(G. Schneider, last update April 4, 2013)


In an email to our core group of  ecipse-fanatics  on April 4, 2013 4:28:31 AM MST, John Beattie informed all of a study I have been engaged in to assess the threat (risk) level of thunderstorms at the airport in Gabon mid-day possibly preventing the take-off as needed for a TSE2013 observation by jet.  I now report on the results of that (laborious) study. Here I try to present the data objectively, to allow you to draw your own conclusions, that may be different than my own.  Herein I discuss (a) the likelihood of Thunderstorm condition at the airport at the requisite take-off time that may not be mitigatable, and (b) if a take-off is possible, then the (smaller) risk of the potential inability of the aircraft to fly over high-altitude equatorial CN clouds - a type of cloud prevalent with thunderstorms.  This is then briefly "compared" to the prior assessed risks of a ground-based observation plan + unpressured aircraft backup from Kenya.


Gabon, as we all know is a VERY cloudy place, in particularly in November.  While the path of totality for TSE 2013 passes over Gabon, a plan for "land based" eclipse observing there was dismissed very early in our investigations.  As an alternative to potentially deliver a more "sure bet", John has been pursuing a jet charter using a Falcon 900 aircraft to be launched from Gabon at either Port Gentil or Libreville (85 miles away).  Both airports are outside of the path of totality.   Libreville has the infrastructure advantage of being the major international airport in Gabon.  However,  Port Gentil is favored because should for any reason the aircraft launch be scrubbed, the path of totality (to the north of the airport) would be accessible by road (not so from Libreville)  - though off-centerline on a peninsula jutting out into the water with (only) 27 s duration of totality.  See satellite image below. 

Port Gentil airport marked by "+".
Northern most point accessible protruding into the path of totality (dark region) indicated by red dot.
Southern limit is red line.  Centerline (over water) is blue line.

The logistics for transport (taxi or rental car) of that ground "back-up" seem quite doable (with a flight no/go decision early enough).  However, it needs to be noted that the most likely reason for a flight scrub, should that happen, would be due to a weather (notably thunderstorm) delay at airport.  In that case, the longest duration (27s) eclipse viewing site is only about 7 miles away from the airport, so if thunderstorms are ongoing at the airport itself, the chance of seeing totality only 7 miles away are very small.


In addition to coastal Gabon being "very cloudy" (~ 90% probability of obscuration of the eclipse by cloud), historical weather data initially consulted indicated a very high (80%) probability of thunderstorms (that peak annually in early-November {of course} as reported at Libreville for November at "some point in the day".   See graph below.  The same data (unfortunately) are not available for Port Gentil, specifically. However,  Libreville and Port Gentil aer both on the Gaboneese coast straddling the equator (and so in the same climate system) and in relatively close physical proximity (separate by only 85 miles along the coast).  Hence, as a statistical predictor of thunderstorm expectation, the available data for Libreville should serve as a close high-fidelity proxy also for Port Gentil.


Since mid-totality in this region is at appx 1:50 UT (=local time as Gabon is on GMT), the logical question to ask is: WHEN during the day are these anticipated thunderstorms most prevalent (if they ar not uniformly distributed)?   These data themselves, unfortunately,  do not discriminate for time of day.  Hence, to answer this question, I then consulted an aviation weather archive with a historical data record that is specifically germane in answering this question.  That archive has a web portal to access the raw data (not yet reduced), as reported in 1-1/2 hour increments w.r.t. thunderstorm activity, that allows a detailed assessment of the situation. 

In particular these data are reported from the weather station at the Libreville airport.  That is the WMI id station # 64500 (here:  The web-interface for these data is here:   While contemporary data reported for the station at the Pt. Gentile airport, historical data from that station is not available through this archive.  But, as spoken to earlier, as a statistical estimator of expectation, the Libreville historical record should serve as a very close proxy to the (unavailable) Pt. Gentil historical data.

You can go to the above link to access the Libreville historical data.  For convenience, I have a downloadable PDF file with all entries over a one month period from mid-October to mid-November 2012 you can download or display ==> HERE.   Other year data are available through the above web portal.  Below I have done just an analysis of the 1-month period centered the date of the eclipse (Nov 3) for the most recent year (2012).  I have "looked through" prior years and -- without a detailed analysis -- they all appear to tell a very similar story.

Most important is to note the data records in the columns labeled WW, W1, and W2.

WW reports the "weather present" at the time of the corresponding data record.  Importantly this notes thunderstorms present (at the airport) both with and without precipitation
W1 and W2, together report the same information but for 1-1/2 hours prior to the current record.
So, together the time granularity of reporting the occurrence of thunderstorms at the airport is every 1-1/2 hours
In terms of UTC these reports (for the times of interest) are:  10:00, 11:30, 13:00, 14:30, with totality at 13:50 UTC

Note: The data record is not fully complete, some entries for specific times/dates are not recorded.  For the 31 day period considered Oct 18, 2012 - Nov 17, 2012 the actual number of dates for which data were recorded are noted, and statistics computed only for enttries that are made (not missing), in the table below.

Here is what these historical data w.r.t. thunderstorms at the airport inform...

Oct 18, 2012 – Nov 17, 2012  Libreville Airport Station Thunderstorms

10:00 UTC
11:30 UTC
13:00 UTC
14:30 UTC
Days Reported
23 days
26 days
22 days
19 days
Days with T-STORMS
13 days
21 days
10 days
15 days


John has proposed a Port Gentil launched eclipse flight as depicted on the graphic he provided below:

The above requires a "wheels-up" time no later than appx 13:16 UT.  This is most closely matched in time for the historical data records at 13:00 UTC.  That indicates that, on average, 45% of the time there are active thunderstorms at the airport, at, or close to latest  UTC of take-off and higher earlier.

Note this is an aviation weather, not flight operations, data archive.  The percentages derived above may not necessarily fully correlate with flight delays (which could not be tolerated for an eclipse flight) or cancellations due to in situ thunderstorms.  I have been unable to find such a historical fight operations database for Gabon, and so now depart from "just the facts" and offer some subjective commentary:


Subjectively (without the benefit of  flight operations historical data), I posit it is conservatively appropriate to suggest that an aircraft (in particular a small one such as a Falcon 900) would not take off knowingly into an active thunderstorm (even if permissible, of which I am not sure).  In this I am no expert, and invite any professional jet pilots who may happen to read this (ROWLAND?) to comment.  My anecdotal experience as a passenger is that quite frequently when thunderstorms occur over the DFW airport (which are frequent in summer), I end up often waiting hours on the tarmac or gate (or sometimes overnight in a hotel) until they abate.  I would expect no different in Gabon as this is a safety issue.

John has suggested that (this est. 45% risk based on historical data) could be mitigated in the case where a T-storm over the airport that might cause a flight-delay is predicted ahead of time by an early take-off - to get  around/over it before it might cause a flight-stoppage at the airport.  In principle this sounds quite reasonable, but the same data for times earlier than appx 13:00 UTC do not support its likelihood of implementation.   E.g., at 11:30 UTC, should an advisory of a likely ground-stop for 13:00 be expected, there is an even higher (80%) chance of thunderstorms at that earlier  time as well.  On any given day this scenario might play out quite differentl, of course.  Indeep it could be a highly unusually gloriously clear day (but I would not count on that!).  This is simply what the historical record for this past year informs.

QUERY: A separate question, to John, unrelated to expectation/implementation - but relative to COST is the following.  The charter quote John has obtained is for an appx 1.6 hour flight.  If a ground-stop due to thunderstorms is predicted for the ~ 13:00 (or encroaching earlier) take-off time, but possible to obviate say with a take-off at 11:30 (if that happens to be one of the 20% times when there are not T-storms then) -- how much "extra" would this cost?  I.e., to buy-down that (small) amount of risk mitigation with an "extra" appx hour and a half for the end-to-end flight?

Detail: One could shorten the end-to-end time in the air by planning an intercept due north (closest distance) to Port Gentil.  With that the minimum time in the air would be for the airport departure maneuvers and climb to altitude (est 20 minutes), line-up and totality run (est. 10 minutes), an descent landing (est 20 minutes), so 50 minutes end-to-end.  HOWEVER, the time-criticality and concept for front-end "margin" against T-storm risk remains the same.  E.g., for this "minimum distance" flight a T.O. time of appx 13:10 UT would still be needed, which does not change the buy-down of "up front" margin for risk reduction, though the "back end" of the flight would be shorter (if we could land as planned as well).



It is sometimes mistakenly thought that eclipse-flights with  jets fully (or nearly so) mitigate the risk of cloud.  This *IS* the case at polar and near polar latitudes where the topopause in the summer (when solar eclipses are visible at high latitudes) drops to as low as 9 km and is very rarely (if ever) higher than 12 km.  THIS is exactly what made TSE 2003, T008, and soon TSE 2015 flights so appealing.  Immediately below is what I wrote about years ago for TSE 2008 (but generically applicable) and remains unchanged:

THE "WEATHER" (acuna matata)

At high polar latitudes, such as at our 82.6° N point of mid-eclipse intercept, the tropopausal boundary between the troposphere below (where "weather occurs") and the stratosphere has typical heights of only 6—9 km (compared to 12—17 km at mid and low latitudes). Polar stratospheric (nacrecous) clouds are extremely rare and only form at very low temperatures (< -78° C) during the polar winter, making the probability of cloud-free eclipse viewing nearly 100% at our flight altitude of 37,000 ft (~11.3 km) and "baseline" observing location.  Of course, we have the luxury (and flexibility) for in situ retargeting of our viewing location if that is required for any reason, however unlikely. 

At this altitude and latitude, aerosol scattering of sunlight by airborne particulates is extremely low, giving rise to an exceptionally dark sky during totality, enabling eclipse viewing with significantly enhanced image contrasts. Moreover, the airmass along the line-of-sight to the Sun is significantly reduced (by ~ 75%), resulting in exceptional sky transparency, greatly reduced atmospheric turbidity, and better astronomical "seeing".

This is not the case for equatorial eclipses where the topopause can reach up, actually in some cases, to 18 km (=59,000 ft) -- and the tops of equatorial cumulonimbus clouds can extend to the top of the correspondingly high-altitude troposphere.  John had prior indicated that the service ceiling we can expect from the Afrijet Falcon 900 is 47,000 ft (~ 14 km; which would make it a shoe-in for a polar eclipse), but not necessarily so for an equatorial eclipse.  It may be possible to eek out another half km or so, but that is getting into th "noise" for this discussion.

It should be noted that the same aviation weather historical archive from which the probability of thunderstorms as a function of time of day at the airport was derived also reports on the occurrence of occurrence of Cumulonimbous clouds (with and without high altitude anvils) in the same record (column "Cl").  The correlation with thunderstorms is extremely high - but those data do not indicate cloud-type height.  So, to assess that I consulted a global cloud-height map database maintained by the Space Science and Engineering Center (SESC) of the University of Wisconson-Madison: I reproduce the most relevant map below:


These above cloud frequency with height data do not inform on a micro-scale the specific information over the Port Gentil airport, but are of sufficient spatial resolution to inform of local probabilities of very high altitude cloud at and above an aircraft flying in the general region.  I must say there there remains some uncertainty as to the absolute calibration accuracy of these data, so there is some uncertainty here - but the trends is clear.  These data for November inform that in the equatorial zone (where the tropopause is highest) clouds persist at altitudes >= 14 km up up to ~ 20% of the time over the Oceans, and up to ~ 40% of the time over central land masses -- when clouds exist.  Note this is the frequency of occurrence at >= 14km when clouds exist - so in absolute terms one must assess when clouds exist.  Over Gabon, in November, clouds will (unfortunately) occur ~ 90% of the time.  E.g., see below:

This is confirmed locally at the Libreville airport from the prior noted aviation weather record for the time of day of interest for the eclipse in the total cloud cover (N) records.  The SESC map informs that over inland coastal equatorial Africa (Gabon) cloud above 14 km can occurs ~ 20% of the time when clouds are present.  (Digression: It is interesting to note while this increases in central equatorial Africa, this does  not persist into Northern Kenya at Lake Turkana).  And the total sky cover map (and met data records) indicate ~ 90% cloud cover.  Taken together one then infers an expectation that ~ 18% of the time when flying over Gabon in November one may still have cloud higher than 14 km.

COMMENT:  Given this quantitative risk assessment, it might make more sense to consider a Gabone launched eclipse flight to go over the Ocean (where this declines, see the SESC map) rather than inland.  However, as John separately points out, that cannot go too far from the coast as he altitude of the Sun will become problematic for windows in the falcon 900 aircraft.


From the above, I objectively conclude that, under the assumption that the immediate presence of active thunderstorms at the airport would an aircraft take-off,  that there is a 45% or greater risk of the Gabon-launched eclipse flight not getting off the ground in a requisite time window to see the eclipse.  This risk MIGHT be reduced somewhat overall by allowing for a (significantly) earlier take-off time to extend that time window for T-storm avoidance.  E.g., as early a talke-off as 11:30 would permit an aircraft to take-off under the same assumption (and additional) 20% of the time at that time of day.  I do not do a cost trade as I do not have that information. 

Additionally, if the aircraft can tale-off between times of thunderstorm activity at the airport (anticipated 55% of the time), there then is an ~ 18% risk that the aircraft cannot get high enough to overfly high-altitude CN cloud tops.  This risk may be overstated due to uncertain calibration of the SESC cloud frequency with altitude maps.  This ~ 18% risk could be reduced by planning a flight over the Ocean rather than inland.


As previously written to in emails, based on a combination of in-situ historical weather reporting at Lodwar (as a proxy to nearby SNP) and remote sensing satellite data, the derived expectation value for seeing totality from SNP unobscured by intervening cloud is 65% +/-15%  (i.e. a 35% risk of a "cloud out) from the ground.  Here (immediately below to capture this information) is what I had previously summarized,.  This is all "detail" that can be skipped if you read previously.

It is obvious to us that {on the ground} the immediate Lake Turkana area is the stand-out best location for climatological expectation of least cloud cover along the line-of-site to the Sun (despite its only 12 degree at totality altitude) -- excepting the extreme eastern end of the path with the Sun VERY low, in the Ogden region of Ethiopia and at sunset in western Somalia that we reject for these and other reasons.  The usual "metrics" that we use to try to assess the probabilities for unobscured eclipse viewing, in this case, lead to different (though still "best") expectations.  Some of those differences ar understood, but that understanding does not help close the uncertainties.

Let me summarize what we are currently working with, but also to point you to a weather summary written by a colleague of mine, Jay Anderson who is both an eclipse chaser and meteorologist from Canada here:

In particular, of course, is the information on the Lake Turkana and SNP region which is our focus.  Let me call your attention first to "Table 1" entries for Lodwar that we use as a proxy for SNP as the weather in general we expect to be quite similar.  These tabulated data are derived from in situ, on the ground, measures from Lodwar, so are in many respects "better" that what can be derived from remote sensing with satellites  (those are the maps, in particular Fig 2, which is discordant in part for that reason).

It is suggested that the column labeled "Percent of Possible Sunshine" is the best (single) indicator, with the highest correlation, to directly extract a probability of seeing the eclipse unobscured by cloud.  What this metric actually is, by definition is: ""The total time that sunshine reaches the surface of the earth, expressed as the percentage, of the maximum amount possible from sunrise to sunset
 with clear sky conditions."  In table 1 this is based on early November data averaged over many years, where the number of maximum possible daylight hours is very close 12 hours.   The data analyzed here suggest 80% (9.6 hours on average out of 12) with sunshine reaching the surface of the Earth.  Other historical data archive sites consistently report 9 hours if 12 (to the nearest hour) of 75%.  I am not concerned over that 5% difference, but is it actually that high?  This seems somewhat counter (higher) than a different method of analysis that I will explain. 

Additionally these (and other data discussed below) are not discriminated by the time of day.  What REALLY is of interest to us is the simple question: how likely is it that we will se the eclipse (from the ground) unobscured by intervening opaque clouds - with the eclipse occurring an hour before sunset with the Sun 12 degrees above the western horizon looking out over Lake Turkana?  And, what, actually, are the prevalent cloud conditions then?

There is a different way to look at this, also reflected by this table as follows.  Reported here are the (average for early November over many years) breakdown - by relative percentage - of different types of sky (cloud) conditions reported by in situ weather observers in Lodwar.  This does not, unfortunately, give actual cloud type or height, but rather the sky condition w.r.t. obscuration as: Clear, Few, Scattered, Broken, Overcast, and Obscured.  The distinction from individual observations (before averaging) is in how many eighths (or "octas") of the sky is covered by cloud of any type.  These data can be used to compute a "Calculated Cloudiness", separately from the "Percentage of Possible Sunshine" which is a weighted average of the different percentages of the sky conditions.  In some detail (more than probably needed here) the categories (not my doing, defined decades ago by NOAA and adopted globally) are as follows:

Details: "Clear is no cloud. (It is suspicious to me that for Lodwar "Clear" is so low as only 1% in Table 1). "Few" is defined as “from zero to 2 eights – any amount up to 2/8ths except for zero itself. (This MAY be why "clear" is only 1%, since "few" also allow for 0 eigthts!).  A perfect observer will observe 2 ½ eights as either 2 or 3 (doesn't matter which, as it’s the limit). Therefore, the range for the "Few" category is from zero to 2.5 eights cloud cover. The mid range is (2.5/8)*0.5 or 0.1563 (I transposed the 2 and 6 in the example I gave you). Similarly, scattered lies from 2.5 eights to 4.5 eights (formally, 3 and 4 eights). Broken lies from 4.5 eights to 8 eights. 8/8ths is overcast. Some of the categories are ranges, and some are fixed values."  -- source email from Jay Anderson

As a note "In reality, an observer is never that exact, and most will allow a small amount of cloud and still record clear, or have a few tiny openings and call it overcast."
With the above quantification, one then computes the "Calculated Cloudiness" which is in other places sometimes called the "cloud amount" as a  weighted average  that is...

   cloud amount= 0.1526*few + 0.4375*scattered +0.7813*broken +overcast +obscured +partly obscured

Many eclipse chasers rely on this number, BUT, it is actually not observationally well determined.  It DOES provide a useful metric to intercompare different sites all measured in the same way, but not so good for an "absolute calibration".  Jay Anderson (our meterologist friend who prepared the linked table) has said:

{The Calculated Cloudiness} "is merely a number for comparative purposes. I could use the mid range of the formal definition, but the difference would be very small. The main error lies in the fact that cloud distributions are usually U-shaped {not at all randomly distributed}, and so linear estimates will have built-in biases". 

So, with the above caveat to be heeded, the "calculated cloudiness" for Lodwar is formally 51%, but may under- or over- estimate the actual expectation.  The separately determined "Percent Possible Sunshine" of 75%-80% clearly paints a more optomistic picture.  Neither may be fully accurate as an expectation value - and without knowing the biases a rational thing to do is simply to average these two at about 65% with then an uncertainty of about +/-15%.

But again, despite this uncertainty -- which says we may have about a 2:3 chance of seeing totality on the ground, this does not inform at all if this the case an hour before sunset in particular.

ONE MORE THING (mostly for my colleagues).  If you look, particularly at Fig 2 on Jay's web page, the hi resolution "cloud cover" (yet still a DIFFERENTLY DERIVED metric) map this seems further discordant than with the in situ observations - far worse. Indeed this, derived from satellite remote sensing data over 24 years - and specifically using only AFTERNOON (more germane) data suggests for Lake Turkana about 65% cloud cover.  THIS, however, is NOT the same as the expectation for seeing totality - as this is for ANY type of cloud, distributed in the sky in ANY manner  Jay expressed this web page as (I add emphasis in bold):
"The satellite-derived cloud cover charts are not exactly comparable to measurements taken from the ground {Table 1} by humans and machines. Observers and machines record from one spot, with an oblique view toward the surrounding horizons. Satellites observe from altitude, but also have oblique views toward the horizon, which lies much farther away than for a ground observer. Machines see only the cloud directly overhead and assemble areal measurements by keeping track of how the overhead sky changes with time. Detection of cloud from satellites relies on complex algorithms that compare infrared- and visible-light radiation measurements to make a judgment about the extent of cloudiness in the image pixels. Both ground-based and space-based observations are concerned with cloud amount, while the important parameter for eclipse-watchers is the opacity of the cloud - does it block the Sun? In the extreme, a sky that is covered by transparent cirrus cloud could be observed as overcast (in actual fact, it would be recorded as "thin overcast") though it provides little impediment to viewing an eclipse. The upshot is that satellite and surface-based observations are probably biased to report a heavier cloud cover than actually exists. The cloud charts in Figure 1 and 2 should then be used to compare sites with each other rather than to derive an exact probability of seeing the eclipse. That statistic is best represented by the percent of possible sunshine in Table 1."


This est. ~ 35% +/- 15% risk of cloud out from SNP, Lake Turkana is reduced with a much less optimal ("last ditch") observation by air from the Caravan 208B aircraft at ~ 12.5 kft.  This aircraft will not be able to get over cloud above that level.  The expectation value for that is uncertain.  Complete overcast is very highly unlikely from the historical record, but if so (2 days a month we might expect a cloud-out from a thunderstorm), otherwise when there is cloud so we might elect to take to the air, we probably will have broken to scattered conditions likely about 50% of the time above or below the ceiling limits of the aircraft -- but that number is not so well determined.  This will be discussed in more detail later.