Subject:  Re: The Devil in the Details WAS Re: [SE] Annular eclipses
Date:      Fri, 18 May 2001 17:51:00 -0500
From:     FRED ESPENAK <>

>Question 1.  If you apply the limb corrections for the topocentric
>lunar librations for the west coast of Panama for the 08 pril 2005 eclipse,
>what happens to the duration by the most conservative definition
>(i.e., last moment of internal tangency at 2nd and 3rd contact) as you would reckon it?

I calculate a duration of true (unbroken) annularity to last 1.2 seconds!

>Question 2. Back to the 03 Oct 1986 eclipse, I believe we were located VERY close to
>the predicted {very narrow} centerline - as I had computed the path with an
>attempt at doing a "proper" atmospheric refraction correction for our 44,000 ft.
>altitude above MSL.

Below are some calculations I made for Glenn Schneider's observations
of the total solar eclipse of 1986 Oct 03. I've calculated the center
line coordinates at 19:05:19 UT for an elevation of 13411.0 meters
(44,000 feet).

This calculation does not include refraction. In examining the
refraction algorithm I use, it is apparently valid only at sea-level
Glenn or anyone else has a subroutine/algorithm for calculating
refraction for elevations above sea-level, I would appreciate
receiving a copy. Certainly, it would be most useful in evaluating
Glenn's 1986 observations.

In any case, Glenn's observations were at 44,000 feet with the Sun at
an altitude of 7 degrees, so refraction should be quite small.
Nevertheless it would be nice to calculate its approximate magnitude.

Here are the numbers for Glenn's position (no refraction):

Hybrid Solar Eclipse - 1986 Oct 03
Delta T =    55.2 s
Elev.   = 13411.0 m
Maximum Eclipse = 19:05:19 UT
Center Line (no refraction):
lat=  59°34'29"'N   long=  039°24'54"W     duration= 00m01.5s
         Universal  Sun    Sun    Sun   --Position Angles--
Contact    Time     Alt  Azimuth   HA     P      V      Q
         h  m  s     °      °      h      °      °      °
   1    17:59:15.4  14.0  235.3   3.54  301.4  276.6   24.8
   2    19:05:18.2   6.6  250.3   4.64  117.5   88.7   28.7
  Max   19:05:19.0   6.6  250.3   4.64  210.4  181.6   28.7
   3    19:05:19.7   6.6  250.3   4.64  303.3  274.6   28.7
A smooth limb gives a duration of totality of 1.5s.

When the lunar limb profile is applied, I find:

Contact     UT
    2   19:05:19.0
    3   19:05:18.8
This means that a Baily's bead formed at the 3rd contact limb 0.2s
BEFORE 2nd contact so that totality didn't 'officially' take place.

Unofficially, this probably looked like a very short ~1 second total eclipse.

Quite a fascinating but BRIEF eclipse!

- Fred Espenak

=============== * EARLIER E-MAIL (EXTRACT) * ==================

Subject: [SE] Annular eclipses
Date:     Thu, 17 May 2001 14:07:17 -0500
From:    FRED ESPENAK <>

>The first such eclipse I saw was the 1984 annular from North
>Carolina, where the duration of annularity was ~ 7 seconds.
>While NOT a total, it WAS an amazing event.  ....

I too saw the amazing annular eclipse of 1984 May 30 and I have some
photos posted of it at the bottom of:

As you look at this mosaic of nine images taken over a period of
about 45 seconds, you will see that the eclipse was never total, nor
was it ever a complete, unbroken annular ring. At mid eclipse (middle
image), the Sun's photosphere was broken up into a series of crescent
segments and Baily's beads. Prominences, Chromosphere and inner
corona were photographed. Really quite spectacular! Now I point out
that I could not see any of this directly because the Sun was much
too bright. Nevertheless, it was quite easy to photograph.

Dennis di Cicco shot a fabulous image of this eclipse by masking the
exposed crescent with a 4.0 neutral density filter. It shows the
inner corona and a large prominence. The image was published in Sky &
Telescope in 1984 and is included in the Sky & Telescope slide set
"Glorious Eclipses." It is also reproduced in the central color
section of "Totality - Eclipses of the Sun" (Littmann, Willcox &
Espenak -

This is such an unusual eclipse, that it really belongs to a
different category than annular. I call it a "beaded annular" or
"broken annular" eclipse.

Unfortunately, I missed the extremely short 1986 total eclipse
described by Glenn Schneider
( .html)

So how do the 1984, 1986 and 1999 eclipses compare? Using a mean
lunar limb (k=0.2722810), I calculate the following magnitudes and

Date          Magnitude     Duration     Location
-----------   ---------     ---------    ---------
1984 May 30   0.9988        00m11.8s     Greenboro, NC (Espenak)
1986 Oct 03   1.0000-total  00m00.2s     Center Line at 19:06 UT
1999 Feb 16   0.9906        00m36.4s     Greenough, Australia(Espenak)
2005 Apr 08   0.9981        00m16.1s     Panama
Note that I've also included the hybrid eclipse of 2005 Apr 08. The
total phase lasts 42 seconds out in the Pacific Ocean. If no cruse
ships chase this eclipse, I will go for the beaded annular phase in
Panama. The duration and magnitude are quite comparable to the 1984

  - Fred Espenak