multi-Accum. The Pointer Value fixed for DATA1 must agree with the detector and readout bandwidth used by this high level macro. Pointer Value Use 2...............(Fast MULTI exposure using detector #1) (400kHz) 3...............(Slow MULTI exposure using detector #1) (40kHz) 12...............(Fast on detector #2) 13...............(Slow on detector #2) 22...............(Fast on detector #3) 23...............(Slow on detector #3) NLDEDACF code level macro parameter data Parameter Change Type Value and Description Information NWORDS fixed 1 DADDRESS fixed A patchable memory location which defines the TPG timing pattern to use for a single detector read if the Take Data Flag (TDF) goes down during Multi-Accum processing. The symbol value fixed for DADDRESS must specify the correct detector used for this high level macro. Symbol Use NTDFDET1 (Detector 1 read) NTDFDET2 (Detector 2 read) NTDFDET3 (Detector 3 read) DATA12 - 2 fixed AAAA (hex) DATA1 fixed Timing Pattern Table pointer value patched into the DADDRESS memory location. Six predefined timing patterns are provided for the TDF read. The Pointer Value fixed for DATA1 must agree with the detector and readout bandwidth used by this high level macro. Pointer Value Use 8.............(Fast read using detector #1) (400kHz) 9.............(Slow read using detector #1) (40kHz) 18.............(Fast read on detector #2) 19.............(Slow read on detector #2) 28.............(Fast read on detector #3) 29.............(Slow read on detector #3)
NMULTI(xx) Program Macro Data Structure Contents
NMULTI(x) code level macro parameter data Parameter Change Type Value and Description Information OBSID variable Supplied in the uplink data (see macro definition 5.79) DETECTOR variable Supplied in the uplink data (see macro definition 5.79) NREAD TPGEXP1 (high order) TPGEXP1 variable Supplied in the uplink data (see macro definition 5.79) (low order) TPGEXP 2 (high order) TPGEXP 2 variable Supplied in the uplink data (see macro definition 5.79) (low order) TPGEXP3 (high order) TPGEXP3 variable Supplied in the uplink data (see macro definition 5.79) (low order) TPGEXP4 variable Supplied in the uplink data (see macro definition 5.79) (high order) * * * * * * * * * TPGEXP25 variable Supplied in the uplink data (see macro definition 5.79) (low order)
This section specifies the mechanism parameters required for generation of the command blocks. Table 6.1-1 lists these values for each of the NICMOS mechanisms. Operational soft stops and move size limits have been defined to provide sufficient time to enable safing if a soft stop is exceeded, and to ensure that no hard stop can be reached with a single command.
Parameter Filter FOM Pam Wheel Focus Tilt (X and Y) Hard Stop (steps) n/a +/-2138 +/-5242 +/-226 Soft Stop (steps) n/a +/-1739 +/-4843 +/-176 Maximum Move Size (motor steps) 1200 2 x Soft 1300 100 Stop Overshoot Size (motor steps) 4 4 85 5 Step Size 0.3 deg TBD 0.0012 mm/step 8.3 arcsec/step Motor Drive Current Level 100% 60% 60% 60% Motor Step Rate (steps/sec) 120 120 moves > 1300 7 steps = 30 moves <= 1300 steps = 15 Preferred Direction clockwise Positive Negative Negative
Table 6.1-1 NICMOS Mechanism Parameters
The soft stop is computed as a step offset from the hard stop, and can be calculated from the sum of three values specified in the following formula: (1) the number of motor steps traveled past the soft stop before initiating the safing sequence, (2) the number of motor steps traveled during the safing sequence, and (3) a pad so that when the motor travel is stopped it is not up against the hard stop. The following equation is derived from this formula.
Equation Parameters FOM Tilt PAM Focus PAM Tilt Step# Soft Stop step offset 399 263 50 Sps Steps / sec 120 30 7 Limitc Limit check rate (sec) 1 1 1 Cool Number of consecutive out of limits 2 2 2 conditions before safing is initiated Tlm Special engineering Telemetry output rate 0.5 0.5 0.5 (sec) NSSCI NSSC-I message processing latency (sec) 0.25 0.25 0.25 CSCCOMM CSCOMM processing latency (sec) 0.25 0.25 0.25 RTCS Relay command Safing sequence output 0.325 0.325 0.325 latency (sec) for SI side 2 using RIU B (PNSAFAMB) a pad Pad (steps) 0 163.2 26.7
Table 6.1-2 Equation Parameters used in the soft stop formula
Symbol Name Hex Value Description Software Variable Name Reference NACCUMD1* Pointer to the timing pattern pctpg_MIFTpIds[1] NACCUM(1x) data within the FSW Timing Program Table for an NACCUM exposure using detector #1. NACCUMD2* Pointer to the timing pattern pctpg_MIFTpIds[2] NACCUM(2x) data within the FSW Timing Program Table for an NACCUM exposure using detector #2. NACCUMD3* Pointer to the timing pattern pctpg_MIFTpIds[3] NACCUM(3x) data within the FSW Timing Program Table for an NACCUM exposure using detector #3. NBEGEDAC 0000 0000 First byte location in EDAC n/a memory NBEGEE FFE0 0000 First byte location in CS n/a EEPROM NBEGPROM FFFF 8000 First byte location in CS PROM n/a NBEGRAM 0100 0000 First byte location in CS RAM n/a NCOMUEE First byte of the mechanism motor commutations in EEPROM NCOMURAM First byte of the mechanism motor commutations in RAM NENDEDAC 001F FFFF Last byte location in EDAC n/a memory NENDEE FFF7 FFFF Last byte location in CS EEPROM n/a NENDPROM FFFF FFFF Last byte location in CS PROM n/a NENDRAM 01FF FFFF Last byte location in CS RAM n/a NHSPOINT Memory location for the NSETHEAT instrument heater setpoint. NICLOADB 001B 0000 Starting address (word boundry) in EDAC RAM of a 16 kbyte buffer used for loading memory from the ground while the instrument is in the Boot mode. NICLOADO 001F 0000 Starting address (word NLDEDACF boundry) in EDAC RAM of a 16 kbyte buffer used for loading memory from the ground. NMULTID1* 85EAE Pointer to the timing pattern pctpg_MACCUMTpIds[1] NMULTI(1x) data within the FSW Timing Program Table for a MULTI exposure using detector #1. NMULTID2* 85EB0 Pointer to the timing pattern pctpg_MACCUMTpIds[2] NMULTI(2x) data within the FSW Timing Program Table for a MULTI exposure using detector #2. NMULTID3* 85EB2 Pointer to the timing pattern pctpg_MACCUMTpIds[3] NMULTI(3x) data within the FSW Timing Program Table for a MULTI exposure using detector #3.
* (address not available in the data base)
6.2.1 NICMOS Addresses (continued)
Symbol Name Hex Value Description Software Variable Name Reference NPROGS1* 8077E Destination address in EDAC pcdops_ProgIdObsSet[1] NPROGS1 RAM for the PROGID and OBSET image set values for Detector #1 NPROGS2* 80784 Destination address in EDAC pcdops_ProgIdObsSet[2] NPROGS2 RAM for the PROGID and OBSET image set values for Detector #2 NPROGS3* 8078A Destination address in EDAC pcdops_ProgIdObsSet[3] NPROGS3 RAM for the PROGID and OBSET image set values for Detector #3 NRAMPD1* Pointer to the timing pattern pctpg_RampTpIds[1] NRAMP(1x) data within the FSW Timing Program Table for a RAMP exposure using detector #1. NRAMPD2* Pointer to the timing pattern pctpg_RampTpIds[2] NRAMP(2x) data within the FSW Timing Program Table for a RAMP exposure using detector #2. NRAMPD3* Pointer to the timing pattern pctpg_RampTpIds[3] NRAMP(3x) data within the FSW Timing Program Table for a RAMP exposure using detector #3. NSTRTOPR 2015C Start of Operate Code in EDAC opinit.1st main NJMP2OPR RAM (jump to address on a word boundry) NTDFDET1* 85ECE Pointer to the timing pattern pctpg_TDFTpIds[1] high level data within the FSW Timing exposure Program Table for a single control read using detector #1. macros NTDFDET2* 85ED0 Pointer to the timing pattern pctpg_TDFTpIds[2] high level data within the FSW Timing exposure Program Table for a single control read using detector #2. macros NTDFDET3* 85ED2 Pointer to the timing pattern pctpg_TDFTpIds[3] high level data within the FSW Timing exposure Program Table for a single control read using detector #3. macros NOPRRAM1 0001 1000 Operate Code in EDAC RAM NCPYOPR (image starting location on (plcp) byte boundry) NOPREE1 FFE0 0000 Start of Operate Code in NCPYOPR EEPROM (word boundry) (plcp) NVLTDT1A* 85C9C Bias voltage set command for pctpg_DetectorVoltageCommands Dewar test det 1 side a [1][1] instruction s NVLTDT1B* 85CB0 Bias voltage set command for pctpg_DetectorVoltageCommands Dewar test det 1 side b [1][6] instruction s NVLTDT2A* 85CD8 Bias voltage set command for pctpg_DetectorVoltageCommands Dewar test det 2 side a [2][1] instruction s NVLTDT2B* 85CEC Bias voltage set command for pctpg_DetectorVoltageCommands Dewar test det 2 side b [2][6] instruction s NVLTDT3A* 85D14 Bias voltage set command for pctpg_DetectorVoltageCommands Dewar test det 3 side a [3][1] instruction s NVLTDT3B* 85D28 Bias voltage set command for pctpg_DetectorVoltageCommands Dewar test det 3 side b [3][6] instruction s
* (address not available in the data base)
6.2.1 NICMOS Addresses (continued)
Symbol Name Hex Value Description Software Variable Name Reference NBBSTAT1 Buffer Box #1 On/Off status NBOOTOPR used for limit check LNBOOTOP processing in the OPERATE mode NOPRBOOT only. Reflects the setting of LNOPBOOT the detector 1 buffer box relays relative to the 'on' MEB. 16 bit software flag: 0 = Off (buffer box side A & B set to the off side) 1 = On (buffer box side A or B set to the on side) NBBSTAT2 Buffer Box #2 On/Off status. NBOOTOPR See description above. LNBOOTOP NBBSTAT3 Buffer Box #3 On/Off status. NBOOTOPR See description above. LNBOOTOP NOPRVLT1 Detector 1 voltage NBOOTOPR Enable/Disable status based on LNBOOTOP the last NOPRVLT MAR cmd. 16 NOPRBOOT bit software flag: 0 = voltages disabled 1 = voltages enabled NOPRVLT2 Detector 2 voltage NBOOTOPR Enable/Disable status. See LNBOOTOP description above. NOPRBOOT NOPRVLT3 Detector 3 voltage NBOOTOPR Enable/Disable status. See LNBOOTOP description above. NOPRBOOT NPAMSTAT PAM On/Hold status for limit ned_PAMSensorOn RNHDTPAM checking 16 bit software flag: RNPAMTHD 0 = off 1 = on NMEBSIDE MEB side setting. This pcgen_MEBStatus EEPROM location is set in EEPROM when software the Operate code is loaded. 16 load bit software flag: 0 = side1 procedures 1 = side 2
* (address not available in the data base)
6.2.2 NICMOS Enumeration Literals
Symbol Name Hex Value Description Software Variable Name Reference NDET1SW1 FFFF 0001 Detector 1 Status word 1 NDIGDIAG NDET1SW2 FFFF 0002 Detector 1 Status word 2 NDIGDIAG NDET1SW3 FFFF 0003 Detector 1 Status word 3 NDIGDIAG NDET2SW1 FFFF 0004 Detector 2 Status word 1 NDIGDIAG NDET2SW2 FFFF 0005 Detector 2 Status word 2 NDIGDIAG NDET2SW3 FFFF 0006 Detector 2 Status word 3 NDIGDIAG NDET3SW1 FFFF 0007 Detector 3 Status word 1 NDIGDIAG NDET3SW2 FFFF 0008 Detector 3 Status word 2 NDIGDIAG NDET3SW3 FFFF 0009 Detector 3 Status word 3 NDIGDIAG NDIGEMTY FFFF FFFF 'Unused' MAR parameter NDIGDIAG NMEMDEF FFFF FFFF Default or nominal value for NMEMMON MONWD(x) parameter NOPRSZB1 0010 F000 Size of the Operate Code in NCPYOPR bytes (plcp) NOPRSZW1 0000 0001 Size of the Operate Code in 16 NCHKSUM bit words (Set to 1 for testing only!!!!!!) NUNIQ1 0000 0001 NUNIQ2 0000 0002 NSAFFLD 0000 0002 NSUSPEND 0000 0008
Symbol Name Hex Value Description Software Variable Name Reference NDETBUF1 0000 FC27 Macro AP Detector 1 Stored tfpf.dat Command Buffer NDETBUF2 0000 FC77 Macro AP Detector 2 Stored tfpf.dat Command Buffer NDETBUF3 0000 FCC7 Macro AP Detector 3 Stored tfpf.dat Command Buffer NFCKSMFL 0000 F2A9 Checksum flag SAFE -> HOLD NFTCUFLG 0000 FE1B TBD AP Time code update flag tfpf.dat NICSAFE 0000 92FE NNICBUF 0000 FD03 Macro AP Generic Stored Command Buffer NREALBUF TBD Macro AP Realtime Command tfpf.dat Buffer NSAFING 0000 30B8 NSEQRQBT 0000 30D7 NSUSTATE 0000 F6B3 CSCOMM AP suspend flag
Symbol Name Base Symbol Offset Description Reference NSAFING SAFING 2 NSEQRQBT SEQRQBT 2 Sequence Request Bit
Symbol Name Base Symbol Offset Description Reference
Camera #1 Filter Set
Wheel Proposal Name Central Bandwidth Description Position Wavelength 1 (BLANK) NA NA Blank 2 F097N 0.97 1% S III Continuum 3 F095N 0.953 1% S III 4 F090M 0.9 0.8 - 1.0 5 F110M 1.1 1.0 - 1.2 6 F108N 1.083 1% He I 7 F113N 1.13 1% He I Continuum 8 F160W 1.6 1.4 - 1.8 9 F145M 1.45 1.35 - 1.55 Water 10 F166N 1.66 1% Fe II Continuum 11 F164N 1.644 1% Fe II 12 F165M 1.65 1.55 - 1.75 Water Continuum 13 F190N 1.9 1% Pashcen Alpha Cont. 14 F187N 1.875 1% Pashcen Alpha 15 F170M 1.7 1.6 - 1.8 16 F140W 1.4 1.0 - 1.8 Broad Band 17 POL0S 1.05 0.81 - 1.29 Short Polarizer - 0 deg 18 POL120S 1.05 0.81 - 1.29 Short Polarizer - 120 deg 19 POL240S 1.05 0.81 - 1.29 Short Polarizer - 240 deg 20 F110W 1.1 0.8 - 1.4
Camera #2 Filter Set
Wheel Proposal Name Central Bandwidth Description Position Wavelength 1 (BLANK) NA NA Blank 2 F165M 1.65 1.55 - 1.75 Planetary Continuum 3 F160W 1.6 1.4 - 1.8 Minimum Background 4 F110W 1.1 0.8 - 1.4 5 F205W 2.05 1.75 - 2.35 Broad Band 6 F237M 2.375 2.3 - 2.45 CO Band 7 F222M 2.225 2.15 - 2.30 CO Continuum 8 F216N 2.165 1% Brackett Gamma 9 F215N 2.15 1% H2 & Brackett Gamma Cont. 10 F212N 2.121 1% H2 11 F190N 1.9 1% Pashcen Alpha Continuum 12 F187N 1.875 1% Pashcen Alpha 13 F187W 1.875 1.75 - 2.0 14 F180M 1.8 1.765 - 1.835 HC02 band & C2 HCO2 & C2 15 F171M 1.715 1.68 - 1.75 HCO2 & C2 Continuum 16 F207M 2.075 2.0 - 2.15 17 POL0L 2.05 1.9 - 2.1 Long Polarizer - 0 deg 18 POL120L 2.05 1.9 - 2.1 Long Polarizer - 120 deg 19 POL240L 2.05 1.9 - 2.1 Long Polarizer - 240 deg 20 F204M 2.04 1.99 - 2.09 Methane Imaging
Camera #3 Filter Set
Wheel Proposal Name Central Bandwidth Description Position Wavelength 1 (BLANK) NA NA Blank 2 F175W 1.75 1.2 - 2.3 3 F215N 2.15 1% H2 Continuum 4 F212N 2.121 1% H2 5 G206 2.067 1.4 - 2.5 Grism C 6 F240M 2.4 2.3 - 2.5 CO Band 7 F205M 2.05 1.8 - 2.3 CO Continuum 8 F200N 2.0 1% SI VI Continuum 9 F196N 1.962 1% SI VI 10 F190N 1.9 1% Pashcen Alpha Continuum 11 F187N 1.875 1% Pashcen Alpha 12 G141 1.414 1.1 - 1.9 Grism B * 13 F150W 1.5 1.1 - 1.9 Grism B Continuum 14 F164N 1.644 1% Fe II 15 F166N 1.66 1% Fe II Continuum 16 F160W 1.6 1.4 - 1.8 Minimum Background 17 F113N 1.13 1% He I Continuum 18 F108N 1.083 1% He I 19 G096 0.9673 0.8 - 1.2 Grism A 20 F110W 1.1 0.8 - 1.4
* The name of filter #13 for camera 3 has been changed from G150 to F150W.
This section describes the conditions which will cause the NICMOS MEB to be reset, how the reset affects EDAC RAM memory, and what mode/state the instrument is left in.
1. Power-on reset:
* Invoked by the /NEOPER1 or /NEOPER2 command which enables the Operate relay on side one or two respectively.
* EDAC memory is cleared as part of the Boot code startup process.
* This action leaves NICMOS in the BOOT mode.
2. Reset relay (RIU reset):
* Invoked by the /NRESMEB1 or /NRESMEB2 command which does not cycle SI power.
* The contents of EDAC memory are preserved.
* This action leaves NICMOS in the BOOT mode.
3. Watchdog timer expire reset:
* Causes an internal CS H/W reset which puts NICMOS in the BOOT mode.
* The Boot flight software sends a watchdog timer reset message to the NSSC-I in Special Engineering Telemetry.
* NSSC-I suspends NICMOS resulting in an RIU reset (/NRESMEB1 and /NRESMEB2) which puts NICMOS in the BOOT mode (for the second time).
* These steps constitute a "Double Boot" scenario.
* EDAC memory is not cleared.
* This action leaves NICMOS in the SUSPEND state.
4. EDAC multi-bit error detected:
* Causes an internal CS H/W reset which puts NICMOS in BOOT mode.
* The Boot flight software sends a multi-bit error reset message to the NSSC-I in Special Engineering Telemetry.
* NSSC-I suspends NICMOS resulting in an RIU reset (/NRESMEB1 and /NRESMEB2).
* This is a "Double Boot" scenario.
* EDAC memory is cleared.
* This action leaves NICMOS in the SUSPEND state.
1. Macro command:
* Invoked by the NCSRESET MAR.
* EDAC memory is not cleared.
* This action leaves NICMOS in the BOOT mode.
2. Intel (386) exceptions (e.g., divide by zero):
* Causes an internal CS software reset which puts NICMOS in the BOOT mode.
* The Boot flight software sends an Intel exception reset message to the NSSC-I in Special Engineering Telemetry.
* The NSSC-I suspends NICMOS, resulting in an RIU reset (/NRESMEBx).
* These steps constitute a "Double Boot" scenario.
* EDAC memory is not cleared.
* This action leaves NICMOS in the SUSPEND state.