Report by John Beattie on the Solar Eclipse Mailing List (SEML) 2017
August 21 Monday (with only minor clerical edits):
The solar elevation of 49.6° during totality, with outer corona
extending to approx. 53° elevation, will still be easy to view out
the left side because of the huge, tall B787
passenger windows which measure 47 cm by 27 cm and slant inward at the
top by an angle of 16° from vertical –
as long as each observer has his or her own window since the high sun
angle will make observing impractical from
middle seats or aisle seats.
Recently I flew Newark-Vancouver-Newark on an Air Canada B787 and found
that yes, in my opinion the remarkably large Dreamliner windows will
make observation of TSE 2019 entirely,
comfortably doable.
Here (below, left) is that aircraft as seen from the front before
boarding, with
a protractor superimposed. Note the decorative ball at top of the
flagpole is at 47.5° elevation angle as seen from the
passenger windows, and the tip of the flag itself when extended fully
is at 57.5° elevation angle. Image artifacts from this video
extract frame makes windows 3-8 hard to see, so also shown (below,
right) is another (still frame camera) photo with all these windows
Here is the view from inside the B787. Note at beginning of this video:
top of the seatback in front is only halfway up the very tall window.
Here (below) is a still photo tof the flag/ball taken through the
aircraft window with an ordinary iPhone zoom. (I should have
been aiming higher!) Note that as seen from this vantage point,
the decorative ball is much smaller than the eclipsed
sun will appear.
Here is a video out another of the B787 windows.
John B. also shot this video, through a LATAM Chilean Airlines B787
window at row 34, while awaiting departure from Madrid to Frankfurt
2017 December 13: