UMBRAPHILE 2.3.1 - Release Notes


This update to UMBRAPHILE is for users of the 68K version running under MacOS 7.
In this environment a "domain error" error (in version 2.3.0) when processing
data read in from an UMBRAPHILE data file. This problem should now be fixed.

This problem did NOT exist on PowerPC machines, but for symmetry (and my
bookkeeping sanity), I have also re-released UMBRAPHILE PPC as version 2.3.1.

In both versions there are a couple of cosmetic changes, AND, the "default"
local circumstances dialog now comes up with real (correct) coordinates for the MVUU
Lodge in Zambia (previously they were just test values, not corresponding to
the actual location). So PPC Users may want to get 2.3.1. In fact, I would ask
that you do before you report any problems (or features), since I really only
want to maintain one version of the source code.

See you in Africa... -GS- 4/17/2001

UMBRAPHILE 2.3.0 - ALPHA Release Notes

INITIAL Release for 21 June 2001 Eclipse

Greetings! Well, E-day 2001 is drawing ever closer. So, it was time to put out the latest incarnation of UMBRAPHILE. UMBRAPHILE 2.3.0 is now in "ALPHA Release". That means, I have
pounded on it fairly extensively myself, and it is functional, and I have found no *obvious* bugs. However, there have been many changes since the last pre-1999 eclipse release (2.2.3), and I certainly
am not satisfied that it is "good enough" for field use by anyone other than myself at this point. It needs testing, hopefully by those of you who will try to find ways of breaking it. So PLEASE DO,
and send ant bug reports to me. Most of the changes to UMBRAPHILE are internal, and will be invisible to those using it. There are about a dozen or so changes in functionality and to some minor
(but better) aspects of the user interface, which should be obvious to previous Umbraphile users. I won't bore you with the litany of detailed minor changes, but I will note those which will affect how
you use Umbrahpile.

1. CENTERLINE CONTACTS - You now can tabulate the instants of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th contacts for locations along the centerline of the eclipse as a function of the Universal Time of mid-eclipse
for any interval you wish starting and ending at U.T.'s you specify. This is done through a new CENTERLINE CONTACTS menu item, which results in a new scrollable output window with this
information, along with the altitude of the sun for each of the contacts.

2. CIIIOFF - A deficiency in the old Umbraphile has been alleviated. You now can specify a separate time-offset for Contact III independent from Contact II. This is used to affect limb profile
corrections for the instants of tangential contacts. This is a new parameter in the UMBRAPHILE input data file, and is fully described in the updated user documentation.

3. APPLY LIMB CORRECTIONS - This option is now available, and invoked through the Local Circumstances dialog. When invoked, the times of contacts 2 and 3 are adjusted according to
CIIOFF and CIIIOFF, as shown in the Local Circumstances window AND when building an exposure sequence table.

4. MAXDCYC - You can now set a threshold for checking the time-averaged duty-cycle of solenoid activation by specifying what the maximum tolerable duty cycle is for your hardware
implementation. Those using a fully electronic camera interface can set this value in the input data file to 100 and no diagnostic checking will be done when an exposure time table is built.

You will probably find many of the other "little" changes, but I believe only these warrant mentioning explicitly.

One other note:

I have *NOT* had an opportunity to upgrade Umbraphile to be used on a Universal Serial Buss. I hope to look into this in the future, but please do not count on it for the 2001 eclipse.

Please do let me hear of any problems you encounter - your fellow Umbraphile will appreciate your diligence.


Glenn Schneider
sofTouch APpLications

P.S. The last generation of "Release Notes" is still available through the UMBRAPHILE web site for historical reference.