Total Lunar
26 May 2021 UTC
Tucson, Arizona
Glenn Schneider
(Steward Observatory and the Department of Astronomy,
The University of Arizona)
In the locally
wee hours of Mountain Standard Time (USA) I was joined by
(normally solar-) eclipse chasers John Beattie and Craig
Small to observe the total lunar eclipse (TLE) of May 26,
2021 UTC from my backyard in Tucson, Arizona. This was
an unusual TLE with a (relatively) very 'short' totality
lasting only 14 minutes as the Moon transited with a near-grazing
interior tangency through the outer-most portion of
the Earth's umbra.
With the Moon above the horizon
for most of the eclipse as seen from Tucson, in principle,
nearly the whole event should have been observable (all but
the very last few minutes of partial-phase egress occurring
after local Moonset). A dismally murky sky full of
increasingly intrusive clouds, however, took its toll on the
For us this
TLE event was a glass less than half full - drinkable only
pre-totality during the partial-ingress phase. Initially,
during partial-ingress (only), the Moon could occasionally
be seen through short 'breaks' in the otherwise obscuring
cloud cover, but often with only "mayonnaise jar"
transparency and (lack of) quality in sky cover. This gave
briefly intermittent views of the ingress phase, but with
increasing degradation as time went on. Both totality and
the pre-Moonset partial-egress phase were unfortunately
A punctuated photographic sequence
was possible for most of pre-totality ingress (only) but was
strongly affected/degraded at times in image quality and
contrast by sky haze, murk, and cloud-scattered light. (The
sequence was obtained with unequal cadence, taking images
when breaks or partial translucence in less-dense clouds
permitted while compensating with highly variable exposure
times due to cloud presence).

Photomosaic of the partial ingress phase of TLE 26 May 2021
(affected by clouds and haze). Taken with a vintage
clock-driven (tracking) Questar 3-1/2" telescope at its f/14
focus and using a Nikon D800 camera very kindly on loan from
eclipse-chaser Joel Moskowitz. All exposures at ISO 1600 with
variable exposure times due to rapidly changing cloud
transparency and cloud-scattered Moonlight.
Chronological top-left to bottom-right by row in UTC:
1: (Full Moon during penumbral ingress): 091320
2: 094430, 094913, 095759, 095949
3: 100349, 100854, 101427, 102348
4: 102840, 103343, 103950, 104405
5: 104849, 105356, 105757, 105944
We were then,
for all practical purposes, fully "skunked" out of totality
(and later egress) by a fully overcast sky. Only the
faintest barely perceptible dim splotch of locally
incoherent brightening in the clouds during the earliest
minutes of totality could be - with great difficulty -
discerned. Other than this faint hint of lunar presence
which would certainly have gone unnoticed if not a priori
being sought, essentially from totality onward a complete
"wipe out".
Despite drinking from only less
than half of a TLE glass for this event, what was seen of
the ingress phase was quite memorable, and does augment the
growing series of TLE events "chased" with clearer skies
from within my own backyard.
Some other
recent "backyard" TLE's imaged under better sky conditions:
15 APR 2014
04 APR 2015
28 SEP 2015
31 JAN 2018
21 JAN 2019
to Glenn Schneider's Eclipse Pages