Glenn Schneider, Instrument Scientist for NICMOS, is an admitted eclipse addict who has basked in the moon's umbral shadow eighteen times since seeing his first Total Solar Eclipse in 1970. Remaining mobile and agressively seeking clear skies, he has suffered the trauma of being clouded out three only times (a track record, no pun intended, of 83.3%):

  1970  Greenville, NC USA  
  1972  Cap Chat, Quebec CANADA (clouded out)
  1973  Atlantic Ocean (off Mauritanean coast; HMS Canberra)
  1974  Cape Leeuwin, SW AUSTRALIA
  1976  Mt. Delegate, NSW AUSTRALIA
  1977  north of Bogota, COLOMBIA (clouded out)
  1979  Roy, Montana  USA
  1980  Fundisa Kibioni, KENYA
  1981  Bratsk, Siberia [former] USSR
  1983  Tunjun Koduk, Java, INDONESIA
  1984  Pacific Ocean (off New Calidonian cost; Cap du Pain)
  1986  N. Atlantic @ 44,000 ft (Cessna Citation II from Rejkavik)
  1988  Banka Island, INDONESIA
  1990  Atka Island, Alaska USA (clouded out)
  1991  Buena Vista, Baja California MEXICO
  1992  S. Atlantic @ 41,000 ft (DC-10 from Rio de Janario)
  1994  Huachacalla, Bolivia
  1995  Ghanoli, Dehli, India

Most recently he as had the privilege, and joy, of observing his 18th total
solar eclipse for 51.9 seconds from a dirt field just a few hours drive from
the Taj Mahal. 

*    <<<  Near  Infrared  Camera  and  Multi-Object  Spectrometer  >>>    *
*  Glenn Schneider        *  Phone:  1-520-621-5865                       *
*  Instrument Scientist   *  e-mail:            *
*  Steward Observatory    *  ftp:              *
*  NICMOS Project  N326   *  FAX:    1-520-621-1891                       *
*  University of Arizona  *  Telex:  467175                               *
*  Tucson, AZ 85721  USA  *  www:     *
*    !!!!  "Wishing you clear skies, and good seeing."  !!!!     -GS-     *

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