Where is the Mvuu Lodge?

According to Johan it is located at:
Latitude: -15° 45' 55"
Longitude: +29° 13' 11"

What is the Duration of Totality from There?

I have computed the local circumstances of the eclipse for this location correcting for the limb profile as a function of the lunar topocentric libration, and using a center-of-figure lunar ellipsoid over a dynamical center-of-mass.  Here's what we would get from that site:

Where is the lodge relative to Lusaka?
Can we move to an alternate site to escape clouds?

HERE, you can bring up a 500,000:1 map of the Lusaka region which includes the Mvuu lodge,which shows the road network in the area.  (This is a big .gif file, 2080x1543 pixels.  You can also see a HALF-SIZE rendering of the same map).  I have overlaid the centerline, and northern and southern limits, so you can see where the lodge is w.r.t. Lusaka, and what the overland "escape" routes might be.  I have informed Johan that we would want a vehicle on stand-by the day of the the eclipse (and likely the day before), and he indicated in an email that a safari vehicle for ~ 12 could be arranged.  He, later, can inform us about the suitability and reliability of specific roads.  Since I'll be there a few days ahead of time, I would probably check this out first hand anyway.
